69 research outputs found

    Proportions and Deformations in the Mosque‑Cathedral of Cordoba

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    This research presents a dimensional analysis of the arcades of one of the most emblematic spaces of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: its central nave, located besides the mihrab in the ambitious extension carried out by Al-Hakam II. In order to accomplish this survey, a digital model was created from the point cloud obtained with a 3D laser scanner. Subsequently, earlier theories of architectural proportions related to this monument have been reviewed. The comparison of these earlier drawings with the corresponding digital models allows the precision of their different hypotheses to be assessed. Architectonic deformations not considered by the scientific literature are also quantified here. Finally, this research indicates certain partial order relations close to the proportion 1.3, though it should be noted that not all the arcades share the same dimensions and thus no general theory applies to their proportions.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer Natur

    Análisis y optimización energética de un centro de salud

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria

    The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: Graphic Analysis of Interior Perspectives by Girault de Prangey around 1839

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    This research has been funded by internationalisation grants awarded to the Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción (IUACC) of the VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia of the University of Seville.This research has been made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Cabildo de la Catedral de Córdoba. The authors are also grateful for the support from the research group Expregrafica, Lugar Arquitectura y Dibujo (PAIDI-HUM-976); Programa de Doctorado en Arquitectura, Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción from the University of Seville; the research group Ingeniería Cartográfica (PAIDI-TEP-164) from the University of Jaén; and the Survey and Modelling Laboratory (SMlab) from the University of Granada.The work of Philibert Girault de Prangey, who was a draughtsman, pioneering photographer and an Islamic architecture scholar, has been the subject of recent exhibitions in his hometown (Langres, 2019), at the Metropolitan Museum (New York, 2019) and at the Musée d’Orsay (Paris, 2020). After visiting Andalusia between 1832 and 1833, Prangey completed the publication “Monuments arabes et moresques de Cordoue, Seville et Grenada” in 1839, based on his own drawings and measurements. For the first time, this research analyses his interior perspectives of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba (Spain). The novel methodology is based on its comparison with a digital model derived from the point cloud captured by a 3D laser scanner. After locating the different viewpoints, the geometric precision and the elaboration process are analysed, taking into account historic images by various authors, other details published by Prangey and the architectural transformations of the building. In this way, the veracity and documentary interest of some beautiful perspectives of a monument inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO is valued.Programa de Doctorado en Arquitectura, Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construccion from the University of Sevilleresearch group Ingenieria Cartografica from the University of Jaen PAIDI-TEP-164Survey and Modelling Laboratory (SMlab) from the University of GranadaResearch group Expregrafica, Lugar Arquitectura y Dibujo PAIDI-HUM-97

    Control Systems and Ornamental Lighting. A Case Study: Illumination of the Facade of Santiago Hospital in Úbeda (Jaén)

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    We propose the analysis of the control systems associated with ornamental lighting applied to the architectural and monumental heritage from our teaching experience developed since 2017 at the University of Córdoba—Illumination Faculty of Philosophy of Córdoba, year 2017, and Center of Experimental Culture in the Plaza de la Corredera, year 2018—and the lighting project of the facade of the Hospital de Santiago de Úbeda, Jaén. The DMX system is the one which mostly fulfill the requirements of this kind of lighting. Its implementation is increasingly simple and is associated in many cases with the type of luminaire to be used and the particularity of differential wiring. This solution allows a personalized, creative, and dynamic control and the adaptation of the daily lighting to different events of singular character. It can be used as an instrument of economic revitalization of the tourist and commercial sectors, and of diffusion of the architectural and historical heritage values. The application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data could allow the creation of a predictive model that helps the spectral design of light sources and an objective tool that contributes to the confluence of art and science

    Secretos de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba: proporciones y deformaciones arquitectónicas

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    Se revisan las teorías de proporciones arquitectónicas en las arquerías de la nave del Mihrab de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba y se analizan sus deformaciones inadvertidas

    5G in airports: challenges and use cases.

