82 research outputs found

    Studio e sperimentazione di strumenti software per presentazioni pubbliche basati su Raspberry Pi

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    Oggigiorno il mercato offre una varietà notevole di proiettori wireless; i modelli disponibili tuttavia presentano per alcuni aspetti, evidenti limitazioni nelle modalità di funzionamento e sono acquistabili a costi relativamente elevati. In questo elaborato viene discussa la realizzazione di un modello alternativo di proiettore wireless che sia in grado di superare questi vincoli. In particolare, il modello proposto è basato dal lato software, sulla condivisione dello schermo resa disponibile dalla tecnologia VNC e dal lato hardware, sull’utilizzo di due diverse versioni di Raspberry Pi. Il lavoro essenzialmente si configura come una serie di sperimentazioni sull’argomento, e può essere diviso in due parti: alla prima, in cui si è dotato un proiettore tradizionale di capacità wireless affiancandogli un Raspberry Pi, si succede una seconda parte nella quale è stata costruita un’estensione atta a rendere l’esperienza di proiezione, di documenti PDF in particolare, ancora più facile e immediata per l’utente

    FLATLAND: A study of Deep Reinforcement Learning methods applied to the vehicle rescheduling problem in a railway environment

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    In the field of Reinforcement Learning the task is learning how agents should take sequences of actions in an environment in order to maximize a numerical reward signal. This learning process employed in combination with neural networks has given rise to Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), that is nowadays applied in many domains, from video games to robotics and self-driving cars. This work investigates possible DRL approaches applied to Flatland, a multi-agent railway simulation where the main task is to plan and reschedule train routes in order to optimize the traffic flow within the network. The tasks introduced in Flatland are based on the Vehicle Rescheduling Problem, for which determining an optimal solution is a NP-complete problem in combinatorial optimization and determining acceptably good solutions using heuristics and deterministic methods is not feasible in realistic railway systems. In particular, we analyze the tasks of navigation of a single agent inside a map, that from a starting position has to reach a target station in the minimum number of time steps and the generalization of this task to a multi-agent setting, with the new issue of conflicts avoidance and resolution between agents. To solve the problem we developed specific observations of the environment, so as to capture the necessary information for the network, trained with Deep Q-Learning and variants, to learn the best action for each agent, that leads to the solution that maximizes the total reward. The positive results obtained on small environments offer ideas for various interpretations and possible future developments, showing that Reinforcement Learning has the potential to solve the problem under a new perspective

    Rosiglitazone Inhibits Adrenocortical Cancer Cell Proliferation by Interfering with the IGF-IR Intracellular Signaling

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    Rosiglitazone (RGZ), a thiazolidinedione ligand of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-γ, has been recently described as possessing antitumoral properties. We investigated RGZ effect on cell proliferation in two cell line models (SW13 and H295R) of human adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) and its interaction with the signaling pathways of the activated IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR). We demonstrate a high expression of IGF-IR in the two cell lines and in ACC. Cell proliferation is stimulated by IGF-I in a dose- and time-dependent manner and is inhibited by RGZ. The analysis of the main intracellular signaling pathways downstream of the activated IGF-IR, phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) cascades reveals that RGZ rapidly interferes with the Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation/activation which mediates IGF-I stimulated proliferation. In conclusion, our results suggest that RGZ exerts an inhibitory effect on human ACC cell proliferation by interfering with the PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 signaling pathways downstream of the activated IGF-IR

    Functional Differences in Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat Pads Originate from Differences in the Adipose Stem Cell

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    Metabolic pathologies mainly originate from adipose tissue (AT) dysfunctions. AT differences are associated with fat-depot anatomic distribution in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral omental (VAT) pads. We address the question whether the functional differences between the two compartments may be present early in the adipose stem cell (ASC) instead of being restricted to the mature adipocytes. Using a specific human ASC model, we evaluated proliferation/differentiation of ASC from abdominal SAT-(S-ASC) and VAT-(V-ASC) paired biopsies in parallel as well as the electrophysiological properties and functional activity of ASC and their in vitro-derived adipocytes. A dramatic difference in proliferation and adipogenic potential was observed between the two ASC populations, S-ASC having a growth rate and adipogenic potential significantly higher than V-ASC and giving rise to more functional and better organized adipocytes. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive electrophysiological analysis of ASC and derived-adipocytes, showing electrophysiological properties, such as membrane potential, capacitance and K+-current parameters which confirm the better functionality of S-ASC and their derived adipocytes. We document the greater ability of S-ASC-derived adipocytes to secrete adiponectin and their reduced susceptibility to lipolysis. These features may account for the metabolic differences observed between the SAT and VAT. Our findings suggest that VAT and SAT functional differences originate at the level of the adult ASC which maintains a memory of its fat pad of origin. Such stem cell differences may account for differential adipose depot susceptibility to the development of metabolic dysfunction and may represent a suitable target for specific therapeutic approaches