300 research outputs found

    Pressure induced magnetic phase separation in La0.75_{0.75}Ca0.25_{0.25}MnO3_{3} manganite

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    The pressure dependence of the Curie temperature TC(P)_{C}(P) in La0.75_{0.75}Ca0.25_{0.25}MnO3_{3} was determined by neutron diffraction up to 8 GPa, and compared with the metallization temperature TIM(P)_{IM}(P) \cite{irprl}. The behavior of the two temperatures appears similar over the whole pressure range suggesting a key role of magnetic double exchange also in the pressure regime where the superexchange interaction is dominant. Coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic peaks at high pressure and low temperature indicates a phase separated regime which is well reproduced with a dynamical mean-field calculation for a simplified model. A new P-T phase diagram has been proposed on the basis of the whole set of experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Incommensurate spin density modulation in a copper-oxide chain compound with commensurate charge order

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    Neutron diffraction has been used to determine the magnetic structure of Na8_8Cu5_5O10_{10}, a stoichiometric compound containing chains based on edge-sharing CuO4_4 plaquettes. The chains are doped with 2/5 hole per Cu site and exhibit long-range commensurate charge order with an onset well above room temperature. Below TN=23T_N = 23 K, the neutron data indicate long-range collinear magnetic order with a spin density modulation whose propagation vector is commensurate along and incommensurate perpendicular to the chains. Competing interchain exchange interactions are discussed as a possible origin of the incommensurate magnetic order

    Magnetic structure of the edge-sharing copper oxide chain compound NaCu2O2

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    Single-crystal neutron diffraction has been used to determine the incommensurate magnetic structure of NaCu2O2, a compound built up of chains of edge-sharing CuO4 plaquettes. Magnetic structures compatible with the lattice symmetry were identified by a group-theoretical analysis, and their magnetic structure factors were compared to the experimentally observed Bragg intensities. In conjunction with other experimental data, this analysis yields an elliptical helix structure in which both the helicity and the polarization plane alternate among copper-oxide chains. This magnetic ground state is discussed in the context of the recently reported multiferroic properties of other copper-oxide chain compounds

    A Codazzi-like equation and the singular set for C1C^{1} smooth surfaces in the Heisenberg group

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    In this paper, we study the structure of the singular set for a C1C^{1} smooth surface in the 33-dimensional Heisenberg group H1\boldsymbol{H}_{1}. We discover a Codazzi-like equation for the pp-area element along the characteristic curves on the surface. Information obtained from this ordinary differential equation helps us to analyze the local configuration of the singular set and the characteristic curves. In particular, we can estimate the size and obtain the regularity of the singular set. We understand the global structure of the singular set through a Hopf-type index theorem. We also justify that Codazzi-like equation by proving a fundamental theorem for local surfaces in H1\boldsymbol{H}_{1}.Comment: 64 pages, 17 figure

    Hall Effect in Nested Antiferromagnets Near the Quantum Critical Point

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    We investigate the behavior of the Hall coefficient in the case of antiferromagnetism driven by Fermi surface nesting, and find that the Hall coefficient should abruptly increase with the onset of magnetism, as recently observed in vanadium doped chromium. This effect is due to the sudden removal of flat portions of the Fermi surface upon magnetic ordering. Within this picture, the Hall coefficient should scale as the square of the residual resistivity divided by the impurity concentration, which is consistent with available data.Comment: published version; an accidental interchange in the quoting of sigmaxyzsigma_{xyz} analytic dependencies was correcte

    Magnetic excitations and phonons in the spin-chain compound NaCu2O2

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    We report an inelastic light scattering study of single-crystalline NaCu2_2O2_2, a spin-chain compound known to exhibit a phase with helical magnetic order at low temperatures. Phonon excitations were studied as a function of temperature and light polarization, and the phonon frequencies are compared to the results of ab-initio lattice dynamical calculations, which are also reported here. The good agreement between the observed and calculated modes allows an assignment of the phonon eigenvectors. Two distinct high-energy two-magnon features as well as a sharp low-energy one-magnon peak were also observed. These features are discussed in terms of the magnon modes expected in a helically ordered state. Their polarization dependence provides evidence of substantial exchange interactions between two closely spaced spin chains within a unit cell. At high temperatures, the spectral features attributable to magnetic excitations are replaced by a broad, quasielastic mode due to overdamped spin excitations

    Dipole-active optical phonons in YTiO_3: ellipsometry study and lattice-dynamics calculations

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    The anisotropic complex dielectric response was accurately extracted from spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements at phonon frequencies for the three principal crystallographic directions of an orthorhombic (Pbnm) YTiO_3 single crystal. We identify all twenty five infrared-active phonon modes allowed by symmetry, 7B_1u, 9B_2u, and 9B_3u, polarized along the c-, b-, and a-axis, respectively. From a classical dispersion analysis of the complex dielectric functions \tilde\epsilon(\omega) and their inverses -1/\tilde\epsilon(\omega) we define the resonant frequencies, widths, and oscillator strengths of the transverse (TO) and longitudinal (LO) phonon modes. We calculate eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors of B_1u, B_2u, and B_3u normal modes and suggest assignments of the TO phonon modes observed in our ellipsometry spectra by comparing their frequencies and oscillator strengths with those resulting from the present lattice-dynamics study. Based on these assignments, we estimate dynamical effective charges of the atoms in the YTiO_3 lattice. We find that, in general, the dynamical effective charges in YTiO_3 lattice are typical for a family of perovskite oxides. By contrast to a ferroelectric BaTiO_3, the dynamical effective charge of oxygen related to a displacement along the c-axis does not show the anomalously large value. At the same time, the dynamical effective charges of Y and ab-plane oxygen exhibit anisotropy, indicating strong hybridization along the a-axis.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Helicoidal magnetic order in a clean copper oxide spin chain compound

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    We report susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron diffraction measurements on NaCu2_2O2_2, a spin-1/2 chain compound isostructural to LiCu2_2O2_2, which has been extensively investigated. Below 13 K, we find a long-range ordered, incommensurate magnetic helix state with a propagation vector similar to that of LiCu2_2O2_2. In contrast to the Li analogue, substitutional disorder is negligible in NaCu2_2O2_2. We can thus rule out that the helix is induced by impurities, as was claimed on the basis of prior work on LiCu2_2O2_2. A spin Hamiltonian with frustrated longer-range exchange interactions provides a good description of both the ordered state and the paramagnetic susceptibility.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures Improved Fig.1 and 4. Minor rephrasing. Reference adde