26 research outputs found

    Progress on Antiangiogenic Therapy for Patients with Malignant Glioma

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor occurring in America. Despite recent advances in therapeutics, the prognosis for patients with newly diagnosed GBM remains dismal. As these tumors characteristically show evidence of angiogenesis (neovascularization) there has been great interest in developing anti-angiogenic therapeutic strategies for the treatment of patients with this disease and some anti-angiogenic agents have now been used for the treatment of patients with malignant glioma tumors. Although the results of these clinical trials are promising in that they indicate an initial therapeutic response, the anti-angiogenic therapies tested to date have not changed the overall survival of patients with malignant glioma tumors. This is due, in large part, to the development of resistance to these therapies. Ongoing research into key features of the neovasculature in malignant glioma tumors, as well as the general angiogenesis process, is suggesting additional molecules that may be targeted and an improved response when both the neovasculature and the tumor cells are targeted. Prevention of the development of resistance may require the development of anti-angiogenic strategies that induce apoptosis or cell death of the neovasculature, as well as an improved understanding of the potential roles of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and vascular co-option by tumor cells, in the development of resistance

    Direct contact with perivascular tumor cells enhances integrin αvβ3 signaling and migration of endothelial cells

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    The secretion of soluble pro-angiogenic factors by tumor cells and stromal cells in the perivascular niche promotes the aggressive angiogenesis that is typical of glioblastoma (GBM). Here, we show that angiogenesis also can be promoted by a direct interaction between brain tumor cells, including tumor cells with cancer stem-like properties (CSCs), and endothelial cells (ECs). As shown in vitro, this direct interaction is mediated by binding of integrin αvβ3 expressed on ECs to the RGD-peptide in L1CAM expressed on CSCs. It promotes both EC network formation and enhances directed migration toward basic fibroblast growth factor. Activation of αvβ3 and bone marrow tyrosine kinase on chromosome X (BMX) is required for migration stimulated by direct binding but not for migration stimulated by soluble factors. RGD-peptide treatment of mice with established intracerebral GBM xenografts significantly reduced the percentage of Sox2-positive tumor cells and CSCs in close proximity to ECs, decreased integrin αvβ3 and BMX activation and p130CAS phosphorylation in the ECs, and reduced the vessel surface area. These results reveal a previously unrecognized aspect of the regulation of angiogenesis in GBM that can impact therapeutic anti-angiogenic targeting

    Downregulation of FIP200 Induces Apoptosis of Glioblastoma Cells and Microvascular Endothelial Cells by Enhancing Pyk2 Activity

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    The expression of focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200-kDa (FIP200) in normal brain is limited to some neurons and glial cells. On immunohistochemical analysis of biopsies of glioblastoma tumors, we detected FIP200 in the tumor cells, tumor-associated endothelial cells, and occasional glial cells. Human glioblastoma tumor cell lines and immortalized human astrocytes cultured in complete media also expressed FIP200 as did primary human brain microvessel endothelial cells (MvEC), which proliferate in culture and resemble reactive endothelial cells. Downregulation of endogenous expression of FIP200 using small interfering RNA resulted in induction of apoptosis in the human glioblastoma tumor cells, immortalized human astrocytes, and primary human brain MvEC. It has been shown by other investigators using cells from other tissues that FIP200 can interact directly with, and inhibit, proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). In the human glioblastoma tumor cells, immortalized human astrocytes, and primary human brain MvEC, we found that downregulation of FIP200 increased the activity of Pyk2 without increasing its expression, but did not affect the activity or expression of FAK. Coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization studies indicated that the endogenous FIP200 was largely associated with Pyk2, rather than FAK, in the glioblastoma tumor cells and brain MvEC. Moreover, the pro-apoptotic effect of FIP200 downregulation was inhibited significantly by a TAT-Pyk2-fusion protein containing the Pyk2 autophosphorylation site in these cells. In summary, downregulation of endogenous FIP200 protein in glioblastoma tumor cells, astrocytes, and brain MvECs promotes apoptosis, most likely due to the removal of a direct interaction of FIP200 with Pyk2 that inhibits Pyk2 activation, suggesting that FIP200 expression may be required for the survival of all three cell types found in glioblastoma tumors

    The Extracellular Matrix of Gliomas: Modulation of Cell Function

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    The ECM of astrocytic tumors promotes and modulates a variety of cell functions, such as cell attachment, migration, proliferation, survival, and signaling. Recent studies indicate that there are extensive and complex interactions among ECM molecules and that these can modify the function of the participating molecules, interactions between the proteoglycan, phosphacan, and the ECM protein, tenascin, being an example (63). In addition, on nonastrocytic cell types it has been shown that an integrin receptor and the cell surface proteoglycan CD44 recognize the same ECM ligand osteopontin, and thus modulate each others function (77, 86). Thus, interacting components in the ECM and cell surface receptors likely cooperate in regulating cell function and tumor invasion (59, 77, 80, 85-87, 95). As tumor cells are capable of remodeling their ECM through synthesis of ECM proteins and proteoglycans, as well as upregulating integrin receptors and proteoglycans on their cell surface, tumor cells are capable of controlling their own destiny. ECM molecules which are concentrated in blood vessels of malignant astrocytomas, such as tenascin-C and the 250-kDa CSPG (NG2), are potentially therapeutic targets


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    Endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis in malignant gliomas: Nature’s antiangiogenic therapy1

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    Angiogenesis is necessary for tumor growth beyond a volume of approximately 2 mm3. This observation, along with the accessibility of tumor vessels to therapeutic targeting, has resulted in a research focus on inhibitors of angiogenesis. A number of endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis are found in the body. Some of these are synthesized by specific cells in different organs, and others are created by extracellular proteolytic cleavage of plasma-derived or extracellular matrix-localized proteins. In this review, we focus on angiostatin, endostatin, PEX, pigment epithelial-derived factor, and thrombospondin (TSP)-1 and -2, either because these molecules are expressed in malignant glioma biopsies or because animal studies in malignant glioma models have suggested that their therapeutic administration could be efficacious. We review the known mechanisms of action, potential receptors, expression in glioma biopsy samples, and studies testing their potential therapeutic efficacy in animal models of malignant glioma. Two conclusions can be made regarding the mechanisms of action of these inhibitors: (1) Several of these inhibitors appear to mediate their antiangiogenic effect through multiple protein-protein interactions that inhibit the function of proangiogenic molecules rather than through a specific receptor-mediated signaling event, and (2) TSP-1 and TSP-2 appear to mediate their antiangiogenic effect, at least in part, through a specific receptor, CD36, which initiates the antiangiogenic signal. Although not proven in gliomas, evidence suggests that expression of specific endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis in certain organs may be part of a host antitumor response. The studies reviewed here suggest that new antiangiogenic therapies for malignant gliomas offer exciting promise as nontoxic, growth-inhibitory agents