4 research outputs found

    Implication of voltage-gated potassium channels in neoplastic cell proliferation

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    Voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv) are the largest group of ion channels. Kv are involved in controlling the resting potential and action potential duration in the heart and brain. Additionally, these proteins participate in cell cycle progression as well as in several other important features in mammalian cell physiology, such as activation, differentiation, apoptosis, and cell volume control. Therefore, Kv remarkably participate in the cell function by balancing responses. The implication of Kv in physiological and pathophysiological cell growth is the subject of study, as Kv are proposed as therapeutic targets for tumor regression. Though it is widely accepted that Kv channels control proliferation by allowing cell cycle progression, their role is controversial. Kv expression is altered in many cancers, and their participation, as well as their use as tumor markers, is worthy of effort. There is an ever-growing list of Kv that remodel during tumorigenesis. This review focuses on the actual knowledge of Kv channel expression and their relationship with neoplastic proliferation. In this work, we provide an update of what is currently known about these proteins, thereby paving the way for a more precise understanding of the participation of Kv during cancer development

    Caveolin interaction governs Kv1.3 lipid raft targeting

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    The spatial localization of ion channels at the cell surface is crucial for their functional role. Many channels localize in lipid raft microdomains, which are enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. Caveolae, specific lipid rafts which concentrate caveolins, harbor signaling molecules and their targets becoming signaling platforms crucial in cell physiology. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in such spatial localization are under debate. Kv1.3 localizes in lipid rafts and participates in the immunological response. We sought to elucidate the mechanisms of Kv1.3 surface targeting, which govern leukocyte physiology. Kv1 channels share a putative caveolin-binding domain located at the intracellular N-terminal of the channel. This motif, lying close to the S1 transmembrane segment, is situated near the T1 tetramerization domain and the determinants involved in the Kv尾 subunit association. The highly hydrophobic domain (FQRQVWLLF) interacts with caveolin 1 targeting Kv1.3 to caveolar rafts. However, subtle variations of this cluster, putative ancillary associations and different structural conformations can impair the caveolin recognition, thereby altering channel's spatial localization. Our results identify a caveolin-binding domain in Kv1 channels and highlight the mechanisms that govern the regulation of channel surface localization during cellular processes

