71 research outputs found

    «Dalla cattedra all’officina»: studiare Medicina a Pavia nella seconda metĂ  del Settecento.

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    Il lavoro si propone di illustrare il percorso di formazione degli studenti di Medicina che frequentarono l’UniversitĂ  di Pavia durante il periodo delle riforme asburgiche, nella seconda metĂ  del XVIII secolo. Il primo capitolo ricostruisce il cammino delle riforme, focalizzandosi in modo piĂč approfondito sulla FacoltĂ  medica nel suo complesso istituzionale. Si forniscono anche alcune informazioni essenziali sugli iscritti alla FacoltĂ  di medicina di cui viene abbozzato un profilo d’insieme, basato sui dati relativi alla provenienza e alla loro permanenza in UniversitĂ . Il secondo capitolo affronta l’incontro tra insegnamento clinico e anatomico, essenziale per la formazione del medico-chirurgo. Nel Settecento si stava affermando il concetto della pratica clinica come perno per la formazione medica e chirurgica: si Ăš dunque deciso di approfondire lo sviluppo di questa disciplina anche nel contesto universitario pavese che fu all’avanguardia nell’introdurre una cattedra di clinica medica all’interno dell’Ospedale S. Matteo. Il terzo capitolo cerca invece di entrare nel vivo dei piani di riforma prospettati nel primo capitolo affrontando il momento finale della formazione medica: gli esami scritti e orali e la stesura delle tesi. Si fornisce quindi uno studio preliminare delle tesi di laurea, delle quali sono messi in risalto i temi trattati, talvolta legati a questioni di rilievo nel dibattito scientifico del tempo. In conclusione si fornisce in appendice la trascrizione delle tesi mediche conservate presso l’archivio di Stato di Pavia

    Host-microbiota interaction induces bi-phasic inflammation and glucose intolerance in mice

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    Objective: Gut microbiota modulates adiposity and glucose metabolism in humans and mice. Here we investigated how colonization of germ-free (GF) mice affects kinetics of adiposity and glucose metabolism. Methods: Adiposity and glucose metabolism were evaluated at different time points in ex-GF and antibiotic treated mice after colonization with gut microbiota from a conventionally raised (CONV-R) mouse. Mouse physiology, microbiome configuration, serum cytokine levels, and gene expression for inflammatory markers were performed in different tissues. Results: Colonization resulted in a bi-phasic glucose impairment: the first phase occurring within 3 days of colonization (early phase) and the second 14–28 days after colonization (delayed phase). The early phase co-occurred with an inflammatory response and was independent of adiposity, while the delayed phase was mostly ascribed to adipose tissue expansion and inflammation. Importantly, re-colonization of antibiotic treated mice displays only the delayed phase of glucose impairment and adiposity, suggesting that the early phase may be unique to colonization of the immature GF mice gut. Conclusions: Our results provide new insights on host–microbiota interaction during colonization of GF mice and the resulting effects on adiposity and glucose metabolism in a time resolved fashion

    Aerobic Microbial Inactivation Kinetics of Shrimp Using a Fixed Minimal Ozone Discharge: A Fact or Fib During Iced Storage?

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    AbstractAmong researchers worldwide, the combination of preservation methods aimed to achieve improved effects on microbial inactivation of seafood products is an area of research receiving increasing interest. Globally also, the demand for high quality minimally processed food products are on the increase. Ozone treatment, three decade – long declared 'Generally Recognized As Safe' and approved as food contact sanitizing agent has evolved up to recent times where it assumes the likes of domestic food-processing facilities manufactured with environment-friendly status ensuring consumer safety. On the other hand, the subject of inactivation kinetics of seafood microorganisms following ozone treatment is still under debate. Furthermore, kinetic models remain the economical and quick approach to predict the preservation parameters. Nevertheless, there is paucity of information regards aerobic microbial inactivation of crustacean product arising from fixed minimal ozone discharge. Is the phenomenon of aerobic microbial inactivation kinetics of shrimp product subject to a fixed minimal ozone discharge during iced storage a fact or fib? To answer this, the aerobic microbial inactivation kinetics of shrimp during iced storage of up to 11 days was inspected. The process conditions comprised of a fixed ozone concentration of 100mg/h minimally discharged at wash time of 1min as well as iced storage of up to 11 days. Minimal ozone treatment was applied either prior to or during iced storage situations. Aerobic microbial inactivation presented significant effects during iced storage (P<0.05). Line of fit that could best describe the aerobic microbial inactivation kinetics showed adequacy only at the fourth order of storage time 'x' variable, which could only but account for between 75 - 96% of explained variance. Overall, aerobic microbial inactivation kinetics of shrimp using a fixed minimal ozone discharge appears quantitatively possible even though it decreases as iced storage progresses


