12 research outputs found

    Msb r‐cnn: A multi‐stage balanced defect detection network

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    Deep learning networks are applied for defect detection, among which Cascade R‐CNN is a multi‐stage object detection network and is state of the art in terms of accuracy and efficiency. However, it is still a challenge for Cascade R‐CNN to deal with complex and diverse defects, as the widely varied shapes of defects lead to inefficiency for the traditional convolution filter to extract features. Additionally, the imbalance in features, losses and samples cause lower accuracy. To address the above challenges, this paper proposes a multi‐stage balanced R‐CNN (MSB R‐CNN) for defect detection based on Cascade R‐CNN. Firstly, deformable convolution is adopted in different stages of the backbone network to improve its adaptability to the varying shapes of the defect. Then, the features obtained by the backbone network are refined and enhanced by the balanced feature pyramid. To overcome the imbalance of classification and regression loss, the balanced L1 loss is applied at different stages to correct it. Finally, for the sample selection, the interaction of union (IoU) balanced sampler and the online hard example mining (OHEM) sampler are combined at different stages to make the sampling more reasonable, which can bring a better accuracy and convergence effect to the model. The results of our experiments on the DAGM2007 dataset has shown that our network (MSB R‐CNN) can achieve a mean average precision (mAP) of 67.5%, an increase of 1.5% mAP, compared to Cascade R‐CNN

    MIMN-DPP: Maximum-information and minimum-noise determinantal point processes for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection

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    Band selection plays an important role in hyperspectral imaging for reducing the data and improving the efficiency of data acquisition and analysis whilst significantly lowering the cost of the imaging system. Without the category labels, it is challenging to select an effective and low-redundancy band subset. In this paper, a new unsupervised band selection algorithm is proposed based on a new band search criterion and an improved Determinantal Point Processes (DPP). First, to preserve the original information of hyperspectral image, a novel band search criterion is designed for searching the bands with high information entropy and low noise. Unfortunately, finding the optimal solution based on the search criteria to select a low-redundancy band subset is a NP-hard problem. To solve this problem, we consider the correlation of bands from both original hyperspectral image and its spatial information to construct a double-graph model to describe the relationship between spectral bands. Besides, an improved DPP algorithm is proposed for the approximate search of a low-redundancy band subset from the double-graph model. Experiment results on several well-known datasets show that the proposed optical band selection algorithm achieves better performance than many other state-of-the-art methods

    Unsupervised Trademark Retrieval Method Based on Attention Mechanism

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    Aiming at the high cost of data labeling and ignoring the internal relevance of features in existing trademark retrieval methods, this paper proposes an unsupervised trademark retrieval method based on attention mechanism. In the proposed method, the instance discrimination framework is adopted and a lightweight attention mechanism is introduced to allocate a more reasonable learning weight to key features. With an unsupervised way, this proposed method can obtain good feature representation of trademarks and improve the performance of trademark retrieval. Extensive comparative experiments on the METU trademark dataset are conducted. The experimental results show that the proposed method is significantly better than traditional trademark retrieval methods and most existing supervised learning methods. The proposed method obtained a smaller value of NAR (Normalized Average Rank) at 0.051, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method in trademark retrieval

    Heart Murmur Recognition Based on Hidden Markov Model

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    Deshoulières François. Habitation romaine à Saint-Galmier (Loire). In: Bulletin Monumental, tome 89, n°1, année 1930. pp. 161-162

    k-NN graph construction based on markov random walk

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    k-nearest-neighbors (k-NN) graphs are widely used in image retrieval, machine learning and other research fields. Selecting its neighbors is a core for constructing the k-NN graph. However, existing selection methods usually encounter some unreliable neighbors in the k-NN graph. This paper proposes an efficient Markov random walk (MRW) based method for selecting more reliable neighbors for constructing the k-NN graph. The MRW model is defined on the raw k-NN graph. The k-NN of a sample is determined by the probability of the MRW. Since the high order transition probabilities reflects complex relationships among data, the neighbors in the graph obtained by our proposed method are more reliable than those of existing methods. Also, our proposed method can improve the performances of some applications with k-NN graph. Experiments are performed on the synthetic and real datasets for comparison. The results show that the graph obtained by our proposed method better correspond to the structure of the data compared to those of the state-of-the-art methods

