6,591 research outputs found

    The distribution of selected elements and minerals in soil of the conterminous United States

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    In 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated a low-density (1 site per 1600 km2, 4857 sites) geochemical andmineralogical survey of soil of the conterminous United States as part of the North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project. Three soil samples were collected, if possible, from each site; (1) a sample from a depth of 0 to 5 cm, (2) a composite of the soil A-horizon, and (3) a deeper sample from the soil C-horizon or, if the top of the C-horizon was at a depth greater than 100 cm, from a depth of approximately 80–100 cm. The \u3c2 mm fraction of each sample was analysed for a suite of 45 major and trace elements following near-total multi-acid digestion. The major mineralogical components in samples from the soil A- and C-horizons were determined by a quantitative X-ray diffraction method using Rietveld refinement. Sampling ended in 2010 and chemical and mineralogical analyses were completed in May 2013.Maps of the conterminous United States showing predicted element and mineral concentrations were interpolated from actual soil data for each soil sample type by an inverse distance weighted (IDW) technique using ArcGIS software. Regional- and national-scale map patterns for selected elements and minerals apparent in interpolated maps are described here in the context of soil-forming factors and possible human inputs. These patterns can be related to (1) soil parent materials, for example, in the distribution of quartz, (2) climate impacts, for example, in the distribution of feldspar and kaolinite, (3) soil age, for example, in the distribution of carbonate in young glacial deposits, and (4) possible anthropogenic loading of phosphorus (P) and lead (Pb) to surface soil. This new geochemical and mineralogical data set for the conterminous United States represents a major step forward from prior national-scale soil geochemistry data and provides a robust soil data framework for the United States now and into the future

    The monoid of queue actions

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    We investigate the monoid of transformations that are induced by sequences of writing to and reading from a queue storage. We describe this monoid by means of a confluent and terminating semi-Thue system and study some of its basic algebraic properties, e.g., conjugacy. Moreover, we show that while several properties concerning its rational subsets are undecidable, their uniform membership problem is NL-complete. Furthermore, we present an algebraic characterization of this monoid's recognizable subsets. Finally, we prove that it is not Thurston-automatic

    Lithium in LMC carbon stars

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    Nineteen carbon stars that show lithium enrichment in their atmospheres have been discovered among a sample of 674 carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Six of the Li-rich carbon stars are of J-type, i.e. with strong 13C isotopic features. No super-Li-rich carbon stars were found. The incidence of lithium enrichment among carbon stars in the LMC is much rarer than in the Galaxy, and about five times more frequent among J-type than among N-type carbon stars. The bolometric magnitudes of the Li-rich carbon stars range between -3.3 and -5.7. Existing models of Li-enrichment via the hot bottom burning process fail to account for all of the observed properties of the Li-enriched stars studied here.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Latex; in press, MNRA

    Stochastic Feedback and the Regulation of Biological Rhythms

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    We propose a general approach to the question of how biological rhythms spontaneously self-regulate, based on the concept of ``stochastic feedback''. We illustrate this approach by considering the neuroautonomic regulation of the heart rate. The model generates complex dynamics and successfully accounts for key characteristics of cardiac variability, including the 1/f1/f power spectrum, the functional form and scaling of the distribution of variations, and correlations in the Fourier phases. Our results suggest that in healthy systems the control mechanisms operate to drive the system away from extreme values while not allowing it to settle down to a constant output.Comment: 15 pages, latex2e using rotate and epsf, with 4 ps figures. Submitted to PR

    High-order Harmonic Generation and Dynamic Localization in a driven two-level system, a non-perturbative solution using the Floquet-Green formalism

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    We apply the Floquet-Green operator formalism to the case of a harmonically-driven two-level system. We derive exact expressions for the quasi-energies and the components of the Floquet eigenstates with the use of continued fractions. We study the avoided crossings structure of the quasi-energies as a function of the strength of the driving field and give an interpretation in terms of resonant multi-photon processes. From the Floquet eigenstates we obtain the time-evolution operator. Using this operator we study Dynamic Localization and High-order Harmonic Generation in the non-perturbative regime

