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    Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) involves a progressive deterioration in kidney function, affecting the ability to filter metabolic waste. Factors such as age, family history, ethnicity, sex, and unhealthy habits may contribute to progression to stage 5 (CKD-5). Methodology: Retrospective observational study analyzed patients with hypertension, diabetes, morbid obesity, dyslipidemia and CKD in Valle del Cauca from 2018 to 2020. Cases with CKD-5, previous dialysis, and significant changes were excluded. A census was used as a sampling method, consolidating quarterly data in 12 databases. The analysis addressed sociodemographic and clinical factors, evaluating associations with binary logistic regression, and the study was ethically approved. Results: In a cohort of 57,643 patients with CKD stages 1 to 4, the majority began follow-up in stages 2 and 3. The prevalent comorbidities were hypertension, overweight and obesity. The incidence of CKD-5 was 6 new cases per 1000 patients, being higher in the population aged 30 to 44 years, male, non-ethnic, not belonging to vulnerable groups and residing in certain municipalities. Factors such as uncontrolled blood pressure, lack of specific medication and follow-up in advanced renal stages were significantly associated with the incidence of CKD stage 5. In addition, a direct relationship was observed between the advancement of renal stage and the increase in creatinine in the blood, albumin in urine, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Patients who advanced to stage 5 showed significantly higher levels of blood creatinine, albuminuria, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol compared to those who remained in stage 4 or lower.Introducci贸n: La Enfermedad Renal Cr贸nica (ERC) implica un deterioro progresivo en la funci贸n renal, afectando la capacidad de filtrar desechos metab贸licos. Factores como edad, antecedentes familiares, etnia, sexo, y h谩bitos poco saludables pueden contribuir a la progresi贸n hacia el estadio 5 (ERC-5). Metodolog铆a: Estudio observacional retrospectivo analiz贸 pacientes con hipertensi贸n, diabetes, obesidad m贸rbida, dislipidemia y ERC en el Valle del Cauca de 2018 a 2020. Se excluyeron casos con ERC-5, di谩lisis previa, y cambios significativos. Se utiliz贸 un censo como m茅todo de muestreo, consolidando datos trimestrales en 12 bases. El an谩lisis abord贸 factores sociodemogr谩ficos y cl铆nicos, evaluando asociaciones con regresi贸n log铆stica binaria, y el estudio fue 茅ticamente aprobado. Resultados: En una cohorte de 57,643 pacientes con ERC estadios 1 a 4, la mayor铆a inici贸 el seguimiento en estadios 2 y 3. Las comorbilidades prevalentes fueron hipertensi贸n, sobrepeso y obesidad. La incidencia de ERC-5 fue de 6 casos nuevos por cada 1000 pacientes, siendo mayor en poblaci贸n de 30 a 44 a帽os, sexo masculino, no 茅tnica, no perteneciente a grupos vulnerables y residente en ciertos municipios. Factores como la presi贸n arterial no controlada, falta de medicaci贸n espec铆fica y seguimiento en estadios renales avanzados se asociaron significativamente con la incidencia de ERC estadio 5. Adem谩s, se observ贸 una relaci贸n directa entre el avance de estadio renal y el incremento de creatinina en sangre, albumina en orina, colesterol total y colesterol HDL. Los pacientes que avanzaron a estadio 5 mostraron niveles significativamente superiores de creatinina en sangre, albuminuria, colesterol total y colesterol LDL en comparaci贸n con los que permanecieron en fase 4 o inferior