    Deep Learning-Based Synthesized View Quality Enhancement with DIBR Distortion Mask Prediction Using Synthetic Images

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    Recently, deep learning-based image quality enhancement models have been proposed to improve the perceptual quality of distorted synthesized views impaired by compression and the Depth Image-Based Rendering (DIBR) process in a multi-view video system. However, due to the lack of Multi-view Video plus Depth (MVD) data, the training data for quality enhancement models is small, which limits the performance and progress of these models. Augmenting the training data to enhance the synthesized view quality enhancement (SVQE) models is a feasible solution. In this paper, a deep learning-based SVQE model using more synthetic synthesized view images (SVIs) is suggested. To simulate the irregular geometric displacement of DIBR distortion, a random irregular polygon-based SVI synthesis method is proposed based on existing massive RGB/RGBD data, and a synthetic synthesized view database is constructed, which includes synthetic SVIs and the DIBR distortion mask. Moreover, to further guide the SVQE models to focus more precisely on DIBR distortion, a DIBR distortion mask prediction network which could predict the position and variance of DIBR distortion is embedded into the SVQE models. The experimental results on public MVD sequences demonstrate that the PSNR performance of the existing SVQE models, e.g., DnCNN, NAFNet, and TSAN, pre-trained on NYU-based synthetic SVIs could be greatly promoted by 0.51-, 0.36-, and 0.26 dB on average, respectively, while the MPPSNRr performance could also be elevated by 0.86, 0.25, and 0.24 on average, respectively. In addition, by introducing the DIBR distortion mask prediction network, the SVI quality obtained by the DnCNN and NAFNet pre-trained on NYU-based synthetic SVIs could be further enhanced by 0.02- and 0.03 dB on average in terms of the PSNR and 0.004 and 0.121 on average in terms of the MPPSNRr

    Optimal design of Hermitian transform and vectors of both mask and window coefficients for denoising applications with both unknown noise characteristics and distortions

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    This paper proposes an optimal design of a Hermitian transform and vectors of both mask and window coefficients for denoising signals with both unknown noise characteristics and distortions. The signals are represented in the vector form. Then, they are transformed to a new domain via multiplying these vectors to a Hermitian matrix. A vector of mask coefficients is point by point multiplied to the transformed vectors. The processed vectors are transformed back to the time domain. A vector of window coefficients is point by point multiplied to the processed vectors. An optimal design of the Hermitian matrix and the vectors of both mask and window coefficients is formulated as a quadratically constrained programming problem subject to a Hermitian constraint. By initializing the window coefficients, the Hermitian matrix and the vector of mask coefficients are derived via an orthogonal Procrustes approach. Based on the obtained Hermitian matrix and the vector of mask coefficients, the vector of window coefficients is derived. By iterating these two procedures, the final Hermitian matrix and the vectors of both mask and window coefficients are obtained. The convergence of the algorithm is guaranteed. The proposed method is applied to denoise both clinical electrocardiograms and electromyograms as well as speech signals with both unknown noise characteristics and distortions. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing denoising methods

    MIMN-DPP: maximum-information and minimum-noise determinantal point processes for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection.

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    Band selection plays an important role in hyperspectral imaging for reducing the data and improving the efficiency of data acquisition and analysis whilst significantly lowering the cost of the imaging system. Without the category labels, it is challenging to select an effective and low-redundancy band subset. In this paper, a new unsupervised band selection algorithm is proposed based on a new band search criterion and an improved Determinantal Point Processes (DPP). First, to preserve the original information of hyperspectral image, a novel band search criterion is designed for searching the bands with high information entropy and low noise. Unfortunately, finding the optimal solution based on the search criteria to select a low-redundancy band subset is a NP-hard problem. To solve this problem, we consider the correlation of bands from both original hyperspectral image and its spatial information to construct a double-graph model to describe the relationship between spectral bands. Besides, an improved DPP algorithm is proposed for the approximate search of a low-redundancy band subset from the double-graph model. Experiment results on several well-known datasets show that the proposed optical band selection algorithm achieves better performance than many other state-of-the-art methods