270 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and cities. From urban health strategies to the pandemic challenge. a decalogue of public health opportunities

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    Contesto e scopo del lavoro. La pandemia in corso di COVID-19, che al giorno d'oggi ha superato 2,5 milioni di infezioni notificate nel mondo e circa 200.000 morti, è un forte promemoria che l'urbanizzazione ha cambiato il modo in cui persone e comunità vivono, lavorano e interagiscono, ed è necessario rendere i sistemi e le capacità locali resilienti per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive. Come possiamo riprogettare il concetto di sanità pubblica in relazione all'ambiente costruito e alle città contemporanee? Metodi. Secondo le dichiarazioni e lo scenario precedenti, l'obiettivo di questo documento è integrare gli obiettivi strategici di Urban Health, concentrando le possibili risposte, sia immediate che a medio-lungo termine, agli attuali aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del "periodo" di distanziamento fisico. Risultati. Le azioni immediate sono 01. programmare la flessibilità degli orari delle città; 02. pianificare una rete di mobilità intelligente e sostenibile; 03. definire un piano di servizi di vicinato; 04. sviluppare una digitalizzazione del contesto urbano, promuovendo le comunità intelligenti; 05. ripensare l'accessibilità ai luoghi della cultura e del turismo. Le azioni a medio lungo termine sono 06. progettare la flessibilità interna degli spazi abitativi domestici; 07. ripensare le tipologie di edifici, favorendo la presenza di spazi semi-privati ​​o collettivi; 08. rinnovare la rete dei servizi di assistenza di base; 09. integrare i piani di emergenza ambientale esistenti, con quelli relativi alle emergenze sanitarie; 10. migliorare la consapevolezza delle parti interessate sui fattori che influenzano la salute pubblica nelle città. Conclusioni. Il decalogo delle opportunità di sanità pubblica può fornire una base utile per progettisti (architetti e urbanisti), responsabili politici, esperti di sanità pubblica e agenzie sanitarie locali, nel promuovere azioni e politiche volte a trasformare le nostre città in ambienti di vita più salutari e salutogenici.Background and aim of the work. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, which nowadays has exceeded 2.5 million notified infections in the world and about 200,000 deaths, is a strong reminder that urbanization has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make the systems and local capacities resilient to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. How we can re-design the concept of Public Health in relation to the built environment and the contemporary cities? Methods. According to the previous statements and scenario, aim of this paper is to integrate the Urban Health strategic objectives, focusing the possible responses, both immediate and medium-long term, to the current environmental, social, and economic aspects of the ‘period’ of physical distancing. Results.Immediate Actions are 01. program the flexibility of city schedules; 02. plan a smart and sustainable mobility network; 03. define a neighborhood services’ plan; 04. develop a digitization of the urban context, promoting the smart communities; 05. re-think the accessibility to the places of culture and tourism. Medium-long term Actions are 06. design the indoor flexibility of domestic living spaces; 07. re-think building typologies, fostering the presence of semi-private or collective spaces; 08. renovate the basic care services’ network; 09. integrate the existing environmental emergency plans, with those related to the health emergencies; 10. improve stakeholders’ awareness of the factors affecting Public Health in the cities. Conclusions. The Decalogue of Public Health opportunities may provide a useful basis for Designers (Architects and Urban Planners), Policy Makers, Public Health experts and Local Health Agencies, in promoting actions and policies aimed to transform our cities in healthier and Salutogenic living environments

    COVID-19 and living space challenge. Well-being and public health recommendations for a healthy, safe, and sustainable housing

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    Background and aim of the work: The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is a strong reminder that the lockdown period has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make resilient the built environment, both outdoor and mainly the indoor spaces: housing, workplaces, public buildings, and entertainment facilities. How can we re-design the concept of Well-being and Public Health in relation to the living places of the future? Methods: According to the previous statements and scenario, this paper aims to integrate the building hygiene and well-being, focusing the possible responses, both existing and for the new buildings, taking home a strong message from this “period” of physical distancing. Results: The Well-being and Public Health recommendations for a healthy, safe, and sustainable housing are framed into the following key points: 1. Visible and accessible green elements and spaces; 2. Flexibility, adaptability, sharing, and crowding of living spaces, and compliant functions located into the buildings; 3. Re-appropriation of the basic principles and archetypes of sustainable architecture, thermal comfort and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); 4. Water consumption and Wastewater Management; 5. Urban Solid Waste Management; 6. Housing automation and electromagnetic fields; 7. Indoor building and finishing materials. Conclusions: The Well-being and Public Health recommendations for a healthy, safe and sustainable housing may provide a useful basis for Designers, Policy Makers (fostering tax incentives for building renewal), Public Health experts and Local Health Agencies, in promoting actions and policies aimed to transform living places in healthier and Salutogenic spaces. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    A proposal of hygienic and sanitary standards for the new Building Code in Italy

