78 research outputs found

    Ridge Augmentation Techniques in Preprosthetic Implant Surgery

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    Rehabilitation of missing teeth with dental implant-supported restorations has become a predictable treatment option in dentistry. The stability of hard and soft tissues around the implant is fundamental for long-term success. However, due to factors such as trauma, oncologic diseases, and missing teeth, vertical and horizontal bone loss is expected, and the available bone may not be suitable for optimum implant placement. Ridge augmentation procedures are applied to increase in the volume of the deficient sites for implant treatment. Autogenous block bone augmentation and guided bone regeneration (GBR) are two surgical approaches for implant placement. Autogenous bone is widely used for augmentations because of its osteogenic potential. A myriad of biomaterials, including xenografts, allografts, alloplasts, and composite grafts, are available for GBR. The aim of this chapter is to provide a brief summary of these methods and to discuss the advantages and pitfalls of ridge augmentation techniques

    Treatment of Oral Fistulas

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    The term “fistula” can be defined as an improper connection between different body compartments. It can occur in different parts of the body. Although, fistulae mostly develop due to untreated chronic infections, traumatic injuries and congenital deformities, specific infections or diseases, and post-surgical healing abnormalities can also cause fistula formation. Although, there is a general classification system made by the World Health Organization to identify fistulae, specifically, in this chapter oral fistulae are divided into four different categories, namely dentoalveolar, oroantral, oronasal and orocutaneous fistulae. The diagnosis and the treatment protocols for oral fistulas are described using this specific classification and with additional new techniques introduced for the correction of the lesions. Conventional surgical methods also are summarized. The importance of the radiological examination is emphasized and the practitioners are informed of possible complications