    Functional implications of Kv1.3 spatial organization

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    Kv1.3 is a voltage-gated potassium channel mainly expressed at the plasma membrane and at the inner mitochondrial membrane of different cell types. A dual role for the channel has been suggested: Plasma membrane channel is linked to proliferation and activation while mitochondrial channel controls apoptosis. In this thesis, we analyse in depth the duality of Kv1.3 function. We show that Kv1.3 orchestrates cellular physiology in a way even more complex than expected. The thesis is structured in two parts: Plasma membrane Kv1.3 and Mitochondrial Kv1.3. Each part contains three contributions addressed to the understanding of Kv1.3 traffic and physiological implications of its localization. In the first part (Plasma membrane Kv1.3), we describe the caveolin-binding domain (CBD) of Kv1.3 as the determinant for the lipid raft targeting of the channel in cells expressing caveolin (Contribution I). The caveolar localization of the channel is required for proper insulin signalling in adipocytes. In these cells, Kv1.3 controls glucose uptake and insulin resistance. Kv1.3 is a target of Insulin Receptor activation via its localization at caveolae (Contribution II). Finally, we focus on the mechanisms of membrane arrangement of Kv1.3 in systems with limited Caveolin expression, such as lymphocytes, where the expression of Kv1.3 at the plasma membrane is also crucial. In this context, Kv1.3 palmitoylation resulted to be important for the Kv1.3 organization at the immunological synapse. This is the first time that Kv1.3 lipidation is reported and that Kv1.3 is visualized at the immunological synapse platform. Thus, our work expands our knowledge to define better therapeutic strategies in autoimmune diseases, where Kv1.3 is aberrantly expressed at the immunological synapse (Contribution III). In the second part (Mitochondrial Kv1.3), we first identify caveolin interaction as regulator of Kv1.3 pro-apoptotic activity. Kv1.3/Caveolin axis is an important regulator of cell apoptosis, with important consequences for chemotherapy resistance (Contribution IV). We also describe, for the first time, the mechanisms of Kv1.3 mitochondrial targeting, which involve an unconventional TIM/TOM pathway. We identify cytosolic chaperones as key regulators of Kv1.3 mitochondrial import and show how transmembrane domains cooperate to mediate such process (Contribution V). Finally, we show, for the first time, that mitochondrial Kv1.3 can also regulate proliferation through the control of mitochondrial fusion/fission equilibrium. This is a novel finding because reveals a novel function for mitochondrial Kv1.3 beyond apoptosis. At the same time, puzzle out Kv1.3 as an important component of the mitochondrial fusion/fission machinery (ContributionVI). In conclusion, this thesis includes novel and relevant findings about Kv1.3 function linked to its localization in the cell.Kv1.3 茅s un canal de potassi depenent de voltatge expressat, principalment, a la membrana plasm脿tica i a la membrana mitocondrial interna. La localitzaci贸 dual del canal a membrana i a mitocondri s鈥檋a associat amb la seva funci贸 antag貌nica, on el canal regula proliferaci贸 i apoptosi, respectivament. En el context d鈥檃questa tesi hem estudiat els mecanismes que regulen l鈥檃rribada del canal al seu dest铆, i les implicacions funcionals de la seva pres猫ncia en aquests compartiments subcel路lulars. La tesi cont茅 6 contribucions que inclouen els seg眉ents resultats: En primer lloc, es descriu la interacci贸 del Kv1.3 amb la Caveolina com a mecanisme principal de tr脿fic a estructures de membrana l铆pid raft, on el canal exerceix la seva funci贸. En segon lloc, es demostra que la localitzaci贸 del canal a les caveoles 茅s necess脿ria per a la seva participaci贸 en la cascada de senyalitzaci贸 per insulina en adip貌cits, gr脿cies a la qual el canal regula la fisiologia adipocit脿ria i la captaci贸 de glucosa dependent d鈥檌nsulina. En la tercera contribuci贸, descrivim la palmitoilaci贸 de Kv1.3 com a mecanisme de regulaci贸 de la distribuci贸 del canal a la sinapsi immunol貌gica en limf貌cits T. Durant aquest fenomen, Kv1.3 t茅 un paper clau per a l鈥檃ctivaci贸 del limf貌cits i aberracions en la seva localitzaci贸 i activitat s鈥檋an relacionat en el desenvolupament de malalties autoimmunit脿ries. A la contribuci贸 quarta, descrivim la modulaci贸 de la caveolina sobre l鈥檃ctivitat pro-apopt貌tica del canal a mitocondris. A la cinquena contribuci贸 demostrem que el canal segueix un mecanisme no convencional d鈥檌mport a mitocondris i que els dominis transmembrana defineix motius estructurals per tal de promoure aquest proc茅s. Finalment, amb la 煤ltima contribuci贸, demostrem que el canal est脿 implicat en la regulaci贸 de l鈥檈quilibri de fusi贸/fissi贸 mitocondrial, amb importants conseq眉猫ncies per al cicle cel路lular

    The potassium channel odyssey: Mechanisms of traffic and membrane arrangement

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    Ion channels are transmembrane proteins that conduct specific ions across biological membranes. Ion channels are present at the onset of many cellular processes, and their malfunction triggers severe pathologies. Potassium channels (KChs) share a highly conserved signature that is necessary to conduct K+ through the pore region. To be functional, KChs require an exquisite regulation of their subcellular location and abundance. A wide repertoire of signatures facilitates the proper targeting of the channel, fine-tuning the balance that determines traffic and location. These signature motifs can be part of the secondary or tertiary structure of the protein and are spread throughout the entire sequence. Furthermore, the association of the pore-forming subunits with different ancillary proteins forms functional complexes. These partners can modulate traffic and activity by adding their own signatures as well as by exposing or masking the existing ones. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) add a further dimension to traffic regulation. Therefore, the fate of a KCh is not fully dependent on a gene sequence but on the balance of many other factors regulating traffic. In this review, we assemble recent evidence contributing to our understanding of the spatial expression of KChs in mammalian cells. We compile specific signatures, PTMs, and associations that govern the destination of a functional chann