5 research outputs found

    High prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia among Mozambican children <5 years of age admitted to hospital with clinical severe pneumonia

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    We aimed to describe Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) prevalence and features in children from sub-Saharan Africa and to investigate PCP-associated risk factors. During 2006–2007 we used molecular methods to test children younger than 5 years old admitted with severe pneumonia to a hospital in southern Mozambique for Pneumocystis infection. We recruited 834 children. PCP prevalence was 6.8% and HIV prevalence was 25.7%. The in-hospital and delayed mortality were significantly higher among children with PCP (20.8% vs. 10.2%, p 0.021, and 11.5% vs. 3.6%, p 0.044, respectively). Clinical features were mostly overlapping between the two groups. Independent risk factors for PCP were age less than a year (odds ratio (OR) 6.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.86–21.65), HIV infection (OR 2.99, 95% CI 1.16–7.70), grunting (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.04–6.73) and digital clubbing (OR 10.75, 95% CI 1.21–95.56). PCP is a common and life-threatening cause of severe pneumonia in Mozambican children. Mother-to-child HIV transmission prevention should be strengthened. Better diagnostic tools are needed.This work was supported by the World Health Organization (WHO-C6-181-489). QB has a fellowship from the program Miguel Servet of the ISCIII (Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008–2011, grant CP11/00269). LM has a fellowship from the program Río Hortega of the ISCIII (CM13/00260).Peer reviewe

    Fungal microbiota dynamics and its geographic, age and gender variability in patients with cystic fibrosis

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    [Objectives] In cystic fibrosis (CF), there is a predisposition to bronchial colonization by potentially pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi. Our aims were to describe the dynamics of respiratory mycobiota in patients with CF and to evaluate the geographic, age and gender variability in its distribution.[Methods] Cohort study in which 45 patients with CF from four hospitals in three Spanish cities were followed up during a 1-year period, obtaining spontaneous sputum samples every 3 to 6 months. Fungal microbiota were characterized by Internal Transcribed Spacer sequencing and Pneumocystis jirovecii was identified by nested PCR in a total of 180 samples.[Results] The presence of fungi were detected in 119 (66.11%) of the 180 samples and in 44 (97.8%) of the 45 patients: 19 were positive and 1 negative throughout all follow-ups and the remaining 25 presented alternation between positive and negative results. A total of 16 different genera were identified, with Candida spp. (50/180, 27.78%) and Pneumocystis spp. (44/180, 24.44%) being the most prevalent ones. The distribution of fungal genera was different among the evaluated centres (p < 0.05), by age (non-adults aged 6–17 years vs. adults aged ≥18 years) (p < 0.05) and by gender (p < 0.05).[Discussion] A high prevalence of fungal respiratory microbiota in patients with CF was observed, whose dynamics are characterized by the existence of multiple cycles of clearance and colonization, reporting the existence of geographic, age and gender variability in the distribution of fungal genera in this disease.The study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant number FIS-PS09/00957), by Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Consejería de Economía Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (grant number PS20_00894), and by Consejería de Salud y Familia, Junta de Andalucía (grant number CSyF Exp. RH-0061/2021).Peer reviewe

    Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization in chronic pulmonary disease

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    Pneumocystis jirovecii causes pneumonia in immunosuppressed individuals. However, it has been reported the detection of low levels of Pneumocystis DNA in patients without signs and symptoms of pneumonia, which likely represents colonization. Several studies performed in animals models and in humans have demonstrated that Pneumocystis induces a local and a systemic response in the host. Since P. jirovecii colonization has been found in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases it has been suggested that P. jirovecii may play a role in the physiopathology and progression of those diseases. In this report we revise P. jirovecii colonization in different chronic pulmonary diseases such us, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung diseases, cystic fibrosis and lung cancer.This work was developed in the framework of the project “Pneumocystis Pathogenomics: Unravelling the Colonization-to-Disease Shift” into a Coordination Action of the European Commission (ERA-NET Patho- GenoMics) and was supported by the Consejería de Salud Junta de Andalucía (PI-0391/07) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PI-080983).Peer Reviewe

    Pneumocystis jirovecii en recién nacidos pretérmino: prevalencia y posibles implicaciones clínicas

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    1 página. IX Jornadas de Salud Investiga. Cádiz 20-22 octubre, 2010.Pneumocystis jirovecii, conocido previa-mente como Pneumocystis carinii sp. f. hominis, es un hongo oportunista atípico, no cultivable, que infecta exclusivamente al ser humano y del que se desconocen aún muchos aspectos de su epidemiología y fisiopatología. La vía aérea se supone la forma de transmisión más importante en la especie humana, pero recientemente se ha podido comprobar su capacidad de transmisión transplacentaria. En modelos animales la infección por Pneumocystis produce disminución de las proteínas B y C del surfactante pulmonar, sustancia tensoactiva cuyo déficit constituye la base del síndrome de distrés respiratorio neonatal (SDRN). El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue conocer la prevalencia de infección por P. jirovecii en neonatos prematuros y su posible relación con el SDRN.Peer reviewe

    Pneumocystis jirovecii among patients with cystic fibrosis and their household members

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    We conducted a pilot study of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) to assess intra-family transmission of P. jirovecii and compare it with data on other prevalent pathogens such as P. aeruginosa and S. pneumoniae, in which respiratory transmission has already been documented. Oral swab samples from 10 patients with CF and 15 household members were collected at baseline and 2 weeks later. P. aeruginosa and S. pneumoniae were assessed using standardized culture methods and PCR, and P. jirovecii was assessed using real and nested PCR, genotyping the positive samples by direct sequencing. P. aeruginosa cultures were positive for 7/10 (70%) of patients with CF at baseline and was identified by PCR in 8/10 (80%) of cases at baseline and 2 weeks later. S. pneumoniae cultures were negative for all patients, but the microorganism was identified by PCR in two cases. P. jirovecii was detected by real time and nested PCR in 5/10 (50%) of the patients at the two time points. In the household members, P. aeruginosa and P. jirovecii were identified in 7/15 (46.7%), and S. pneumoniae was identified in 8/15 (53,3%). The concordance of positive or negative pairs of patients with CF and their household members was 33.3% (5/15) for P. aeruginosa, 46.7% (7/15) for S. pneumonia and 93.3% (14/15) for P. jirovecii. The concordance for P. jirovecii genotypes among five pairs with available genotype was 100%. This study suggests for the first time the possible transmission of Pneumocystis in the home of patients with CF, indicating that patients and their household members are reservoirs and possible sources of infection.The study was supported, in part, by the Red Iberoamericana sobre Pneumocystosis in the framework of The Ibero-American Programme for Science, Technology and Development (grant CYTED 212RT0450)