5 research outputs found

    LRP1 in GABAergic neurons is a key link between obesity and memory function

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    Objective: Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) regulates energy homeostasis, blood–brain barrier integrity, and metabolic signaling in the brain. Deficiency of LRP1 in inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons causes severe obesity in mice. However, the impact of LRP1 in inhibitory neurons on memory function and cognition in the context of obesity is poorly understood. Methods: Mice lacking LRP1 in GABAergic neurons (Vgat-Cre; LRP1loxP/loxP) underwent behavioral tests for locomotor activity and motor coordination, short/long-term and spatial memory, and fear learning/memory. This study evaluated the relationships between behavior and metabolic risk factors and followed the mice at 16 and 32 weeks of age. Results: Deletion of LRP1 in GABAergic neurons caused a significant impairment in memory function in 32-week-old mice. In the spatial Y-maze test, Vgat-Cre; LRP1loxP/loxP mice exhibited decreased travel distance and duration in the novel arm compared with controls (LRP1loxP/loxP mice). In addition, GABAergic neuron-specific LRP1-deficient mice showed a diminished capacity for performing learning and memory tasks during the water T-maze test. Moreover, reduced freezing time was observed in these mice during the contextual and cued fear conditioning tests. These effects were accompanied by increased neuronal necrosis and satellitosis in the hippocampus. Importantly, the distance and duration in the novel arm, as well as the performance of the reversal water T-maze test, negatively correlated with metabolic risk parameters, including body weight, serum leptin, insulin, and apolipoprotein J. However, in 16-week-old Vgat-Cre; LRP1loxP/loxP mice, there were no differences in the behavioral tests or correlations between metabolic parameters and cognition. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that LRP1 from GABAergic neurons is important in regulating normal learning and memory. Metabolically, obesity caused by GABAergic LRP1 deletion negatively regulates memory and cognitive function in an age-dependent manner. Thus, LRP1 in GABAergic neurons may play a crucial role in maintaining normal excitatory/inhibitory balance, impacting memory function, and reinforcing the potential importance of LRP1 in neural system integrity

    Apelos racionais e emocionais na propaganda de medicamentos de prescrição: estudo de um remédio para emagrecer Rational and emotional appeals in prescription drug advertising: study of a weight loss drug

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    A propaganda Direta ao Consumidor (DC) de medicamentos encoraja as pessoas a perguntar aos médicos por determinados medicamentos e tratamentos que requerem prescrição médica. Para aumentar o poder persuasivo, modelos de propaganda recomendam equiparar os apelos (racionais e/ou emocionais) à atitude do consumidor sobre o produto (cognitiva e/ou afetiva). Essa recomendação gera controvérsias no âmbito da propaganda DC. Apelos emocionais seriam sempre inadequados, embora freqüentemente utilizados, nesse tipo de propaganda. Devido à inexistência de evidência empírica sobre a perspectiva do consumidor, empreendeu-se um levantamento descritivo com objetivo de avaliar: i) os componentes da atitude sobre medicamentos; ii) a atitude e as intenções comportamentais frente a anúncios DC (um com apelos racionais e outro com apelos emocionais). Escolheu-se um medicamento de prescrição para emagrecer. Constatou-se atitude predominantemente cognitiva sobre o produto e atitude e intenção comportamental mais favorável frente a anúncio racional. Cognição negativa sobre o produto foi marcante, anulando o poder persuasivo de apelos emocionais.<br>The Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising of medicines encourages people to ask doctors for certain medicines and treatments that require medical prescription. In order to enhance their persuasive power, advertising models recommend matching the appeals (rational and/or emotional) to the consumer's attitude (cognitive and/or affective) towards the product. This recommendation leads to controversies in the context of DTC advertising. Emotional appeals, although frequently used, would always be inadequate in that kind of advertising. In absence of empiric evidence of the consumer's perspective, a descriptive research was undertaken with the objective of evaluating: i) the components of the attitude toward medicines; ii) attitude and behavioral intentions in response to DTC ads (one appealing to reason and the other appealing to emotion). A prescription weight loss drug was chosen for this purpose. The results revealed a predominantly cognitive attitude toward the product and an attitude and behavioral intention more favorable to the rational ad. Negative cognition about the product played an outstanding role canceling the persuasive power of emotional appeals

    A integração da pesquisa ao conhecimento ecológico local no subsídio ao manejo: variações no estoque natural da ostra de mangue crassostrea spp. na reserva extrativista do Mandira, Cananéia-SP, Brasil

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de descrever uma experiência de integração entre conhecimento científico e comunitário no subsídio ao manejo, a partir das avaliações do estoque da ostra de mangue Crassostrea spp. na Reserva Extrativista do Mandira, baseadas em estudos populacionais e no Conhecimento Ecológico Local (CEL) e percepção da comunidade. Os dados dos estudos populacionais apresentaram aspectos concordantes com o Conhecimento Ecológico Local, evidenciando variações no estoque de ostras na Reserva.<br>This study aimed to illustrate the experience of integration between scientific knowledge and Local Ecological Knowledge to subside management from the assessments of the mangrove oyster stock in the Mandira Extractive Reserve, based on population studies and on local ecological knowledge and perception of the community. Data from population studies showed features consistent with the Local Ecological Knowledge, providing evidence of variations in the stock of oysters in the Mandira Extractive Reserve