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    These observations suggest that alterations at the level of the gut microbiota influence the gut permeability and activate specific inflammation pathways that are related to psychological symptoms of alcoholdependence. Altogether these observations are consistent with a role of inflammation as one mediator of a gut-brain communication in AD patients

    Kosmos, il nuovo progetto culturale dell’Università di Pavia per le collezioni di storia naturale

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    Kosmos, the new cultural project of the University of Pavia for its Natural History collections Kosmos, the new Natural History Museum, adopted for its new exhibition strategies dedicated to the accessibility of the collections. The gallery was therefore enriched with exhibits and games with the aim of conveying scientific content in an engaging form. For guided tours and workshops Kosmos makes use of the collaboration of ADMaiora, a company that provides educational services. Together with the museum’ staff ADMaiora has developed an educational offer capable of making museum content accessible at all levels, including audiences who present disabilities. To support the visit few didactic kits have been added and a new palaeontology laboratory kit for small groups with cognitive disabilities has been created. Finally, a "social history" document that adopt Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) was drawn up to prepare children with specific relational disabilities to the visi

    Il Sistema Museale dell’Università di Pavia ai tempi del coronavirus

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    Kosmos, the new cultural project of the University of Pavia for its Natural History collections Kosmos, the new Natural History Museum, adopted for its new exhibition strategies dedicated to the accessibility of the collections. The gallery was therefore enriched with exhibits and games with the aim of conveying scientific content in an engaging form. For guided tours and workshops Kosmos makes use of the collaboration of ADMaiora, a company that provides educational services. Together with the museum’ staff ADMaiora has developed an educational offer capable of making museum content accessible at all levels, including audiences who present disabilities. To support the visit few didactic kits have been added and a new palaeontology laboratory kit for small groups with cognitive disabilities has been created. Finally, a "social history" document that adopt Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) was drawn up to prepare children with specific relational disabilities to the visit

    Functional relevance of circRNA aberrant expression in pediatric acute leukemia with KMT2A::AFF1 fusion

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    : Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are emerging molecular players in leukemogenesis and promising therapeutic targets. In KMT2A::AFF1 (MLL::AF4)-rearranged leukemia, an aggressive disease compared with other pediatric B-cell precursor (BCP) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), data about circRNAs are limited. Here, we disclose the circRNA landscape of infant patients with KMT2A::AFF1 translocated BCP-ALL showing dysregulated, mostly ectopically expressed, circRNAs in leukemia cells. Most of these circRNAs, apart from circHIPK3 and circZNF609, previously associated with oncogenic behavior in ALL, are still uncharacterized. An in&nbsp;vitro loss-of-function screening identified an oncogenic role of circFKBP5, circKLHL2, circNR3C1, and circPAN3 in KMT2A::AFF1 ALL, whose silencing affected cell proliferation and apoptosis. Further study in an extended cohort disclosed a significantly correlated expression of these oncogenic circRNAs and their putative involvement in common regulatory networks. Moreover, it showed that circAFF1 upregulation occurs in a subset of cases with HOXA KMT2A::AFF1 ALL. Collectively, functional analyses and patient data reveal oncogenic circRNA upregulation as a relevant mechanism that sustains the malignant cell phenotype in KMT2A::AFF1 ALL
