2,027 research outputs found


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    Comparative Research on the Attitudinal Competence for Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe

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    The case study presented considers the challenges and rewards of undertaking cross-cultural comparative research. Through discussing a mixed method project, there is an exploration of how it is important not to assume shared understandings of both research approaches and subject-specific terminology. Research approaches vary across countries and what may seem straight forward for one partner in a cross-cultural project may not be for another and that time is needed to ensure a shared understanding. In analyzing the data, the issue of translation highlights that while we believe we are talking about the same terms, closer analysis of how terms are being used demonstrates the importance of asking questions of apparent similarities. Translation can often be a “best fit” where an exact translation is not possible, resulting in the true meaning becoming masked and hidden. Equally, differences identified can help to ask questions of taken for grant assumptions in one context, demonstrating the importance of understanding the cultural context for disentangling the data

    Leadership, social determinants of health and health equity: the case of Costa Rica

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    Costa Rica has long been a country of special interest in the Americas and in global health because of its good health. The United Nations Development Programme ranks countries according to their level of human development based on life expectancy, education and national income. Although Costa Rica is ranked at 63 and classified as 'High', in terms of health it belongs in the 'Very High' group. In 2018 mean life expectancy for the 'Very High' countries was 79.5, while in Costa Rica it was 80. In 2018, under five mortality was 8.8/1000 live births, lower than countries ranked in the 'Very High' human development group. Expected years of schooling in Costa Rica is 15.4, closer to the average, 16.4 years, of the 'Very High' human development group than the average of the 'High' group. The country is much healthier than would be predicted by its national income; rather, other features of society's development are likely to have played a key role in the development of good health. These include (i) the decision to cease investment in national defence, which freed up money to invest in health, education and the welfare of the population; (ii) the decision to create a universal health system financed by the State, employers and workers in the 1940s; and (iii) the educational system, that generated opportunities to lift important sectors of the population out of poverty, allowing them to have basic sanitary conditions that increase their possibilities to live longer and in better conditions. Despite these advances, inequalities in terms of income and social conditions persist, presenting challenges in the field of health, particularly for lower-income populations and those of African and indigenous descent. These inequalities must be addressed using decisions based on scientific evidence, a greater use of disaggregated data to reveal progress in addressing these inequalities, and with a broader articulation of the health sector with policies that act on the social determinants of health

    More than Words for Working with Children and Families

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    Introdiction to the special issue, "More than Words for Working with Children and Families.

    Camden Childcare Needs Assessment

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    The Camden Childcare Needs Assessment is a mixed methods study that has sought to consider the childcare needs of parents in the borough, including considering where there is unmet demand, the adequacy of the timing of childcare provision and parental views on the cost and quality of provision. The study aims to contribute to the planning of future childcare in the borough. Aims The Camden Childcare Needs Assessment aims to: - develop a clear and concise picture of the demand for childcare from Camden residents - identify unmet needs in childcare provision in Camden The objective of the project is to enable the Local Authority to plan childcare expansion and support sustainable service development
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