267 research outputs found

    Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity

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    Access to the Italian job market is undermined by several kinds of discrimination influencing the opportunities for individuals to obtain a job. In this study, we analyze together the impact of three of the most relevant kinds of discrimination operating in the Italian labor market: gender, race, and weight. Our aim is to assess whether gender and race either increase or decrease the impact of weight-based discrimination. In this respect, we submit a set of fictitious r\ue9sum\ue9s including photos of either obese or thin applicants in response to real online job offers. Our results indicate that the strongest kind of discrimination operating in the Italian labor market is the one connected to the candidate\u2019s geographical origin. Moreover, we find discrimination based on body weight to be more relevant within immigrants than within natives, and gender gap appears to be higher within the obese candidates\u2019 group compared to the normal-weight candidates\u2019 one. This last result is particularly relevant, as the growing rates of obesity forecasted for the next years could in turn produce an increase in the gender gap, which in Italy is already massive

    Immigrants and Italian labor market: statistical or taste-based discrimination?

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    Types of discrimination are usually distinguished by economic theory in statistical and taste-based. Using a correspondence experiment, we analyze which of the two affects Italian labor market the most. In this respect, we studied the difference in discrimination reserved to first- and second-generation immigrants, taking gender differences into account. Even if we want to admit a rational discrimination based on perceived productivity differences (statistical discrimination) against first-generation immigrants (concerning language and education gaps), the same would not be reasonable for second-generation ones. Since they are born and educated in Italy, where they have always lived, the associated discrimination must be taste-based

    The willingness to pay of Sicilian consumers for a wine obtained with sustainable production method: An estimate through an ordered probit sample-selection model

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    The growing presence of Sicilian sustainable wine has pushed the research group to investigate and analyse the consumers' behaviour and their potential willingness to pay a premium price for the wine obtained through sustainable production processes. The analysis of the consumer's behaviour towards the wine made with sustainable production methods is carried out in order to provide potentially useful indications to Italian and in particular Sicilian wine enterprises regarding the production and marketing strategies to undertake in a future perspective. This study shows the result of an empirical investigation on the consumption of sustainable wine in Sicily. Through the Ordered (demographic profile, preference and attitudes), which influence the consumers' choices regarding sustainable wine. The assessment, based on the submission of a questionnaire, has highlighted the willingness to pay a premium price on the part of the 546 consumers interviewed. The study points out that the knowledge of sustainable production methods significantly influences the decision to support a premium price for wine consumption. This attests to the fact that a more attentive and informed consumer is ready to pay more for products obtained according to the principles of environmental sustainability

    To be or not to be a germ cell: The extragonadal germ cell tumor paradigm

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    In the human embryo, the genetic program that orchestrates germ cell specification in-volves the activation of epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms that make the germline a unique cell population continuously poised between germness and pluripotency. Germ cell tumors, neo-plasias originating from fetal or neonatal germ cells, maintain such dichotomy and can adopt either pluripotent features (embryonal carcinomas) or germness features (seminomas) with a wide range of phenotypes in between these histotypes. Here, we review the basic concepts of cell specification, migration and gonadal colonization of human primordial germ cells (hPGCs) highlighting the analogies of transcriptional/epigenetic programs between these two cell types

