45 research outputs found

    Identification of mucin degraders of the human gut microbiota

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    Mucins are large glycoproteins consisting of approximately 80% of hetero-oligosaccharides. Gut mucin degraders of healthy subjects were investigated, through a culture dependent and independent approach. The faeces of five healthy adults were subjected to three steps of anaerobic enrichment in a medium with sole mucins as carbon and nitrogen sources. The bacterial community was compared before and after the enrichment by 16S rRNA gene profiling. Bacteria capable of fermenting sugars, such as Anaerotruncus, Holdemania, and Enterococcaceae likely took advantage of the carbohydrate chains. Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae, Peptococcales, the Coriobacteriale Eggerthella, and a variety of Clostridia such as Oscillospiraceae, Anaerotruncus, and Lachnoclostridium, significantly increased and likely participated to the degradation of the protein backbone of mucin. The affinity of E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae for mucin may facilitate the access to the gut mucosa, promoting gut barrier damage and triggering systemic inflammatory responses. Only three species of strict anaerobes able to grow on mucin were isolated from the enrichments of five different microbiota: Clostridium disporicum, Clostridium tertium, and Paraclostridium benzoelyticum. The limited number of species isolated confirms that in the gut the degradation of these glycoproteins results from cooperation and cross-feeding among several species exhibiting different metabolic capabilities

    Draft genome sequence of the mucin degrader clostridium tertium wc0709

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    The draft genome sequence of Clostridium tertium WC0709, a gut bacterium able to use mucin in pure culture as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, is presented here. The genome sequence of C. tertium will provide valuable references for comparative genome analysis and for studying the relationship with the host

    Good and bad dispositions between archaea and bacteria in the human gut: New insights from metagenomic survey and co-occurrence analysis

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    Archaea are an understudied component of the human microbiome. In this study, the gut archaeome and bacteriome of 60 healthy adults from different region were analyzed by whole-genome shotgun sequencing. Archaea were ubiquitously found in a wide range of abundances, reaching up to 7.2 %. The dominant archaeal phylum was Methanobacteriota, specifically the family Methanobacteriaceae, encompassing more than 50 % of Archaea in 50 samples. The previously underestimated Thermoplasmatota, mostly composed of Methanomassiliicoccaceae, dominated in 10 subjects (>50 %) and was present in all others except one. Halobacteriota, the sole other archaeal phylum, occurred in negligible concentration, except for two samples (4.6–4.8 %). This finding confirmed that the human gut archaeome is primarily composed of methanogenic organisms and among the known methanogenic pathway: i) hydrogenotrophic reduction of CO2 is the predominant, being the genus Methanobrevibacter and the species Methanobrevibacter smithii the most abundant in the majority of the samples; ii) the second pathway, that involved Methanomassiliicoccales, was the hydrogenotrophic reduction of methyl-compounds; iii) dismutation of acetate or methyl-compounds seemed to be absent. Co-occurrence analysis allowed to unravel correlations between Archaea and Bacteria that shapes the overall structure of the microbial community, allowing to depict a clearer picture of the human gut archaeome

    Antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, phenotyping, and genotyping of non\u2013escherichia coli enterobacterales from the gut microbiota of healthy subjects

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    Non-Escherichia coli Enterobacterales (NECE) can colonize the human gut and may present virulence determinants and phenotypes that represent severe heath concerns. Most information is available for virulent NECE strains, isolated from patients with an ongoing infection, while the commensal NECE population of healthy subjects is understudied. In this study, 32 NECE strains were isolated from the feces of 20 healthy adults. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and mass spectrometry attributed the isolates to Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter kobei, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter amalonaticus, Cronobacter sp., and Hafnia alvei, Morganella morganii, and Serratia liquefaciens. Multiplex PCR revealed that K. pneumoniae harbored virulence genes for adhesins (mrkD, ycfM, and kpn) and enterobactin (entB) and, in one case, also for yersiniabactin (ybtS, irp1, irp2, and fyuA). Virulence genes were less numerous in the other NECE species. Biofilm formation was spread across all the species, while curli and cellulose were mainly produced by Citrobacter and Enterobacter. Among the most common antibiotics, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was the sole against which resistance was observed, only Klebsiella strains being susceptible. The NECE inhabiting the intestine of healthy subjects have traits that may pose a health threat, taking into account the possibility of horizontal gene transfer

    Comparative Genomics of Leuconostoc carnosum

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    Leuconostoc carnosum is a known colonizer of meat-related food matrices. It reaches remarkably high loads during the shelf life in packaged meat products and plays a role in spoilage, although preservative effects have been proposed for some strains. In this study, the draft genomes of 17 strains of L. carnosum (i.e., all the strains that have been sequenced so far) were compared to decipher their metabolic and functional potential and to determine their role in food transformations. Genome comparison and pathway reconstruction indicated that L. carnosum is a compact group of closely related heterofermentative bacteria sharing most of the metabolic features. Adaptation to a nitrogen-rich environment, such as meat, is evidenced by 23 peptidase genes identified in the core genome and by the autotrophy for nitrogen compounds including several amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors. Genes encoding the decarboxylases yielding biogenic amines were not present. All the strains harbored 1–4 of 32 different plasmids, bearing functions associated to proteins hydrolysis, transport of amino acids and oligopeptides, exopolysaccharides, and various resistances (e.g., to environmental stresses, bacteriophages, and heavy metals). Functions associated to bacteriocin synthesis, secretion, and immunity were also found in plasmids. While genes for lactococcin were found in most plasmids, only three harbored the genes for leucocin B, a class IIa antilisterial bacteriocin. Determinants of antibiotic resistances were absent in both plasmids and chromosomes

    Phenotypic Traits and Immunomodulatory Properties of Leuconostoc carnosum Isolated From Meat Products

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    Twelve strains of Leuconostoc carnosum from meat products were investigated in terms of biochemical, physiological, and functional properties. The spectrum of sugars fermented by L. carnosum strains was limited to few mono- and disaccharides, consistently with the natural habitats of the species, including meat and fermented vegetables. The strains were able to grow from 4 to 37C with an optimum of approximately 32.5C. The ability to grow at temperatures compatible with refrigeration and in presence of up to 60 g/L NaCl explains the high loads of L. carnosum frequently described in many meat-based products. Six strains produced exopolysaccharides, causing a ropy phenotype of colonies, according to the potential involvement on L. carnosum in the appearance of slime in packed meat products. On the other side, the study provides evidence of a potential protective role of L. carnosum WC0321 and L. carnosum WC0323 against Listeria monocytogenes, consistently with the presence in these strains of the genes encoding leucocin B. Some meat-based products intended to be consumed without cooking may harbor up to 108 CFU/g of L. carnosum; therefore, we investigated the potential impact of this load on health. No strains survived the treatment with simulated gastric juice. Three selected strains were challenged for the capability to colonize a mouse model and their immunomodulatory properties were investigated. The strains did not colonize the intestine of mice during 10 days of daily dietary administration. Intriguingly, despite the loss of viability during the gastrointestinal transit, the strains exhibited different immunomodulatory effect on the maturation of dendritic cells in vivo, the extent of which correlated to the production of exopolysaccharides. The ability to stimulate the mucosal associated immune system in such probiotic-like manner, the general absence of antibiotic resistance genes, and the lack of the biosynthetic pathways for biogenic amines should reassure on the safety of this species, with potential for exploitation of selected starters

    Multivariate Analysis in Microbiome Description: Correlation of Human Gut Protein Degraders, Metabolites, and Predicted Metabolic Functions

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    Protein catabolism by intestinal bacteria is infamous for releasing many harmful compounds, negatively affecting the health status, both locally and systemically. In a previous study, we enriched in protein degraders the fecal microbiota of five subjects, utilizing a medium containing protein and peptides as sole fermentable substrates and we monitored their evolution by 16S rRNA gene profiling. In the present study, we fused the microbiome data and the data obtained by the analysis of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace of the cultures. Then, we utilized ANOVA simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) to establish a relationship between metabolites and bacteria. In particular, ASCA allowed to separately assess the effect of subject, time, inoculum concentration, and their binary interactions on both microbiome and volatilome data. All the ASCA submodels pointed out a consistent association between indole and Escherichia–Shigella, and the relationship of butyric, 3-methyl butanoic, and benzenepropanoic acids with some bacterial taxa that were major determinants of cultures at 6 h, such as Lachnoclostridiaceae (Lachnoclostridium), Clostridiaceae (Clostridium sensu stricto), and Sutterellaceae (Sutterella and Parasutterella). The metagenome reconstruction with PICRUSt2 and its functional annotation indicated that enrichment in a protein-based medium affected the richness and diversity of functional profiles, in the face of a decrease of richness and evenness of the microbial community. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size indicated a positive differential abundance (p < 0.05) for the modules of amino acid catabolism that may be at the basis of the changes of VOC profile. In particular, predicted genes encoding functions belonging to the superpathways of ornithine, arginine, and putrescine transformation to GABA and eventually to succinyl-CoA, of methionine degradation, and various routes of breakdown of aromatic compounds yielding succinyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA became significantly more abundant in the metagenome of the bacterial community

    Antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, phenotyping, and genotyping of non\u2013escherichia coli enterobacterales from the gut microbiota of healthy subjects

