37 research outputs found

    Quasi-rigidity: some uniqueness issues

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    Quasi-rigidity means that one builds a theory for assemblies of grains under a slowly changing external load by using the deformation of those grains as a small parameter. Is quasi-rigidity a complete theory for these granular assemblies? Does it provide unique predictions of the assembly's behavior, or must some other process be invoked to decide between several possibilities? We provide evidence that quasi-rigidity is a complete theory by showing that two possible sources of indeterminacy do not exist for the case of disk shaped grains. One possible source of indeterminacy arises from zero-frequency modes present in the packing. This problem can be solved by considering the conditions required to obtain force equilibrium. A second possible source of indeterminacy is the necessity to choose the status (sliding or non-sliding) at each contact. We show that only one choice is permitted, if contacts slide only when required by Coulomb friction.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys Rev E (introduction and conclusion revised

    Understanding the dynamics of segregation bands of simulated granular material in a rotating drum

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    Axial segregation of a binary mixture of grains in a rotating drum is studied using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. A force scheme leading to a constant restitution coefficient is used and shows that axial segregation is possible between two species of grains made of identical material differing by size. Oscillatory motion of bands is investigated and the influence of the frictional properties elucidated. The mechanism of bands merging is explained using direct imaging of individual grains

    Continuous Avalanche Segregation of Granular Mixtures in Thin Rotating Drums

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    We study segregation of granular mixtures in the continuous avalanche regime (for frequencies above ~ 1 rpm) in thin rotating drums using a continuum theory for surface flows of grains. The theory predicts profiles in agreement with experiments only when we consider a flux dependent velocity of flowing grains. We find the segregation of species of different size and surface properties, with the smallest and roughest grains being found preferentially at the center of the drum. For a wide difference between the species we find a complete segregation in agreement with experiments. In addition, we predict a transition to a smooth segregation regime - with an power-law decay of the concentrations as a function of radial coordinate - as the size ratio between the grains is decreased towards one.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, http://polymer.bu.edu/~hmaks

    Size Segregation and Convection of Granular Mixtures Almost Completely Packed in the Rotating Thin Box

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    Size segregation of granular mixtures which are almost completely packed in a rotating drum is discussed with an effective simulation and a brief analysis. Instead of a 3D drum, we simulate 2D rotating thin box which is almost completely packed with granular mixtures. The phase inversion of radially segregated pattern which was found in a 3D experiment are qualitatively reproduced with this simulation, and a brief analysis is followed. Moreover in our simulation, a global convection appears after radial segregation pattern is formed, and this convection induces axially segregated pattern.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, PACS number(s): 45.70.-n, 45.70.M

    The origin and abundances of the chemical elements

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    Reconstitution de la Météorite Saint-Séverin Dans L’espace

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