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    5G is the new generation of cellular communications that aims to provide high-throughput high-reliability connectivity to greatly diversified scenarios. With this objective, it shall act as a viable solution for environments as complex as an airport terminal, whose daily work cycle includes a wide range of diversified activities. As such, in this paper, 5G capacities are assessed, identifying those airport processes that can benefit from its application. From the proposed use cases, the monitoring of luggage trolleys is identified as a key use case that poses a problematic that is usually approached in a very inefficient way, due to the lack of information about the position and state of the trolleys. In this sense, a management system for the luggage trolleys using NarrowBand Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is proposed.This work has been partially funded by: Junta de Andalucía and EDRF in the framework of 5G-SCARF: 5G Smart Communications for the AiRport of the Future (Ref. UMACEIATECH- 17) project, Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital and European Union – NextGenerationEU within the framework “Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” under the project MAORI and Universidad de Málaga through the “II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica”. The authors are grateful to Aertec Solutions’ Airport Area for their support and collaboration in this work

    Close detection robotic platform for Search And Rescue missions based on Bluetooth Low Energy

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    Improvements in telecommunications and digitalization directly improve the efficacy of a wide variety of processes. Recently, detection systems have received considerable attention because of the importance of tracking infected people contacts during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Such implementations can be useful in the task of finding potential victims in the context of emergency response, especially in situations where GPS is not available or inspection by imaging is not practical. Radio signals come into play, and specifically from devices that transmit periodically and with low power consumption. With the rise of Internet of Things over the last years, the number of wearable devices that support BLE, such as smartbands, smartwatches or smartphones, has been increasing constantly, as well as the number of users that carry them. Those devices can provide considerable assistance in locating injured or unconscious people. This work presents a system for detecting victims by means of a terrestrial search and rescue (SAR) robot. A real implementation of a close detection robotic platform based on BLE for SAR interventions is laid out. To estimate the distance between a robotic agent and potential victims within an experimental area, a Log-distance path loss model is presented. The proposed scheme has been tested in realistic scenarios during SAR exercises.This work was partially funded by the Spanish project RTI2018-093421-B-I00. It has been also performed in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project LOCUS (ICT-871249) receiving funds from the European Union. This work has been also partially funded by Junta de Andalucía and ERDF projects: Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, Proyecto de Excelencia PENTA, P18-FR-4647; postdoctoral grant (Ref., DOC 01154, “selección de personal investigador doctor convocado mediante Resolución de 21 de mayo de 2020”, PAIDI 2020) and the I Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica of the University of Málaga. The authors want to thank the collaboration of the Chair for Safety, Emergencies and Disasters of the University of Malaga, led by Prof. Jesús Miranda, as well as Javier Serón Barba for his support during the experiments. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Un óleo anónimo de 1741: El primer plano científico de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba

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    Esta investigación analiza la primera planta conocida de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba, un óleo anónimo de 1741. El objetivo es conocer la precisión dimensional de las formas arquitectónicas más relevantes representadas. También se ha comparado con dos importantes planos de la Mezquita-Catedral dibujados en 1767 y 1868. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un levantamiento fotogramétrico del óleo; y se han tomado datos métricos del monumento mediante escáner 3D. La ortofoto del óleo obtenida se ha superpuesto al modelo digital del estado actual, para comprobar su exactitud en una selección de puntos. Este preciso documento gráfico contiene abundantes datos fiables que son de gran interés para futuras investigaciones sobre las transformaciones y restauraciones de un monumento incluido en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Puede considerarse como el primer plano científico de la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba, y como un destacado levantamiento arquitectónico de la Europa del siglo XVIII

    Sistema IoT de sensorización, almacenamiento y representación de datos para espacios universitarios

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    In the past years, the concept of Smart City has been a main paradigm for public developments, with the objective of improving the well-being of the citizens, and the performance of public services by means of a detailed monitoring and actions over the different parameters associated to them. Among these monitoring, environmental measurements related with air quality and such are needed. The university campuses, as relevant areas with high concentration of people and infrastructure, as well as centers for education, research and innovation, are perfect areas for the adoption and testing of several projects of this kind. In this way, the present paper presents the ICT design and development of the SmartTree project in which a public infrastructure will be created with capacities such as providing clean energy and gathering environmental data in an integrated way.Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro de la iniciativa Smart- Campus de la universidad de Málaga, en colaboración con el resto del equipo de desarrollo del proyecto Smart Trees financiado por el I Plan Propio de Smart-Campus de la Universidad de Málaga y por la Universidad de Málaga a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de los carritos portaequipajes en un aeropuerto

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    Collecting luggage trolleys at an airport poses aproblematic that is usually done in a very inefficient way dueto the lack of information about the position and state of thetrolleys. In this sense, a management system for the luggagetrolleys using NB-IoT and BLE is proposed. Based on a capillaryarchitecture, this system can track the trolleys and distinguishthrough some sensors whether they are being used or not, aswell as if they are in their correspondent storage and displaysthe information in a dashboard created with Grafana.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech