5 research outputs found

    Konsorsiyumlarda elektronik kitap sağlama modelleri ve Türkiye örneği: eBrary

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    Bu bildiride e-kitap dünyasında uygulanan konsorsiyum modelleri ve bir uygulama örneği olarak 2003 yılından itibaren devam eden "ANKOS-Ebrary Konsorsiyumu" ve bu konsorsiyum sonucunda, e-kitap kullanım alışkanlıklarının Türkiye'deki durumu irdelenmektedir

    Experimental Models to Study Immune Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, age-related, progressive multisystem disease associated with neuroinflammation and immune dysfunction. This review discusses the methodological approaches used to study the changes in central and peripheral immunity in PD, the advantages and limitations of the techniques, and their applicability to humans. Although a single animal model cannot replicate all pathological features of the human disease, neuroinflammation is present in most animal models of PD and plays a critical role in understanding the involvement of the immune system (IS) in the pathogenesis of PD. The IS and its interactions with different cell types in the central nervous system (CNS) play an important role in the pathogenesis of PD. Even though culture models do not fully reflect the complexity of disease progression, they are limited in their ability to mimic long-term effects and need validation through in vivo studies. They are an indispensable tool for understanding the interplay between the IS and the pathogenesis of this disease. Understanding the immune-mediated mechanisms may lead to potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of PD. We believe that the development of methodological guidelines for experiments with animal models and PD patients is crucial to ensure the validity and consistency of the results

    Istraživanje mogućnosti upotrebe stabljika biljki Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira

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    Isatis tinctoria and Isatis buschiana were evaluated as raw materials for pulp and paper production. Chemical composition and morphological aspects of Isatis stalks were determined. Lignin contents of I. tinctoria and I. buschiana were 23.9 % and 19.9 %, respectively. alfa-cellulose ratio was found to be 48.5 % in I. tinctoria and 32.9 % in I. buschiana. Fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured and the obtained data was used to calculate felting rate, elasticity coeffi cient, rigidity coefficient, runkel index and F factor. Handsheets were produced from Isatis stalks, and physical and optical properties were determined. Breaking length, tear index and burst index values were higher for the beaten pulp than for unbeaten pulp, while brightness and whiteness values were higher in unbeaten pulp.U radu su istražene mogućnosti upotrebe stabljike biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Određeni su kemijski sastav i morfološka svojstva stabljike. Sadržaj lignina u stabljici I. tinctoria bio je 23,9 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana 19,9 %. U stabljici I. tinctoria utvrđen je udjel alfa-celuloze od 48,5 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana taj je postotak iznosio 32,9 %. Izmjereni su duljina i promjer vlakanaca, promjer pore i debljina stanične stijenke, a dobiveni su podaci iskorišteni za izračunavanje brzine fi lcanja, koefi cijenta elastičnosti, koefi cijenta krutosti, Runkelova indeksa i F-faktora. Od stabljika biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana proizvedeni su listovi papira kojima su zatim određena fizikalna i optička svojstva. Utvrđeno je da je veće vrijednosti duljine lomljenja, indeksa cijepanja i indeksa pucanja imao papir od mljevene celuloze nego papir od nemljevene celuloze, dok je papir od nemljevene celuloze imao veće vrijednosti sjajnosti i bjeline

    Investigation of Isatis Tinctoria and Isatis Buschiana Stalks as Raw Materials for Pulp and Paper Production

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    Isatis tinctoria and Isatis buschiana were evaluated as raw materials for pulp and paper production. Chemical composition and morphological aspects of Isatis stalks were determined. Lignin contents of I. tinctoria and I. buschiana were 23.9 % and 19.9 %, respectively. alfa-cellulose ratio was found to be 48.5 % in I. tinctoria and 32.9 % in I. buschiana. Fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and cell wall thickness were measured and the obtained data was used to calculate felting rate, elasticity coeffi cient, rigidity coefficient, runkel index and F factor. Handsheets were produced from Isatis stalks, and physical and optical properties were determined. Breaking length, tear index and burst index values were higher for the beaten pulp than for unbeaten pulp, while brightness and whiteness values were higher in unbeaten pulp.U radu su istražene mogućnosti upotrebe stabljike biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana kao sirovine za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Određeni su kemijski sastav i morfološka svojstva stabljike. Sadržaj lignina u stabljici I. tinctoria bio je 23,9 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana 19,9 %. U stabljici I. tinctoria utvrđen je udjel alfa-celuloze od 48,5 %, a u stabljici I. buschiana taj je postotak iznosio 32,9 %. Izmjereni su duljina i promjer vlakanaca, promjer pore i debljina stanične stijenke, a dobiveni su podaci iskorišteni za izračunavanje brzine fi lcanja, koefi cijenta elastičnosti, koefi cijenta krutosti, Runkelova indeksa i F-faktora. Od stabljika biljaka Isatis tinctoria i Isatis buschiana proizvedeni su listovi papira kojima su zatim određena fizikalna i optička svojstva. Utvrđeno je da je veće vrijednosti duljine lomljenja, indeksa cijepanja i indeksa pucanja imao papir od mljevene celuloze nego papir od nemljevene celuloze, dok je papir od nemljevene celuloze imao veće vrijednosti sjajnosti i bjeline