5 research outputs found

    Background choice and immobility as context dependent tadpole responses to perceived predation risk

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    The association of immobility and camouflage is widespread as a defensive mechanism in prey from varied taxa. However, many experiments assessing the reaction of prey to predator cues are conducted under artificial laboratory conditions. In a previous experiment we observed the tadpoles of Ololygon machadoi (Hylidae) to respond to predator visual and/or chemical cues by choosing backgrounds that improve their disruptive properties, but detected no associated reduction of movement. Here we experimentally demonstrate this response in the species’ natural habitat, on backgrounds where the tadpoles are likely to achieve their best camouflage. We also tested whether previous experiences could influence both background choice and immobility in O. machadoi tadpoles. These novel experimental results suggest that a defensive behavior—i.e., reduction of movement—in these tadpoles is more strongly expressed under the natural conditions where they evolved, compared to laboratory conditions where prey and predator were brought into closer contact. Besides, previous experiences are likely to play an important role in expressed defensive responses

    Biochemical effects of sound in seed germination

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    A germinação das sementes pode ser afetada por vários fatores ambientais bióticos e abióticos. Embora já tenhamos conhecimentos científicos acumulados sobre como a maioria desses fatores atua sobre o processo germinativo da maioria das espécies vegetais, ainda não temos total compreensão sobre como diferentes tipos de sons podem se constituir em estímulos negativos ou positivos sobre esse processo. Mais ainda, não compreendemos totalmente quais são as vias de sinalização e resposta molecular e fisiológica elicitadas pelo som. Aqui apresentamos uma revisão do que há de novo na ciência sobre o processo de germinação e indicamos algumas rotas bioquímicas, bem como a ativação/atividade de alguns genes, que são alteradas pelo som, levando à aceleração/aumento do processo de germinação. Nossa investigação sobre a atuação do som na germinação se inicia com a entrada de água através da casca da semente e termina com atividade da alpha-amilase. Ao final, apontamos rotas metabólicas possivelmente afetadas pelo som e concluímos que o som pode afetar mais de uma rota metabólica que podem ter ação sinergéticas para promover a germinação. A identificação dos mecanismos bioquímicos e moleculares pelos quais o som pode atuar como estímulo positivo sobre o processo germinativo possibilita que tais conhecimentos sejam aplicados, por exemplo, para aumentar ou diminuir a taxa germinativa de espécies alvo. A produção de alimentos, a conservação da biodiversidade e a recuperação de áreas degradadas são exemplos de campos de estudo que podem ser diretamente beneficiados pelas conclusões apresentadas nesse trabalho. Palavras-chave: Estímulos sonoros. Giberelinas. Canais de cálcio. Genes RAV1. Genes CML38.Seed germination can be affected by many biotic and abiotic environmental factors. Although we already have accumulated scientific knowledge about how the most of these factors act on the germination process of most plant species, we still do not have the entire comprehension about how different types of sound can constitute in negative or positive stimuli on this process. Even more, we do not entirely understand how and which signaling pathway and physiological and molecular pathways are elicited by sound. Here we present a review of what is new in science about the germination process and indicate some biochemical routes, as well as, how is the activation/activity of some genes, that are changed by sound, taking to acceleration/increase of the germination process. Our investigation about the action of the sound on germination starts with the entrance of water between the seed coat and ends with the alpha-amylase activity. In the end, we point metabolic routes affected by sound and conclude that sound can affect more than one metabolic route that can have some synergistic action to promote the germination. The identification of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms for which the sound can act as appositive stimuli on the germinative process enables such knowledge to be applied, for example, to increase or decrease the germination rate of the target species. Food production, conservation of biodiversity and recovery of degraded areas are examples of research fields that can directly benefit from the conclusion presented in this work. Keywords: Sound stimuli. Gibberellin. Calcium channels. RAV1 genes. CML38 genes

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