5 research outputs found

    Automatização de Acesso de Veículos à Estacionamentos

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    Technological advancement and the growing number of vehicles enable innovative solutions. The mission of this work is to bring up a computational response capable of detecting and recognizing automotive license plates, in order to control access in private areas, as well as the storage and availability of information generated from this solution. For this purpose, the OpenCv library was used to process the images. As a result, 43,3% of correct answers were obtained in the recognition of the detected plaques

    Rain Alert - Mapeamento de Desastres Naturais

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    Natural disasters, such as floods, floods and inundations, arefrequent in Brazil, and it is important to know the placesthat experience these disasters. In this context, this work ispresented, which proposes an application, with which it willbe possible to make disaster markings and visualize on themap the disasters according to the region of interest of theuser, thus making it possible to avoid risk areas and promotepreventive planning of occurrence control

    Contagem e Classificação de Veículos por Visão Computacional

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    The increase in the number of vehicles, mainly on urban roads, generates a series of new challenges for traffic managers, being extremely important to know the vehicles that travel on the roads, as well as which routes are most used in intersections. Thus, in this project an application based on computer vision is being presented, capable of detecting vehicles separated by types and which routes are being traveled, thus generating reports that contribute to the organization of traffic

    Geolocalização aplicada ao mapeamento de Desastres Naturais

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    Abstract . This article aims to expound the development of a web platform for theCivil Defense of the city of Joinville, which is done intensely with the meteorological incidents on the damages and inconveniences for the population.The main focus of the system is to allow the population of the city to monitor in realtime the points of the city that have been affected by some occurrence such as fallen tree, flood and landslides. This information will be generated and sent by the residents themselves and will help the administrative staff to record, map and report on the affected areas

    Análise da Política de Privacidade com a LGPD

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    As the number of Internet accesses increases, so does theamount of data the amount of data collected by web portalsalso increases, requiring attention to ensure the privacy andsecurity of the information. of the information. Aiming tocontrol this data, law Law No. 13,709, sanctioned in 2020,the General Law of Data Protection data (LGPD), createdbased on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Toevaluate the compliance of websites a checklist was appliedto sites in different categories. It was noticed that the portalsare seeking adaptations to compliance with the LGPD, butimprovements are needed to to meet all the needs of the law