494 research outputs found

    Exclusive Papers of the Editorial Board Members of Oral

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    In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a landmark report on oral health, emphasizing the staggering global prevalence of oral disorders, which affect approximately 3.5 billion individuals. These conditions are among the most widespread noncommunicable diseases, significantly burdening low- and middle-income nations. The report underscores that oral health is vital not only for fundamental functions such as breathing, speaking, and eating but also for people’s overall health, well-being, and social confidence. Despite its critical importance, oral health is constantly threatened by a range of diseases and conditions, compounded by significant disparities in the cost and accessibility of care. Marginalized and disadvantaged populations are particularly vulnerable to these issues. The WHO report highlights that many oral illnesses can be effectively treated and prevented with affordable measures. Strategies that address common risk factors among noncommunicable diseases are especially promising, particularly in resourceconstrained settings

    Il ruolo dell’odontoiatra nella medicina estetica: norme e indicazioni

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    Obiettivi. Scopo del lavoro e valutare al laureato in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria se sia consentito attuare trattamenti di Medicina Estetica del volto prospettati per modulare gli effetti negativi dell’invecchiamento e, al contempo, analizzare i cambiamenti estetici delle strutture periorali associati all’et a. Materiali e metodi. Vengono descritti sinteticamente quali trattamenti coinvolgono clinicamente la professione odontoiatrica, con particolare riguardo alle infiltrazioni di tossina botulinica e di filler o volumizzanti, con un cenno anche agli aspetti civilistici e assicurativi correlati a tali trattamenti. Risultati e conclusioni. Nell’ultimo decennio si e registrato un imponente aumento dell’offerta e della domanda di trattamenti di Medicina Estetica del volto, a cui non e seguita, per l’odontoiatra, una chiara espressione normativa professionale; in questo scenario, nel giugno 2010, la presidenza della Commissione Albo Odontoiatri nazionale ha espresso il suo parere di liceit a dei trattamenti da parte degli odontoiatri. Secondo gli autori, il laureato in Odontoiatria ha competenza specifica, nel pedissequo rispetto dei limiti topografici e razionali della legge, nel somministrare trattamenti di Medicina Estetica

    Onset of MRONJ in Breast Cancer Patients after Switching from Low to High Dose of Bone Modifying Agents Due to Bone Metastases Development: A Single Center Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) is an adverse drug reaction mainly associated to bone modifying agents (BMAs). Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent cancer worldwide. Its therapy can cause cancer treatment-induced bone loss (CTIBL), commonly treated with BMAs. The aims of this retrospective study are: to describe characteristics of BC patients under BMAs for CTIBL; to record any switch to high-dose BMAs; to assess MRONJ onset and to identify any factors associated with it. Patients: Authors included patients referred for MRONJ prevention to the Unit of Oral Medicine (University Hospital of Palermo). Results: Fourteen female BC patients under low-dose BMAs for CTIBL were eligible (mean age 66.6 years). Four patients switched to high-dose BMAs for bone metastases. In two of the four, MRONJ developed: one case, in the mandible (risedronate for 48 months then Xgeva® for 60 months); the other case, in the maxilla (Prolia® for 20 months then zoledronate for 16 months). Conclusion: It can be theorized that BC patients under BMAs for CTIBL are likely to have MRONJ risk similar to osteo-metabolic patients. These patients need more careful monitoring of oral health since they may switch, for preventing or treating bone metastases, to heavier BMAs therapy, thus increasing their risk of MRONJ
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