98 research outputs found

    Abnormalities of White Matter Microstructure in Unmedicated Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Changes after Medication

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    BACKGROUND: Abnormalities of myelin integrity have been reported in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) using multi-parameter maps of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, it was still unknown to what degree these abnormalities might be affected by pharmacological treatment. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the abnormalities of white matter microstructure including myelin integrity exist in OCD and whether they are affected by medication. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Parameter maps of DTI, including fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD) and mean diffusivity (MD), were acquired from 27 unmedicated OCD patients (including 13 drug-naΓ―ve individuals) and 23 healthy controls. Voxel-based analysis was then performed to detect regions with significant group difference. We compared the DTI-derived parameters of 15 patients before and after 12-week Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) therapies. Significant differences of DTI-derived parameters were observed between OCD and healthy groups in multiple structures, mainly within the fronto-striato-thalamo-cortical loop. An increased RD in combination with no change in AD among OCD patients was found in the left medial superior frontal gyrus, temporo-parietal lobe, occipital lobe, striatum, insula and right midbrain. There was no statistical difference in DTI-derived parameters between drug-naive and previously medicated OCD patients. After being medicated, OCD patients showed a reduction in RD of the left striatum and right midbrain, and in MD of the right midbrain. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary findings suggest that abnormalities of white matter microstructure, particularly in terms of myelin integrity, are primarily located within the fronto-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit of individuals with OCD. Some abnormalities may be partly reversed by SSRI treatment

    Differential Stress-Induced Neuronal Activation Patterns in Mouse Lines Selectively Bred for High, Normal or Low Anxiety

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    There is evidence for a disturbed perception and processing of emotional information in pathological anxiety. Using a rat model of trait anxiety generated by selective breeding, we previously revealed differences in challenge-induced neuronal activation in fear/anxiety-related brain areas between high (HAB) and low (LAB) anxiety rats. To confirm whether findings generalize to other species, we used the corresponding HAB/LAB mouse model and investigated c-Fos responses to elevated open arm exposure. Moreover, for the first time we included normal anxiety mice (NAB) for comparison. The results confirm that HAB mice show hyperanxious behavior compared to their LAB counterparts, with NAB mice displaying an intermediate anxiety phenotype. Open arm challenge revealed altered c-Fos response in prefrontal-cortical, limbic and hypothalamic areas in HAB mice as compared to LAB mice, and this was similar to the differences observed previously in the HAB/LAB rat lines. In mice, however, additional differential c-Fos response was observed in subregions of the amygdala, hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, midbrain and pons. Most of these differences were also seen between HAB and NAB mice, indicating that it is predominately the HAB line showing altered neuronal processing. Hypothalamic hypoactivation detected in LAB versus NAB mice may be associated with their low-anxiety/high-novelty-seeking phenotype. The detection of similarly disturbed activation patterns in a key set of anxiety-related brain areas in two independent models reflecting psychopathological states of trait anxiety confirms the notion that the altered brain activation in HAB animals is indeed characteristic of enhanced (pathological) anxiety, providing information for potential targets of therapeutic intervention

    RNase YI* and RNA structure studies.

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    The enzymology of RNase YI*, a recently discovered endoribonuclease from yeast, was studied and compared to other endonucleases for detection of single-strand regions and base pair mismatches in RNA. Its value for RNA structure analyses was assessed with Escherichia coli 5S rRNA as a model substrate. The generally accepted structure of the 5S rRNA is based on thermodynamic energy considerations as well as structures conserved in regions of the molecule during evolution. S1 and mung bean nucleases gave similar results with very marked preference only for the longest single-stranded region in the model. RNase YI* was much more discriminating for detecting unpaired nucleotides as well as short single-strand regions and predicted the generally accepted 5S rRNA structure. Preliminary experiments also indicated that RNase YI* was more sensitive than RNase I for detecting single or multiple base pair mismatches in an RNA-DNA hybrid

    Broad-specificity endoribonucleases and mRNA degradation in Escherichia coli.

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    Crude extracts from Escherichia coli were screened for any broad-specificity endoribonuclease after the cell proteins were fractionated by size. In a mutant lacking the gene for RNase I (molecular mass, 27,156 Da), the only such activities were also in the size range of 23 to 28 kDa. Fractionation by chromatography on a strong cation-exchange resin revealed only two activities. One of them eluted at a salt concentration expected for RNase M and had the specificity of RNase M. It preferred pyriimdine-adenosine bonds, could not degrade purine homopolymers, and had a molecular mass of-27 kDa (V. J. Cannistraro and D. Kennell, Eur. J. Biochem. 181:363-370, 1989). A second fraction, eluting at a higher salt concentration, was active against any phosphodiester bond but was about 100 times less active than are kNase I and RNase I * (a form of RNase I) in the wild-type cell. On the basis of sizing-gel chromatography, this enzyme had a molecular mass of-24 kDa. We call it RNase R (for residual). RNase R is not an abnormal product of the mutant rna gene; a cell carrying many copies of that gene on a plasmid did not synthesize more RNase R. Our search for broad-specificity endoribonucleases was prompted by the expectation that the primary activities for mRNA degradation are expressed by a relatively small number of broad-specificity RNases. If correct, the results suggest that the endoribonucleases for this major metabolic activity reside in the 24- to 28-kDa size range. Endoribonucleases with much greater specificity must have as primary functions the processing of specific RNA molecules at a ver
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