305 research outputs found

    Divagazioni su temi voltairiani: gusto, stile, lusso, ironia

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    The aim of this paper is to stress the relevance in Voltaire’s thought of such notions as style and taste not only in the literary and aesthetical domains, but in the ethical one as well. As a dramatic author and poet, Voltaire held fast to the traditional rules of classicism and rhetoric; his prose works, and even his correspondence, show instead how his esprit and irony, and his defence of luxury too, were, first of all, the display of a higher, more enlightened civilisation

    Voltaire, Œuvres complètes, tome 65 C, Œuvres de 1768, I, éd. David Adams, Alain Sandrier et al.

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    Les textes dont se compose le tome 65 C des Œuvres complètes de Voltaire datent tous de l’année 1768, et la « Préface » (Marie-Hélène Cotoni, p. xvii-xxx) rappelle opportunément au lecteur les événements majeurs de la vie de Voltaire qui la marquèrent. Dès la fin de février de cette année, la paisible existence au château de Ferney fut bouleversée par une de ces brouilles qui ont souvent troublé les relations entre le grand homme et sa nièce. Le motif de leur querelle était une affaire de man..

    Voltaire, Taccuino di pensieri. Vademecum per l’uomo

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    Per un eccesso di modestia, Domenico Felice ha intitolato il volume di oltre cinquecento pagine, che ha allestito raccogliendo una scelta di aforismi di Voltaire, traendoli tanto dalle opere più celebri che da quelle frequentate dai soli specialisti, Taccuino di pensieri. In realtà, le dimensioni del volume, edito da Mimesis nella collana «Filosofie», non sono affatto quelle del “taccuino”; i criteri adottati nella scelta e il modo accurato nel quale i materiali sono stati disposti nel volume..

    Robot-Assisted Kidney Transplantation

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    Robot-assisted kidney transplantation (RAKT) has recently been introduced to reduce the morbidity of open kidney transplantation (KT). Robot-assisted surgery has been able to overcome many of the limitations of classical laparoscopy, certainly in complex and technically demanding procedures, such as vascular and ureteral anastomosis. Since the first RAKT in 2010, this technique has been standardized and evaluated in highly experienced robot and KT centers around the world. In Europe, the European Association of Urology Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) created an RAKT working group in 2016 in order to prospectively follow the outcomes of RAKT. When performed by surgeons with both robotic and KT experience, RAKT has been proven to be safe and reproducible in selected cases and yield excellent graft function with a low complication rate. Multiple institutions have now adopted RAKT, and its use will likely increase in the near future. However, structured training and proctoring will be mandatory for those embarking on RAKT in order to help them negotiate the learning curve and avoid technical mistakes. This chapter will describe RAKT from living and deceased donors and its application in kidney autotransplantation (KAT)
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