23 research outputs found

    Comparison of reflectance confocal microscopy and line-field optical coherence tomography for the identification of keratinocyte skin tumours

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    Background: Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) are non-invasive imaging devices that can help in the clinical diagnosis of actinic keratosis (AK) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). No studies are available on the comparison between these two technologies for the identification of the different features of keratinocyte skin tumours. Objectives: To compare RCM and LC-OCT findings in AK and SCC. Methods: A retrospective multicenter study was conducted. Tumours were imaged with RCM and LC-OCT devices before surgery, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histological examinations. LC-OCT and RCM criteria for AK/SCC were identified, and their presence/absence was evaluated in all study lesions. Gwet AC1 concordance index was calculated to compare RCM and LC-OCT. Results: We included 52 patients with 33 AKs and 19 SCCs. Irregular epidermis was visible in most tumours and with a good degree of agreement between RCM and LC-OCT (Gwet's AC1 0.74). Parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and both linear dilated and glomerular vessels were better visible at LC-OCT than RCM (p < 0.001). Erosion/ulceration was identified with both methods in more than half of the cases with a good degree of agreement (Gwet AC1 0.62). Conclusions: Our results suggest that both LC-OCT and hand-held RCM can help clinicians in the identification of AK and SCC, providing an in vivo and non-invasive identification of an irregular epidermis. LC-OCT proved to be more effective in identifying parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and vessels in this series

    Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography of cutaneous vascular lesions: Morphological assessment and histopathological correlations

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    Background: Cutaneous vascular lesions (VLs) are benign or malignant processes involving blood and/or lymphatic vessels, usually readily diagnosed with dermoscopy. However, cases showing unclear clinical/dermoscopic findings may require further investigations. Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) is a new, non-invasive imaging technique displaying high resolution and deep penetration. The aim of this study was to describe the LC-OCT features of the most common benign and malignant VLs and to correlate them with histopathological substrates. Methods: Clinical, dermoscopic, LC-OCT and histopathological images of VLs were retrospectively collected. Detailed LC-OCT description and histopathological correlations were produced for different types of VLs. Results: The study included 71 VLs belonging to 50 caucasian patients [31 (62%) females; median age 56.8 (30–83) years] study lesions included 25 cherry haemangiomas, 15 angiokeratomas, 10 thrombosed haemangiomas, six pyogenic granulomas, five venous lakes, four targetoid haemosiderotic haemangiomas, four Kaposi's sarcomas and two extraungual glomus tumours. LC-OCT detected increased dermal vascularity, assuming different size and shape according to the particular type of VLs. LC-OCT criteria correlated well to established histopathologic findings. Conclusion: The results of our preliminary observations indicate that in vivo evaluation with LC-OCT may provide practical clues for the identification of the vascular nature of a lesion and its differential diagnosis

    Jellyfish Sting-In Vivo Imaging for Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring.

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    This case report describes the utility of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) in confirming clinical diagnosis and monitoring treatment response in patients with jellyfish stings. Jellyfish stings are a common nuisance for sea bathers worldwide. Pelagia noctiluca is usually considered to be the most important species of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea owing to its widespread distribution, ecological role, and accidental interactions with humans.1 The common mechanism through which jellyfish discharge toxins during contact with their prey is attributed to structures called nematocysts, which are barbs studding the tentacles as well as the upper surface of the bell.

    Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography in melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors

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    INTRODUCTION: Line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) is a recently introduced, non-invasive skin imaging technique combining the technical advantages of reflectance confocal microscopy and conventional OCT in terms of isotropic resolution and in-tissue penetration. Several studies have been published so far about the use of LC-OCT in melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors. The aim of this review was to summarize the currently available data on the use of LC-OCT for benign and malignant melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We searched scientific databases for any literature published up to 30th April 2023 and concerning the use of LC-OCT for melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin tumors. Identified papers were evaluated, and relevant information was extracted. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: A total of 29 studies were found including original articles, short reports, and letters to the Editor: 6 applied to melanocytic skin tumors, 22 to non-melanocytic skin tumors and 1 to both. The use of LC-OCT increased the diagnostic accuracy for melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions. The highest diagnostic performance was found for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), but significant improvements in the diagnostic accuracy were also detected for the differentiation of actinic keratosis (AK) from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and of melanoma from nevi. The LC-OCT features of other skin tumors were also described and successfully correlated with histopathology. CONCLUSIONS: LC-OCT proved to increase the diagnostic accuracy for melanocytic and non-melanocytic skin lesions, thanks to the combination of high resolution/penetration, 3D reconstructions, and integrated dermoscopy. Although BCC seems the most suitable tumors for LC-OCT examination, the device is extremely performant for the differentiation of AK from SCC and the discrimination of melanoma from nevi as well. Additional studies on diagnostic performance and new investigations about the presurgical assessment of tumor margins with LC-OCT and its association with human and artificial intelligence algorithms are in progress

    Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Applied to Folliculitis Decalvans: Preliminary Results of a Multicenter Study

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    Although trichoscopic criteria indicative of disease severity and inflammatory activity have been recently proposed, the potential use of reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) in the evaluation of the inflammatory stage of FD has never been published to date. Our study investigated RCM features of 14 patients with a histopathological diagnosis of FD, evaluating clinical and trichoscopic findings. RCM findings were divided into 2 main patterns: "follicular" and "interfollicular." Our results suggest a potential role for RCM as a noninvasive, fast technique for a complementary investigation in the diagnostic process, as well as in the therapeutic management decision

    A Review of Existing Therapies for Actinic Keratosis: Current Status and Future Directions

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    Actinic keratosis (AK) is a chronic skin disease in which clinical and subclinical cutaneous lesions coexist on sun-exposed areas such as the head and neck region and the extremities. The high prevalence of AK means the disease burden is substantial, especially in middle-aged and elderly populations. Evidence indicates that AK may progress into invasive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, so the European guidelines recommend treatment of any AK regardless of clinical severity. Given the aging population and therefore the increasing incidence of AK and cutaneous field carcinogenesis, further updates on the long-term efficacy of current therapies and new investigational agents are critical to guide treatment choice. Patients often have difficulty adequately applying topical treatments and coping with adverse local skin reactions, leading to less than optimum treatment adherence. The development of associated local skin symptoms and cosmetic outcomes for the area of interest are also relevant to the choice of an appropriate therapeutic strategy. Treatment is always individually tailored according to the characteristics of both patients and lesions. This review focuses on the therapeutic approaches to AK and illustrates the currently available home-based and physician-managed treatments