11 research outputs found

    Potencial para gerenciamento energético municipal a partir do biogás oriundo de aterros sanitários e da queima de resíduos sólidos urbanos / Potential for municipal energy management from biogas from landfills and the burning of urban solid waste

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    Os Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos formam um problema de poluição ao meio ambiente que pode ser minimizado a partir da transformação desses dejetos em matéria prima para transformação energética. Ou seja, é possível extrair energia elétrica a partir de todo material descartado pelas cidades. Embora o a estrutura da matriz energética brasileira defina o Brasil como líder mundial na geração de energia elétrica a partir de fontes renováveis, espera-se que diversificando essa matriz mantenha-se o alto índice de energia renovável. Dessa forma, a geração de energia a partir de resíduos sólidos urbanos apresenta-se como uma alternativa possível, com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo efetuar um estudo comparativo a partir da geração de energia elétrica em aterros sanitários aproveitando o biogás e sua queima em usinas de incineração ou motores a combustão interna, considerando o universo de pesquisa o município de Ijuí, que possui dados disponíveis a respeito da formação de seu RSU e volume de coleta diária. 

    Controle de cargas residenciais baseado nas preferências e conforto do consumidor / Control of residential loads based on consumer preferences and comfort

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    Todos os dias, mais consumidores conectam cargas distintas no sistema de energia elétrica, os veículos elétricos são um exemplo disso. A maioria das residências possuem características diferentes, algumas possuem micro ou minigeração distribuída através da instalação de painéis solares, ou seja, são características de consumo e geração muito distintas. Ao oposto disso, encontramos uma infraestrutura das redes elétricas ultrapassada e estagnada no tempo, que afeta diretamente na eficiência e qualidade da energia. Em contrapartida, as concessionárias estão sob crescente pressão para se tornarem mais eficientes em todos os níveis, enquanto ainda oferecem a qualidade de energia exigida. A partir disso, a inserção das Smart Grids é algo bastante eminente e inevitável. E a partir desta inserção, o gerenciamento do consumo das cargas residenciais é algo que se torna possível, buscando a redução do consumo em todos os pontos. Este artigo tem como objetivo trazer a modelagem e implementação de dois algoritmos para realizar o controle do consumo de energia elétrica de forma automatizada. Um dos algoritmos aplica-se a consumidores residenciais que fazem parte do programa da Tarifa Branca. Já o outro, é aplicado em cenários onde a residência participa de algum programa de Resposta da Demanda (RD). Ambos os algoritmos levam em consideração o conforto e as preferências do consumidor. Um cenário de testes contendo sete cargas controláveis, mostrou que os algoritmos desenvolvidos cumprem seu papel. É possível observar a redução da curva de carga em momentos que a tarifa é mais elevada e/ou quando alguma requisição de RD é recebida da concessionária de energia

    Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Link Design for Networked Robotics

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    This chapter aims to present the fundamentals of the design of wireless communication links for networked robotics applications. First, we provide an overview of networked robotics applications, motivating the importance of the wireless communication link as an enabler of these applications. Next, we review the wireless communication technologies available today, discussing the existent tradeoffs between range, power, and data rate, and introducing the main concepts regarding the design of wireless communication links. Finally, we present a design example of a wireless communication link and the results obtained. We conclude the chapter with a discussion of the results and the challenges faced in the design of wireless communication links for networked robotics

    Methodology for Placement of Dispersed Generation Sources in Distribution Networks

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    The Brazilian electric systems need the \ud development of new researches and tools, in order to obtain a \ud logic solution to maintain and improve the reliability and the \ud quality of the power delivered to customers. The study of the \ud appropriate connection of dispersed generation sources is an \ud essential topic to be analyzed, since this process may provide \ud positive impacts along the feeders. The main effects of the DG \ud operation inside a distribution system model are here analyzed \ud through the software DigSilent®, considering power losses and \ud voltage levels. Moreover, a multi-objective methodology – \ud Bellman-Zadeh algorithm and membership fuzzy functions – is \ud used for evaluating quantitativeand qualitative parameters. The \ud main objective of the paper is finding the appropriate DG \ud placement inside a distribution system model. It is important to \ud observe that the methodology presented in this study can be \ud applied to distribution system feeders to find in which feeder will \ud be the most appropriate DG location, as well to any node inside a \ud determined feeder providing a specific place for the appropriate \ud DG site.CAPESCNP

    Communication System Design for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure

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    This paper primarily deals with the design of an Information and Control Technology (ICT) network for an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) on the IEEE 34 node radial distribution network. The application is comprised of 330 smart meters deployed in the low voltage system and 33 data concentrators in the medium voltage system. A power line carrier (PLC) communication system design is developed and simulated in Network Simulator 3 (NS-3). The simulation result is validated by comparing the communication network performance with the minimum performance requirements for AMI. The network delay of a single data frame is calculated and compared with the simulation delay. The design methodology proposed in this article may be used for other smart grid applications. The secondary goal is to provide AMI network traffic based on the IEC Std. 61968 and a discussion on whether or not AMI could possibly be a source of big data on the future power grid