    J-type Carbon Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    A sample of 1497 carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been observed in the red part of the spectrum with the 2dF facility on the AAT. Of these, 156 have been identified as J-type (i.e. 13C-rich) carbon stars using a technique which provides a clear distinction between J stars and the normal N-type carbon stars that comprise the bulk of the sample, and yields few borderline cases. A simple 2-D classification of the spectra, based on their spectral slopes in different wavelength regions, has been constructed and found to be related to the more conventional c- and j-indices, modified to suit the spectral regions observed. Most of the J stars form a photometric sequence in the K - (J-K) colour magnitude diagram, parallel to and 0.6 mag fainter than the N star sequence. A subset of the J stars (about 13 per cent) are brighter than this J star sequence; most of these are spectroscopically different from the other J stars. The bright J stars have stronger CN bands than the other J stars and are found strongly concentrated in the central regions of the LMC. Most of the rather few stars in common with Hartwick and Cowley's sample of suspected CH stars are J stars. Overall, the proportion of carbon stars identified as J stars is somewhat lower than has been found in the Galaxy. The Na D lines are weaker in the LMC J stars than in either the Galactic J stars or the LMC N stars, and do not seem to depend on temperature.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures, Latex; in press, MNRA

    Photonic superdiffusive motion in resonance line radiation trapping - partial frequency redistribution effects

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    The relation between the jump length probability distribution function and the spectral line profile in resonance atomic radiation trapping is considered for Partial Frequency Redistribution (PFR) between absorbed and reemitted radiation. The single line Opacity Distribution Function [M.N. Berberan-Santos et.al. J.Chem.Phys. 125, 174308 (2006)] is generalized for PFR and used to discuss several possible redistribution mechanisms (pure Doppler broadening, combined natural and Doppler broadening and combined Doppler, natural and collisional broadening). It is shown that there are two coexisting scales with a different behavior: the small scale is controlled by the intricate PFR details while the large scale is essentially given by the atom rest frame redistribution asymptotic. The pure Doppler and combined natural, Doppler and collisional broadening are characterized by both small and large scale superdiffusive Levy flight behaviors while the combined natural and Doppler case has an anomalous small scale behavior but a diffusive large scale asymptotic. The common practice of assuming complete redistribution in core radiation and frequency coherence in the wings of the spectral distribution is incompatible with the breakdown of superdiffusion in combined natural and Doppler broadening conditions

    Constraining Disk Parameters of Be Stars using Narrowband H-alpha Interferometry with the NPOI

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    Interferometric observations of two well-known Be stars, gamma Cas and phi Per, were collected and analyzed to determine the spatial characteristics of their circumstellar regions. The observations were obtained using the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer equipped with custom-made narrowband filters. The filters isolate the H-alpha emission line from the nearby continuum radiation, which results in an increased contrast between the interferometric signature due to the H-alpha-emitting circumstellar region and the central star. Because the narrowband filters do not significantly attenuate the continuum radiation at wavelengths 50 nm or more away from the line, the interferometric signal in the H-alpha channel is calibrated with respect to the continuum channels. The observations used in this study represent the highest spatial resolution measurements of the H-alpha-emitting regions of Be stars obtained to date. These observations allow us to demonstrate for the first time that the intensity distribution in the circumstellar region of a Be star cannot be represented by uniform disk or ring-like structures, whereas a Gaussian intensity distribution appears to be fully consistent with our observations.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The Amateur Sky Survey Mark III Project

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    The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS) is a loose confederation of amateur and professional astronomers. We describe the design and construction of our Mark III system, a set of wide-field drift-scan CCD cameras which monitor the celestial equator down to thirteenth magnitude in several passbands. We explain the methods by which images are gathered, processed, and reduced into lists of stellar positions and magnitudes. Over the period October, 1996, to November, 1998, we compiled a large database of photometric measurements. One of our results is the "tenxcat" catalog, which contains measurements on the standard Johnson-Cousins system for 367,241 stars; it contains links to the light curves of these stars as well.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figures; additional JPEG files for Figures 1, 2. Submitted to PAS
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