15 research outputs found

    The Internal Popular Discourse of Israeli Haredi Women

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    Ces vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es, un discours populaire interne s’est dĂ©veloppĂ© chez les femmes ultra-orthodoxes israĂ©liennes. S’adressant exclusivement Ă  un public fĂ©minin, les orateurs et prĂ©dicateurs – hommes ou femmes – abordent des problĂšmes aussi bien ‘traditionnels’ que ‘controversĂ©s’. Cet article traite de trois problĂšmes ‘controversĂ©s’ Ă©voquĂ©s dans leurs discours – comprĂ©hension du sexe opposĂ©, travail de la femme Ă  l’extĂ©rieur et lois juives relatives Ă  la puretĂ© familiale – dans divers contextes sociaux, historiques et mĂ©thodologiques. De plus, nous Ă©tudions certains schĂ©mas de permanence et d’évolution Ă  l’intĂ©rieur du discours ultra-orthodoxe, en y soulignant tout particuliĂšrement l’émergence d’idĂ©es fĂ©ministes. Les sources et matĂ©riaux populaires utilisĂ©s dans cet article nous ont permis de mettre en relief des comparaisons et influences rĂ©ciproques entre les ultra-orthodoxes israĂ©liens et amĂ©ricains d’aujourd’hui, problĂ©matique qui n’a pas, Ă  ce jour, fait l’objet de recherches systĂ©matiques.Over the last twenty years, a popular, internal discourse has developed among Haredi women in Israel. Both male and female speakers and preachers, addressing exclusively female audiences, discuss “traditional” as well as “controversial” issues. This article focuses on three central “controversial” issues raised in their discourse – understanding the opposite sex, women’s work outside the home, and family purity laws – within several social, historical and methodological contexts. In addition, we examine certain patterns of continuity and change within Haredi internal discourse, as well as draw particular attention to the emergence of feminist ideas within it. The popular sources and materials related to in this article enable us to highlight a number of comparisons and mutual influences between contemporary Israeli and American Haredim, an aspect yet to be researched systematically.Durante los Ășltimos veinte años, un discurso popular e intrĂ­nseco se desarrollĂł entre las mujeres ultraortodoxas israelĂ­es. DirigiĂ©ndose exclusivamente a un pĂșblico femenino, los oradores y predicadores – hombres o mujeres – abordan problemas tanto ‘tradicionales’ como ‘controvertidos’. Este artĂ­culo trata tres problemas ‘controvertidos’ evocados en sus discursos – comprensiĂłn del sexo opuesto, trabajo de la mujer en el exterior y leyes judĂ­as relativas a la pureza familiar –, en diversos contextos sociales, histĂłricos y metodolĂłgicos. AdemĂĄs, estudiamos ciertos esquemas de permanencia y de evoluciĂłn al interior del discurso ultraortodoxo, destacando particularmente la emergencia de ideas feministas. Las fuentes y materiales populares utilizados en este artĂ­culo nos han permitido enfatizar comparaciones e influencias recĂ­procas entre los ultra-ortodoxos israelĂ­es y americanos de hoy, problemĂĄtica que no ha sido, hasta hoy, objeto de investigaciones sistemĂĄticas

    There is no interest in precious stones in a vegetable market: the life and sermons of Rabbi Jacob Gordon of Toronto

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    A preliminary examination of Rabbi Jacob Gordon’s sermons within their biographical, communal, religious, historical, social, and cultural contexts, offers insight into the challenges Jewish immigrants faced in early twentieth century Toronto—as this Orthodox immigrant rabbi perceived them. These sermons provide details and perspectives, and they particularly illuminate doings within Toronto’s Orthodox-immigrant Jewish community. Gordon’s East-European background did not hold him back from remolding his style, as well as the content of his sermons, fully aware as he was of the need to modify his sermonic approach to respond to the novelties of Toronto’s immigrant world. Gordon’s sermons may also be compared to those of other North American contemporaries, again signaling the unique aspects of the Canadian Jewish religious experience at a critical moment


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