    A Flexible-Reliable Operation Model of Storage and Distributed Generation in a Biogas Power Plant

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    This paper presents a novel methodology for planning and operating biogas energy systems based on the transactive energy concept to determine multilevel operating regimes for distributed generation. The developed model is used to manage the production, storage, and dispatch of biogas energy systems to meet the load demands of the biogas producer and support the operation of the distribution network operator. An Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is fitted to optimize the biogas production of the biogas producer, including the operation of the biogas storage systems and their interaction with the network operator. The model’s objective is to maximize benefits for the participating agents in a transactive energy context. The model’s effectiveness is validated using seven case studies involving biogas systems having different operating ranges and modes to achieve enhanced flexibility and reliability for the system operation with a large proportion of intermittent energy resources. The simulation results showed that the approach could effectively manage the operation of biogas systems and their interaction with the network operator. The developed model is suitable for systems fostering net metering charging and real-time pricing

    A Flexible-Reliable Operation Model of Storage and Distributed Generation in a Biogas Power Plant

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    This paper presents a novel methodology for planning and operating biogas energy systems based on the transactive energy concept to determine multilevel operating regimes for distributed generation. The developed model is used to manage the production, storage, and dispatch of biogas energy systems to meet the load demands of the biogas producer and support the operation of the distribution network operator. An Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is fitted to optimize the biogas production of the biogas producer, including the operation of the biogas storage systems and their interaction with the network operator. The model’s objective is to maximize benefits for the participating agents in a transactive energy context. The model’s effectiveness is validated using seven case studies involving biogas systems having different operating ranges and modes to achieve enhanced flexibility and reliability for the system operation with a large proportion of intermittent energy resources. The simulation results showed that the approach could effectively manage the operation of biogas systems and their interaction with the network operator. The developed model is suitable for systems fostering net metering charging and real-time pricing

    A Novel Virtual Power Plant Uncertainty Modeling Framework Using Unscented Transform

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    This paper proposes a new strategy for modeling predictability uncertainty in a stochastic context for decision making within a Virtual Power Plant (VPP). Modeling variable renewable energy generation is an essential step for effective VPP planning and operation. However, it is also a challenging task due to the uncertain nature of its sources. Therefore, developing tools to effectively predict these uncertainties is essential for the optimal participation of VPPs in the electricity market. The purpose of this paper is to present a novel method to model the uncertainties associated with energy dispatching in a VPP using the Unscented Transform (UT) method. The proposed algorithm minimizes the risks associated with the VPP operation in a computationally efficient and simple manner, and can be used in real-time on a power system. The proposed framework was evaluated based on an Electric Power System (EPS) model with historical data. Case studies have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in minimizing power demand and renewable-energy-forecasting uncertainty for a VPP

    A secure and lightweight multicast communication system for Smart Grids

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    In the Smart Grids context, all communications must be handled in a secure way, including multicast traffic. The Application Layer Multicast (ALM) algorithms provide better flexibility and can employ security mechanisms, however, causes overhead to all nodes to build the multicast tree. In this work is proposed another approach to provide a secure multicast focusing on filtering packets on nodes without need an overlay protocol. It uses the multihop property of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) usually employed to bring connectivity to smart meters. Also, there is the support to message authentication code (MAC) using symmetric cryptography and presents an algorithm to provide a secure key distribution system. The results show that this approach is lightweight, secure, and assures multicast message delivery, even on failures caused by attacks on the key distribution system. The key management protocol used to provide authentication and integrity are evaluated using an automated test tool

    Combined Framework with Heuristic Programming and Rule-Based Strategies for Scheduling and Real Time Operation in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

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    This paper proposes a flexible framework for scheduling and real time operation of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS). The methodology applies a multi-objective evolutionary particle swarm optimization algorithm (EPSO) for electric vehicles (EVs) scheduling based on a day-ahead scenario. Then, real time operation is managed based on a rule-based (RB) approach. Two types of consumer were considered: EV owners with a day-ahead request for charging (scheduled consumers, SCh) and non-scheduling users (NSCh). EPSO has two main objectives: cost reduction and reduce overloading for high demand in grid. The EVCS has support by photovoltaic generation (PV), battery energy storage systems (BESS), and the distribution grid. The method allows the selection between three types of charging, distributing it according to EV demand. The model estimates SC remaining state of charge (SoC) for arriving to EVCS and then adjusts the actual difference by the RB. The results showed a profit for EVCS by the proposed technique. The proposed EPSO and RB have a fast solution to the problem that allows practical implementation