652 research outputs found

    Academic Success and the Transfer of Community College Credits in the Principles of Economics

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    A growing number of today’s college students attend local 2-year community colleges. Many of these students will ultimately transfer to major universities in pursuit of the traditional Bachelors degree. The question of whether such transfer credits adequately prepare students for future academic endeavors is important for educators interested in preparing successful students and maintaining the quality of their institution. In this paper, we examine whether students who transfer credits earned for the traditional Principles of Economics course sequence achieve the same levels of academic success, measured in terms of GPA, as students taking the sequence at a major state university. The model indicates that community college transfer students perform poorly relative to native students in terms of cumulative GPA. This result is driven by a self-selection process whereby the more academically challenged students are those who choose to transfer credit from 2-year schools. The results of our model are used to develop a grade equivalency measure between the university and 2-year schools. Using this measure we are able to reject the hypothesis that grades are equivalent between 2- and 4-year institutions. Finally, we find that grades in the Principles of Economics sequence are strong predictors of overall academic success

    Impulsive Spin-Motion Entanglement for Fast Quantum Computation and Sensing

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    We perform entanglement of spin and motional degrees of freedom of a single, ground-state trapped ion through the application of a 1616 ps laser pulse. The duration of the interaction is significantly shorter than both the motional timescale (≈10\approx 10 μ\mus) and spin precession timescale (≈10\approx 10 ns), demonstrating that neither sets a fundamental speed limit on this operation for quantum information processing. Entanglement is demonstrated through the collapse and revival of spin coherence as the spin components of the wavefunction separate and recombine in phase space. We infer the fidelity of these single qubit operations to be 97(3)%97(3)\%.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The transition to market-based economic education: evaluating program effectiveness in Kazakhstan

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    This article presents an analysis of a program designed to enhance economic literacy through teacher training in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan. The cognitive and affective outcomes for high school students who were taught by teachers trained through the National Council on Economic Education's (NCEE) International Economic Education Exchange Program (IEEEP) are examined and compared to those of students in courses taught by a sample of teachers who had not received training. like most publicly supported programs, beneficiaries were not randomly chosen and assigned to treatment and control groups. To overcome the inherent sample selection which allowed for the interdependency of economic understanding and attitudes. The results indicate that students taught by trained teachers achieved higher post course scores on standardized testing instruments, after controlling for differences in student attributes, teacher characteristics, and the non-random selection of teachers into the training program. However, both the cognitive and affective improvements would have been greater even if teachers had been randomly assigned to the program. The authors call for additional research to evaluate the criteria and methods used to recruit and select teachers for participation in training programs such as the IEEEP

    Academic Success and the Transfer of Community College Credits in the Principles of Economics

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    A growing number of today’s college students attend local 2-year community colleges. Many of these students will ultimately transfer to major universities in pursuit of the traditional Bachelors degree. The question of whether such transfer credits adequately prepare students for future academic endeavors is important for educators interested in preparing successful students and maintaining the quality of their institution. In this paper, we examine whether students who transfer credits earned for the traditional Principles of Economics course sequence achieve the same levels of academic success, measured in terms of GPA, as students taking the sequence at a major state university. The model indicates that community college transfer students perform poorly relative to native students in terms of cumulative GPA. This result is driven by a self-selection process whereby the more academically challenged students are those who choose to transfer credit from 2-year schools. The results of our model are used to develop a grade equivalency measure between the university and 2-year schools. Using this measure we are able to reject the hypothesis that grades are equivalent between 2- and 4-year institutions. Finally, we find that grades in the Principles of Economics sequence are strong predictors of overall academic success

    The transition to market-based economic education: evaluating program effectiveness in Kazakhstan

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    This article presents an analysis of a program designed to enhance economic literacy through teacher training in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan. The cognitive and affective outcomes for high school students who were taught by teachers trained through the National Council on Economic Education's (NCEE) International Economic Education Exchange Program (IEEEP) are examined and compared to those of students in courses taught by a sample of teachers who had not received training. like most publicly supported programs, beneficiaries were not randomly chosen and assigned to treatment and control groups. To overcome the inherent sample selection which allowed for the interdependency of economic understanding and attitudes. The results indicate that students taught by trained teachers achieved higher post course scores on standardized testing instruments, after controlling for differences in student attributes, teacher characteristics, and the non-random selection of teachers into the training program. However, both the cognitive and affective improvements would have been greater even if teachers had been randomly assigned to the program. The authors call for additional research to evaluate the criteria and methods used to recruit and select teachers for participation in training programs such as the IEEEP

