64 research outputs found

    Significant variation in mouse-skin aryl hydrocarbon hydroxy- lase inducibility as a function of the hair growth cycle.

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    An easy, rapid and improved technique for homogenizing whole skin is described. This technique consists of reducing skin to a powder in liquid N2 by using a metallic mortar, and homogenizing the powder in a Potter-Elvehjem tube. Using this homogenizing method, we have shown that skin AHH activity in C57BL/6K and C3H/Ico mice can be induced by i.p. injected or topically applied methylcholanthrene during a defined period of the hair growth cycle, i.e. between the 8th and 14th days after depilation (Stage 6 of the anagen period). In each experimental model, there is an optimal methylcholanthrene concentration which yields a maximum induction. Topical methylcholanthrene is also responsible for a smaller aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) induction when the chemical is applied the same day that the club hairs are plucked. On the other hand, skin AHH activity is never induced by methylcholanthrene in DBA/2J mice, a genetically non-responsive strain. No clear-cut segregation of skin AHH inducibility levels is found among the offspring from the back-cross between (C57BL/6J X DBA/2J)F1 and non-inducible DBA/2J mice

    Alteration of Benzo(A)Pyrene-DNA Adduct Formation by Rats Exposed to Simple Mixtures

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    Rheological characterization of BaTiO3 sol-gel transition

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    BaTiO3 gels were prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation reactions between titanium isopropoxide and barium hydroxide in presence of methoxyethanol, methanol and water. The rheology of the sol-gel transition was studied with a rheometer allowing low amplitude sinusoidal oscillations. Experimental data show a continuous increase in the complex viscosity along with time, showing the progressive character of the transition. The influence of synthesis operating variables was studied. The gelation time, which definition is based on viscoelastic measurements, increases exponentially when the water content is increased, when the dilution due to the methoxyethanol is reduced or when the temperature is lowered. Different growth models were used for the characterization of the particles in the solution. These models suggest that the polymerisation first produces spherical particles (mass fractals) and that these spherical particles then agglomerate to form a linear network
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