3 research outputs found

    Effectiveness hyperoxygenated fatt y acid with silicone in lo wer extremities with and without ulcerations

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    Introducción: Existen evidencias científicas sobre los beneficios del uso de ácidos grasos para la regeneración epidérmica y la prevención de las úlceras crónicas. Los ácidos grasos hiperoxigenados (AGHO) son productos compuestos por ácidos grasos esenciales (AGE) a los que se añade oxigeno a la molécula inicial a través de un proceso llamado hiperoxidación. La formula a estudio presenta además ciclometicona (silicona). El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la eficacia de los AGHO con silicona en extremidades inferiores, con y sin ulceraciones. Metodología: Estudio observacional, longitudinal, por cohortes de carácter prospectivo y multicéntrico realizado desde octubre de 2010 hasta septiembre de 2011. En una muestra de pacientes se aplicó AGHO con silicona en formato aceite, en extremidades inferiores con alteraciones vasculares venosas y AGHO con silicona en formato leche en extremidades inferiores isquémicas y/o neuropáticas. Se efectúo un seguimiento de 8 semanas, valorando a través de la escala Fedpalla la evolución del grado de deterioro de la integridad cutánea. Resultados: En general la muestra evolucionó tras 8 semanas de aplicación de AGHO, desde un grado II (mal pronóstico de epitelización) a un grado IV (muy buen pronóstico) de la escala Fedpalla. En 9 pacientes se midió la presión transcutánea de oxígeno, al inicio y al final del estudio, elevándose un 11.1%. Conclusión: Los AGHO con silicona utilizados han permitido la restauración de la integridad cutánea en la mayoría de los pacientes en un periodo de 56 días.Introduction: There is scientific evidence on the benefits of the use of fatty acids for epidermal regeneration and prevention of chronic ulcers. The hyperoxygenated fatty acids (HOFAs) are products composed for essential fatty acids (EFA) to which oxygen is added to molecule through a process called hyperoxidation. The formula to study presents addition cyclomethicone (silicone). The objective of this study is to test the efficacy of the HOFA with silicone in lower extremities, with or without ulcerations. Methodology: An observational study, longitudinal, cohort of character and prospective multicenter from October 2010 to September 2011. In a sample of patients were applied HOFA with silicone in oil format, in the lower extremities with vascular alterations venous and HOFA in milk format with silicone in lower extremities ischemic and/or neuropathic. There was a followup to 8 weeks, valuing through Fedpalla scale the evolution of the degree of deterioration of the skin integrity. Results: In general the sample evolved after 8 weeks of implementation of HOFA, since a grade II (poor prognosis of epithelization) to a grade IV (very good prognosis) of the scale Fedpalla. In 9 patients was measured the transcutaneous oxygen pressure at the beginning and the end of the study, rising 11.1 %. Conclusion: The HOFAs with silicone used have allowed the restoration of skin integrity in the majority of patients in a period of 56 days.Enfermerí

    Multicentre Study of Chronic Wounds Point Prevalence in Primary Health Care in the Southern Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

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    Background: Chronic wounds give rise to major costs and resource consumption in health care systems, due to their protracted healing time. Incidence and prevalence data are scarce or nonexistent in community settings. Objective: The aim of the present epidemiological study was to analyse and determine the prevalence of chronic wounds in the community in the south of the province of Barcelona (Spain). Design: A cross-sectional, multicentre secondary data analysis study was conducted in the community (excluding nursing homes) in Barcelona between 16 April and 13 June 2013. It included 52 primary care centres that serve a total population of 1,217,564 inhabitants. Results: The observed prevalence was 0.11%. Venous ulcers presented the highest prevalence, at 0.04%, followed by pressure injuries, at 0.03%. The >74 age group presented the highest frequency of chronic wounds, accounting for 69.4% of cases. Conclusion: The results obtained are consistent with those reported in previous similar studies conducted in Spain and elsewhere. As with most studies that adjusted their variables for age and sex, we found that the prevalence of ulcers increased with age and was higher in women, except in the case of diabetic foot ulcers and ischaemic ulcers, which were more frequent in men

    Actual situation about acute and chronic wounds in Spain: ATENEA study

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    Las heridas son un problema de salud que afecta a una amplia población de todas las edades y que requieren diferentes intervenciones para asegurar un cuidado óptimo de los pacientes que las presentan. Esta es una encuesta transversal de ámbito nacional dirigida a profesionales de enfermería realizada durante el periodo septiembre 2011-enero 2012. Los profesionales que respondieron a la encuesta son enfermeros/as que trabajan en hospitales, centros de atención primaria u otros centros asistenciales. La encuesta, con un total de 26 ítems, presenta tres grandes secciones: 1. Datos socio demográficos y filiación; 2. Formación recibida en el cuidado y tratamiento de heridas; 3. Preguntas relacionadas con el manejo en el cuidado de las heridas. En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados para los apartados 1 y 2. Un total de 405 profesionales participaron en la encuesta, de los cuales 340 cumplimentaron el cuestionario de forma completa para su evaluación. En el artículo se citan los diferentes resultados obtenidos para cada uno de los parámetros. En futuros estudios sería interesante desarrollar programas que permitan evaluar la efectividad de los diferentes modos formativos en el medio asistencial.Wounds are a health problem that affects a wide population of all ages and that requiredifferent interventions to ensure optimal care of patients who have them. Cross-sectionalsurvey of national scope done by professional nurses, and carried out during the periodSeptember 2011-January 2012. Professionals who answered to the survey are nurses whowork in hospitals, primary care centers or other centers. The survey, that includes a total of26 items, presents three main sections: 1. Social demographic data and personal details; 2. Training received regarding wound treatment; 3. Questions related to management inwound care. This article presents the results for paragraphs 1 and 2. A total of 405professionals participated in the survey, and 340 completed the questionnaire for theevaluation. The different results obtained for each of the parameters are listed in the article.In future studies, it would be interesting to develop programs that enable us to assess theeffectiveness of the different training modes in the healthcare environment.Enfermerí