    Targeting the NO-cGMP-PDE5 pathway in COVID-19 infection

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    A pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 has been sweeping the world since December. It begins as a respiratory infection that, mainly in men with diabetes or renal impairment, evolves into a systemic disease, with SARDS, progressive endothelial cell damage, abnormal clotting and impaired cardiovascular and liver function. Some clinical trials are testing biological drugs to limit the immune system dysregulation, "cytokines storm", that causes the systemic complications of COVID-19. The contraindications of these drugs and their cost raise concerns over the implications of their widespread availability. Numerous clinical and experimental studies have revealed a role for the nitric oxide (NO)-cyclic GMP-phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) pathway in modulating low-grade inflammation in patients with metabolic diseases, offering cardiovascular protection. PDE5 inhibition favors an anti-inflammatory response by modulating activated T cells, reducing cytokine release, lowering fibrosis, increasing oxygen diffusion, stimulating vascular repair. PDE5 is highly expressed in the lungs, where its inhibition improves pulmonary fibrosis, a complication of severe COVID-19 disease. We performed a systematic review of all evidence documenting any involvement of the NO-cGMP-PDE5 axis in the pathophysiology of COVID-19, presenting the ongoing clinical trials aimed at modulating this axis, including our own "silDEnafil administration in DiAbetic and dysmetaboLic patients with COVID-19 (DEDALO trial)". The reviewed evidence suggests that PDE5 inhibitors could offer a new strategy in managing COVID-19 by (i) counteracting the Ang-II-mediated downregulation of AT-1 receptor; (ii) acting on monocyte switching, thus reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines, interstitial infiltration and the vessel damage responsible for alveolar hemorrhage-necrosis; (iii) inhibiting the transition of endothelial and smooth muscle cells to mesenchymal cells in the pulmonary artery, preventing clotting and thrombotic complications. If the ongoing trials presented herein should provide positive findings, the low cost, wide availability and temperature stability of PDE5 inhibitors could make them a major resource to combat COVID-19 in developing countries

    Evaluation of a Gel Containing a Propionibacterium Extract in an In Vivo Model of Wound Healing

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    Inappropriate wound healing (WH) management can cause significant comorbidities, especially in patients affected by chronic and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes. WH involves several different, partially overlapping processes, including hemostasis, inflammation, cell proliferation, and remodeling. Oxidative stress in WH contributes to WH impairment because of the overexpression of radical oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS). This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro antioxidative action of a gel containing a Propionibacterium extract (Emorsan (R) Gel) and assess its skin re-epithelialization properties in a mouse model of WH. The scavenging effects of the bacterial extract were assessed in vitro through the ABTS and DPPH assays and in L-929 murine fibroblasts. The effects of the Emorsan (R) Gel were studied in vivo in a murine model of WH. After WH induction, mice were treated daily with vehicle or Emorsan (R) Gel for 6 or 12 days. According to the in vitro tests, the Propionibacterium extract exerted an inhibitory effect on ROS and RNS, consequently leading to the reduction in malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrite levels. Before proceeding with the in vivo study, the Emorsan (R) Gel was verified to be unabsorbed. Therefore, the observed effects could be ascribed to a local action. The results obtained in vivo showed that through local reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation (IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha), the Emorsan (R) Gel significantly reduced the infiltration of mast cells into the injured wound, leading to the amelioration of symptoms such as itch and skin irritation. Therefore, the Emorsan (R) Gel improved the speed and percentage of wound area closure by improving the tissue remodeling process, prompting vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta production and reducing the expression of adhesion molecules. Emorsan (R) Gel, by its ability to inhibit free radicals, could reduce local inflammation and oxidative stress, thus enhancing the speed of wound healing

    Remote-working and home-learning: how the Italian academic population dealt with changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

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    The COVID-19 pandemic introduced changes in people’s lives that affected their mental health. Our study aimed to explore the level of psychological distress in the academic population dur- ing the lockdown period and investigate its association with the new working or studying conditions. The study sample included 9364 students and 2159 employees from five Italian universities from the study IO CONTO 2020. We applied linear regression models to investigate the association between home learning or remote working conditions and psychological distress, separately for students and employees. Psychological distress was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). In both students and employees, higher levels of distress were significantly associated with study/work–family conflicts, concerns about their future careers, and inadequacy of equipment; in employees, higher levels of distress were significantly associated with a lack of clarity on work objectives. Our results are in line with previous research on the impact of spaces and equipment in remote working/studying from home. Moreover, the study contributes to deepening the association between well-being and telework–family conflict, which in the literature is still equivocal. Practical implications require academic governance to promote sustainable environments both in remote and hybrid work conditions, by referring to a specific management by objectives approach

