1,764 research outputs found

    Efficiency in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting

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    This paper shows that any equilibrium allocation in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting is not Pareto efficient. However, efficiency can be established by introducing a planner who controls the initial endowment and makes transfers over time. It is shown than any Pareto efficient allocation can be supported by a perfect equilibrium with transfers.Pareto efficiency

    The role of friendship in Arthur Miller: A study of friendship in his major dramatic and non-dramatic writing

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    This study examines the role of friendship in Arthur Miller\u27s work from his book of reportage, Situation Normal to his latest play, The Ride Down Mount Morgan, attempting to show that friendship is a central and recurrent topic in Miller\u27s work, both dramatic and non-dramatic; In chapter 1, the Introduction, I trace Miller\u27s ideas about friendship, which were framed during the Depression and solidified through his study of American training bases in WWII. Miller seems to contend that if all members of society could respond through friendship as the men in the military did, we would eliminate many social ills and parallel Aristotle\u27s polis, which was unified through friendship; Chapter 2, Focus, investigates friendship in Miller\u27s only novel, concluding that the protagonist, Lawrence Newman is isolated from his community until he is motivated through friendship to reach beyond his once complacent and now-threatened existence; Chapter 3 I Don\u27t Need You Any More, traces friendship in Miller\u27s collected short stories, focusing on Monte Sant\u27 Angelo and Fitter\u27s Night, which both indicate that through friendship, one can connect with others and find a place in the community; Chapter 4, Friendship in the Early Drama, looks at friendship in All My Sons and Death of a Salesman. In this chapter I consider the ways that friendship dominates Chris Keller\u27s vision for a better world, and analyze Salesman as a play that details the failure of friendship; Chapter 5, After The Fall, examines Quentin\u27s struggle with his past, determining that his journey features the death and resurrection of friendship as a positive social force; Chapter 6, Friendship in the Later Drama, concludes that while Miller\u27s view of friendship is shattered as a result of the McCarthy era, his later drama continues to portray friendship as a means to unify our increasingly individual society

    Timing of Wage Setting when Firms Invest in R&D

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    Also published as Working Paper Ikerlanak 2003-08unions, R&D, productivity of labor, wage setting

    Partial cross-ownership and strategic environmental policy

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    This paper analyzes the effect that passive investment in rival firms has on the setting of cooperative and non-cooperative environmental taxes. We consider two firms located in different countries, one of which owns a stake in its rival. We show that partial cross-ownership affects the taxes set by the countries in the cooperative and non-cooperative cases. Depending on the stake that one firm has in its rival we show that cooperative taxes may he higher or lower than non-cooperative taxes. Moreover, for intermediate values of the stake, the non-cooperative tax is higher in one country and lower in the other than the cooperative tax.environmental taxes, international trade, local pollution, partial ownership

    Halving poverty in Mexico

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    We estimate the required time and the minimum necessary growth rate to halve poverty incidence and poverty intensity in Mexico’s rural and urban areas for a series of counterfactual distribution and growth scenarios. Results show that, given the current income distribution, per capita incomes in the rural area would have to grow faster –in some cases eight times faster– than they have done historically to shrink poverty by half by 2015. In contrast, income in the urban sector would have to grow around 1 per cent per year to reach the same goal, which seems a more reasonable outcome given its behavior in past years.economic growth, millennium development goals, poverty goals, poverty measurement, Mexico.

    Seroprotección para virus de hepatitis b en residentes de la universidad del valle de cali, colombia

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    IntroducciónLos profesionales de la salud están en riesgo laboral de presentar hepatitis B (VHB). Cerca de 800,000 mueren anualmente por VHB. La VHB se previene con vacunación, considerándose seroprotección, niveles séricos de anticuerpos para el antígeno de superficie contra el VHB (AcsAgsVHB) ≥ 10 UI/ml. Uno de los requisitos para cursar residencia dentro de los 27 posgrados de la Universidad del Valle (UV) de Cali, Colombia, es tener seroprotección para VHB.ObjetivoDescribir la seroprotección para VHB en residentes de la UV de Cali, Colombia.MetodologíaSe revisaron los documentos en 294 residentes de la UV matriculados a 31 de julio de 2014. Su análisis estadístico incluyó medidas de tendencia central.ResultadosFueron excluidos 61 residentes por no cumplir este requisito, siendo analizados 233 residentes de 31.6±4.9 años de edad (rango 23 y 56 años); 55.4% del sexo masculino; 56.9% de Cali, Colombia, y 80.9% de primero a tercer año de residencia. Presentaron seroprotección contra el VHB, 214 (91.84%) residentes con niveles de AcsAgsVHB de 1,434.7±5,861.1 UI/ml (rango 0.09 y 61556 UI/ml).ConclusiónEl 8.16% de los residentes de la UV estuvieron a riesgo de adquirir VHB, motivo por lo que de manera inmediata se inició su esquema de revacunación; siendo recomendable un sistema de seguimiento estricto con el objetivo de que los estudiantes de posgrados clínicos reduzcan el riesgo de adquirir enfermedades inmunoprevenibles y su morbi-mortalidad


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    En los negocios electrónicos la masifi cación de la personalización o masscustomization (por su traducción al inglés), es la principal estrategia de lasorganizaciones virtuales en su relación con los stakeholders (empleados,accionistas, proveedores y socios), para transformar su identificación,reconocimiento y gestión, de una forma muy diferente a la de una organizacióntradicional. El presente artículo de reflexión expone los resultados deuna investigación descriptiva, que desarrolla teóricamente el concepto EStakeholders,como un aporte a la evolución de la Teoría de los Stakeholders,propuesta por Mitchell, Agle y Wood (1997). Este aporte teórico del concepto delos E-Stakeholders, puede ser utilizado en futuras investigaciones empíricas,para estudiar el funcionamiento de las organizaciones virtuales.E-Stakeholders, e-business, teoría de los stakeholders, organizacionesvirtuales.

    Analizando los resultados académicos en la Educación Superior en España

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    The development of the European Higher Education Area has been a process of modernization in many universities. Teaching methodologies have undergone a process of continuous change to meet the demands for high quality leading to a need for enhancement in the learning assessment methodologies as well. The objective of this study is to analyse student´s academic performance measured through coursework vs. final exam and to ascertain the factors that could explain the difference. Regression and variance analysis are carried out over the grades and responses to a questionnaire on a sample of 298 students of different subjects in a Spanish university. The results show that there are differences between continuous assessment and the final examination marks.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI2013-41235-