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    The posterictr maxillary an ophy Inas lead to socrat CI i fin:ulnas in lila iinnkini sui goy. limo , Stir Istchnicogss incluchng gygornaitcus and posrygcgcl implants. regcnenutve technicmos such as dist ractum ostcogenesis, gsmic giggling for the augmentation of Mc atrophic nusilla. Sinus floor augmentation proccilurc is a commonly used surgical technique in tlic eirofio rooforf for off effroel foe-floor proccclurcs. Iggspne g sale rnethcst thgrc is arinays a risk cif iturtisursttr"A or postsurgical complications, as styli m any oral procedures. The aim of this reviess is to srvaluate ihtr con-Tips:Mons associated ggitt the sinus floor augmernation kg: linking ancl pmphasisc Me treatment options. We insestsgmodsearch onging m order to find seltimii timings isuhlislicil en l99Q-2MI9 sears ss Mt. kessomrsts-sinus Ilor austmergaism. coropligations atophic maxilla implant.