    Remote Working and Home Learning: How the Italian Academic Population Dealt with Changes Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown

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    The COVID-19 pandemic introduced changes in people's lives that affected their mental health. Our study aimed to explore the level of psychological distress in the academic population during the lockdown period and investigate its association with the new working or studying conditions. The study sample included 9364 students and 2159 employees from five Italian universities from the study IO CONTO 2020. We applied linear regression models to investigate the association between home learning or remote working conditions and psychological distress, separately for students and employees. Psychological distress was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). In both students and employees, higher levels of distress were significantly associated with study/work-family conflicts, concerns about their future careers, and inadequacy of equipment; in employees, higher levels of distress were significantly associated with a lack of clarity on work objectives. Our results are in line with previous research on the impact of spaces and equipment in remote working/studying from home. Moreover, the study contributes to deepening the association between well-being and telework-family conflict, which in the literature is still equivocal. Practical implications require academic governance to promote sustainable environments both in remote and hybrid work conditions, by referring to a specific management by objectives approach

    Influence of MLH1 on colon cancer sensitivity to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor combined with irinotecan

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    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) are currently evaluated in clinical trials in combination with topoisomerase I (Top1) inhibitors against a variety of cancers, including colon carcinoma. Since the mismatch repair component MLH1 is defective in 10-15% of colorectal cancers we have investigated whether MLH1 affects response to the Top1 inhibitor irinotecan, alone or in combination with PARPi. To this end, the colon cancer cell lines HCT116, carrying MLH1 mutations on chromosome 3 and HCT116 in which the wildtype MLH1 gene was replaced via chromosomal transfer (HCT116+3) or by transfection of the corresponding MLH1 cDNA (HCT116 1-2) were used. HCT116 cells or HCT116+3 cells stably silenced for PARP-1 expression were also analysed. The results of in vitro and in vivo experiments indicated that MLH1, together with low levels of Top1, contributed to colon cancer resistance to irinotecan. In the MLH1-proficient cells SN-38, the active metabolite of irinotecan, induced lower levels of DNA damage than in MLH1-deficient cells, as shown by the weaker induction of γ-H2AX and p53 phosphorylation. The presence of MLH1 contributed to induce of prompt Chk1 phosphorylation, restoring G2/M cell cycle checkpoint and repair of DNA damage. On the contrary, in the absence of MLH1, HCT116 cells showed minor Chk1 phosphorylation and underwent apoptosis. Remarkably, inhibition of PARP function by PARPi or by PARP-1 gene silencing always increased the antitumor activity of irinotecan, even in the presence of low PARP-1 expression

    cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 8A and 8B isoforms are differentially expressed in human testis and Leydig cell tumor

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    Cyclic adenosine monophosphate/Protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) signaling pathway is the master regulator of endocrine tissue function. The level, compartmentalization and amplitude of cAMP response are finely regulated by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). PDE8 is responsible of cAMP hydrolysis and its expression has been characterized in all steroidogenic cell types in rodents including adrenal and Leydig cells in rodents however scarce data are currently available in humans. Here we demonstrate that human Leydig cells express both PDE8A and PDE8B isoforms. Interestingly, we found that the expression of PDE8B but not of PDE8A is increased in transformed Leydig cells (Leydig cell tumors-LCTs) compared to non-tumoral cells. Immunofluorescence analyses further reveals that PDE8A is also highly expressed in specific spermatogenic stages. While the protein is not detected in spermatogonia it accumulates nearby the forming acrosome, in the trans-Golgi apparatus of spermatocytes and spermatids and it follows the fate of this organelle in the later stages translocating to the caudal part of the cell. Taken together our findings suggest that 1) a specific pool(s) of cAMP is/are regulated by PDE8A during spermiogenesis pointing out a possible new role of this PDE8 isoform in key events governing the differentiation and maturation of human sperm and 2) PDE8B can be involved in Leydig cell transformation
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