    On the sigma-model structure of type IIA supergravity action in doubled field approach

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    In this letter we describe how to string together the doubled field approach by Cremmer, Julia, Lu and Pope with Pasti-Sorokin-Tonin technique to construct the sigma-model-like action for type IIA supergravity. The relation of the results with that of obtained in the context of searching for Superstring/M-theory hidden symmetry group is discussed.Comment: 9 pp, LATEX; published in JETP Let

    Clergy work-related satisfactions in parochial ministry: the influence of personality and churchmanship

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    The aim of this study was to test several hypotheses that clergy work-related satisfaction could be better explained by a multidimensional rather than a unidimensional model. A sample of 1071 male stipendiary parochial clergy in the Church of England completed the Clergy Role Inventory, together with the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Factor analysis of the Clergy Role Inventory identified five separate clergy roles: Religious Instruction, Administration, Statutory Duties (conducting marriages and funerals), Pastoral Care, and Role Extension (including extra-parochial activities). Respondents also provided an indication of their predispositions on the catholic-evangelical and liberal-conservative dimensions. The significant associations of the satisfactions derived from each of the roles with the demographic, personality, and churchmanship variables were numerous, varied, and, with few exceptions, small in magnitude. Separate hierarchical regressions for each of the five roles indicated that the proportion of total variance explained by churchmanship was, in general, at least as great as that explained by personality, and was greater for three roles: Religious Instruction, Statutory Duties, and Role Extension. It was concluded that clergy satisfactions derived from different roles are not uniform and that churchmanship is at least as important as personality in accounting for clergy work satisfaction

    Single-Brane Cosmological Solutions with a Stable Compact Extra Dimension

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    We consider 5-dimensional cosmological solutions of a single brane. The correct cosmology on the brane, i.e., governed by the standard 4-dimensional Friedmann equation, and stable compactification of the extra dimension is guaranteed by the existence of a non-vanishing \hat{T}^5_5 which is proportional to the 4-dimensional trace of the energy-momentum tensor. We show that this component of the energy-momentum tensor arises from the backreaction of the dilaton coupling to the brane. The same positive features are exhibited in solutions found in the presence of non-vanishing cosmological constants both on the brane (\Lambda_{br}) and in the bulk (\Lambda_B). Moreover, the restoration of the Friedmann equation, with the correct sign, takes place for both signs of ΛB\Lambda_B so long as the sign of Λbr\Lambda_{br} is opposite ΛB\Lambda_B in order to cancel the energy densities of the two cosmological constants. We further extend our single-brane thin-wall solution to allow a brane with finite thickness.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, no figures, comments added, references updated, final version to appear in Physical Review

    String-Inspired Higher-Curvature Terms and the Randall-Sundrum Scenario

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    We consider the O(a') string effective action, with Gauss-Bonnet curvature-squared and fourth-order dilaton-derivative terms, which is derived by a matching procedure with string amplitudes in five space-time dimensions. We show that a non-factorizable metric of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) type, with four-dimensional conformal factor Exp(-2 k|z|), can be a solution of the pertinent equations of motion. The parameter k is found proportional to the string coupling g_s and thus the solution appears to be non-perturbative. It is crucial that the Gauss-Bonnet combination has the right (positive in our conventions) sign, relative to the Einstein term, which is the case necessitated by compatibility with string (tree) amplitude computations. We study the general solution for the dilaton and metric functions, and thus construct the appropriate phase-space diagram in the solution space. In the case of an anti-de-Sitter bulk, we demonstrate that there exists a continuous interpolation between (part of) the RS solution at z=infinity and an (integrable) naked singularity at z=0. This implies the dynamical formation of domain walls (separated by an infinite distance), thus restricting the physical bulk space time to the positive z axis. Some brief comments on the possibility of fine-tuning the four-dimensional cosmological constant to zero are also presented.Comment: 28 pages Latex, three eps figures incorporated, minor change
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