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    The traditional emphasis of Public Health on the type and quality of housing today merges with other wider determinants of health such as: the neighbourhood, the community and the "place" where a home is located, but also the policies that make access to a healthy home within everyone's reach. At the neighbourhood scale, context-related aspects heavily influence the internal quality and real usability of the buildings themselves, with particular reference to factors such as the quality of the site, the relationship between the building and the context, the presence and quality of the greenery and open spaces surrounding the building, as well as all measures that make it possible to reduce the building's impact on the environment, to protect it against environmental pollution, and to manage the building in an integrated manner for maintenance purposes. Creating healthy living environments means referring to the different dimensions mentioned above, and this not only requires the attention of Public Health operators, but also implies an integration of vision and objectives among various professional skills and competences that puts health at the center of all policies. This proposal, which starts from the analysis of existing local hygiene regulations and scientific literature, aims to take stock of a number of areas considered fundamental for the assessment of building hygiene aspects, with particular reference to the eco-sustainability of buildings and adaptation to climate change. The aspects identified can be considered as a starting point for the preparation of integrated building and hygiene regulations based on documented effective practices for the protection of Public Health

    Towards an update of the Italian Ministerial Decree July 5th, 1975

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    In recent years, the Scientific Community and the Public Health world, in general, have devoted increasing interest to housing conditions, which are considered, to date, one of the main environmental and social determinants of the population's health. In particular, the Scientific Community has identified and studied various indoor well-being factors (e.g. lighting, temperature, ventilation, air quality, etc.). Some of these factors have been regulated by laws and regulations at various levels: the availability of clear and updated health requirements dictated by the regulations is fundamental to effectively protect public health, especially in confined environments. In the present work, we propose a revision of the Italian Ministerial Decree of July 5th, 1975 titled Modificazioni alle istruzioni ministeriali 20 giugno 1896 relativamente all'altezza minima ed ai requisiti igienico sanitari principali dei locali d'abitazione (Modifications to the ministerial instructions of June 20th, 1896 regarding the minimum height and the main hygienic-sanitary requirements of living spaces) in order to update the definition of the essential elements that qualify a space as habitable from the hygienic-sanitary point of view, taking into account the evidence gathered from the technical and scientific literature on the requirements and contents of the Building Codes of the major European countries

    Gender Differences in COVID-19 Lockdown Impact on Mental Health of Undergraduate Students

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    open13Background: Prolonged university closures and social distancing-imposed measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic obliged students to at-home learning with online lectures and educational programs promoting potential social isolation, loneliness, hopelessness, and episodes of clinical decompensation. Methods: A web-based cross-sectional survey was carried out in a university institute in Milan, Northern Italy, to assess the COVID-19 lockdown impact on the mental health of the undergraduate students. We estimated the odds ratios (OR) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) using adjusted logistic regression models. Results: Of the 8,177 students, 12.8% reported depressive symptoms, 25.6% anxiety, 8.7% insomnia, and 10.6% reported impulsive tracts, with higher proportions among females than males. Mental health symptoms were positively associated with caring for a person at home, a poor housing quality, and a worsening in working performance. Among males compared with females, a poor housing quality showed a stronger positive association with depressive symptoms and impulsivity, and a worsening in the working performance was positively associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms. In addition, the absence of private space was positively associated with depression and anxiety, stronger among males than females. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first multidisciplinary consortium study, involving public mental health, environmental health, and architectural design. Further studies are needed to confirm or refute our findings and consequent recommendations to implement well-being interventions in pandemic conditions.openAmerio A.; Bertuccio P.; Santi F.; Bianchi D.; Brambilla A.; Morganti A.; Odone A.; Costanza A.; Signorelli C.; Aguglia A.; Serafini G.; Capolongo S.; Amore M.Amerio, A.; Bertuccio, P.; Santi, F.; Bianchi, D.; Brambilla, A.; Morganti, A.; Odone, A.; Costanza, A.; Signorelli, C.; Aguglia, A.; Serafini, G.; Capolongo, S.; Amore, M

    Let's not forget those who forget! Participatory design in the context of dementia built environment : Evangelia Chrysikou

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    Dementia is a major cause of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. Eco-bio-psychosocially supportive design can significantly reduce agitation and depression while improving mobility and daily activities. For this we need to include dementia patients as experts while understanding the neurological changes and functional impairments associated with the progression of the disease over time. How can we support dementia patients to participate? What tools/processes can we use to involve them in the design process? The aim of this project was to map and evaluate co-design methods for dementia and neurodiversity, in order to create an eco-bio-psychosocially supportive environment. Mixed methods were used comprising a systematic literature review on co-design techniques for spaces for dementia, three workshops: a 3-day one with seven early career researchers translating patient involving methodologies to the dementia context, a round table Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement with six service providers and stakeholders cross three countries and a cross-sectoral international day conference with four academics, four early career researchers and eight stakeholders and a series of co-design workshops for dementia and neurodiversity, which were then classified according to applicability so as to generate co-production methods for living environments for dementia. This transdisciplinary project highlighted the challenges of participatory design in the context of dementia built environment. The importance of the topic was highlighted by clinicians and staff but there are still significant limitations in terms of research and methodologies. The workshops outcome was an inclusive code of conduct for participatory design and research for dementia patients, which will help to improve home and care environments for people with dementia. The framework involved aspects such as time, space, equipment in relation to people involved (carers, patients, proxies)