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    Non-Escherichia coli Enterobacterales (NECE) can colonize the human gut and may present virulence determinants and phenotypes that represent severe heath concerns. Most information is available for virulent NECE strains, isolated from patients with an ongoing infection, while the commensal NECE population of healthy subjects is understudied. In this study, 32 NECE strains were isolated from the feces of 20 healthy adults. 16S rRNA gene sequencing and mass spectrometry attributed the isolates to Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter kobei, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter amalonaticus, Cronobacter sp., and Hafnia alvei, Morganella morganii, and Serratia liquefaciens. Multiplex PCR revealed that K. pneumoniae harbored virulence genes for adhesins (mrkD, ycfM, and kpn) and enterobactin (entB) and, in one case, also for yersiniabactin (ybtS, irp1, irp2, and fyuA). Virulence genes were less numerous in the other NECE species. Biofilm formation was spread across all the species, while curli and cellulose were mainly produced by Citrobacter and Enterobacter. Among the most common antibiotics, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid was the sole against which resistance was observed, only Klebsiella strains being susceptible. The NECE inhabiting the intestine of healthy subjects have traits that may pose a health threat, taking into account the possibility of horizontal gene transfer

    Sour Beer as Bioreservoir of Novel Craft Ale Yeast Cultures

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    : The increasing demand for craft beer is driving the search for novel ale yeast cultures from brewing-related wild environments. The focus of bioprospecting for craft cultures is to identify feral yeasts suitable to imprint unique sensorial attributes onto the final product. Here, we integrated phylogenetic, genotypic, genetic, and metabolomic techniques to demonstrate that sour beer during aging in wooden barrels is a source of suitable craft ale yeast candidates. In contrast to the traditional lambic beer maturation phase, during the aging of sour-matured production-style beer, different biotypes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae dominated the cultivable in-house mycobiota, which were followed by Pichia membranifaciens, Brettanomyces bruxellensis, and Brettanomyces anomalus. In addition, three putative S. cerevisiae × Saccharomyces uvarum hybrids were identified. S. cerevisiae feral strains sporulated, produced viable monosporic progenies, and had the STA1 gene downstream as a full-length promoter. During hopped wort fermentation, four S. cerevisiae strains and the S. cerevisiae × S. uvarum hybrid WY213 exceeded non-Saccharomyces strains in fermentative rate and ethanol production except for P. membranifaciens WY122. This strain consumed maltose after a long lag phase, in contrast to the phenotypic profile described for the species. According to the STA1+ genotype, S. cerevisiae partially consumed dextrin. Among the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by S. cerevisiae and the S. cerevisiae × S. uvarum hybrid, phenylethyl alcohol, which has a fruit-like aroma, was the most prevalent. In conclusion, the strains characterized here have relevant brewing properties and are exploitable as indigenous craft beer starters

    Fermentative processes for the upcycling of xylose to xylitol by immobilized cells of Pichia fermentans WC1507

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    Xylitol is a pentose-polyol widely applied in the food and pharmaceutical industry. It can be produced from lignocellulosic biomass, valorizing second-generation feedstocks. Biotechnological production of xylitol requires scalable solutions suitable for industrial scale processes. Immobilized-cells systems offer numerous advantages. Although fungal pellet carriers have gained attention, their application in xylitol production remains unexplored. In this study, the yeast strain P. fermentans WC 1507 was employed for xylitol production. The optimal conditions were observed with free-cell cultures at pH above 3.5, low oxygenation, and medium containing (NH4)(2)SO4 and yeast extract as nitrogen sources (xylitol titer 79.4 g/L, Y-P/S 66.3%, and volumetric productivity 1.3 g/L/h). Yeast cells were immobilized using inactive Aspergillus oryzae pellet mycelial carrier (MC) and alginate beads (AB) and were tested in flasks over three consecutive production runs. Additionally, the effect of a 0.2% w/v alginate layer, coating the outer surface of the carriers (cMC and cAB, respectively), was examined. While Y-P/S values observed with both immobilized and free cells were similar, the immobilized cells exhibited lower final xylitol titer and volumetric productivity, likely due to mass transfer limitations. AB and cAB outperformed MC and cMC. The uncoated AB carriers were tested in a laboratory-scale airlift bioreactor, which demonstrated a progressive increase in xylitol production in a repeated batch process: in the third run, a xylitol titer of 63.0 g/L, Y-P/S of 61.5%, and volumetric productivity of 0.52 g/L/h were achieved. This study confirmed P. fermentans WC 1507 as a promising strain for xylitol production in both free- and entrapped-cells systems. Considering the performance of the wild strain, a metabolic engineering intervention aiming at further improving the efficiency of xylitol production could be justified. MC and AB proved to be viable supports for cell immobilization, but additional process development is necessary to identify the optimal bioreactor configuration and fermentation conditions