102 research outputs found

    Hospitalization characteristics and outcomes of individual patients undergoing pulmonary resection surgery.

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    a<p>Patient 5, underwent a partial right pneumectomy 1½ years back in another private hospital, and expired with 72 hours post-surgery due to respiratory acidosis and left-sided pneumonia with septic shock.</p>b<p>Outcome, is based on the follow-up 6-month post-surgery.</p

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients.

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    a<p>All patients were HIV negative.</p>b<p>All patients received treatment from private medical practitioners. All patients (except patient 2) on diagnosis were initiated on category I treatment regimen as per the guidelines of the National TB programme but with no improvement in condition even after 1 year, they were started on second- and third- line anti-tubercular drugs.</p>c<p>Irregular Medication, treatment interrupted for more than a month for reasons due to patient.</p>d<p>Regular Medication, patient took regular prescribed medication as per the instructions of the private medical practitioner.</p>e<p>First-line agents, Isoniazid, Rifampin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide; Lfx, Levofloxacin; Mfx, Moxifloxacin; Km, Kanamycin; Ofx, Ofloxacin; Cm, Capreomycin;</p>f<p>Cs, Cycloserine; Eto, Ethionamide; PAS, para-aminosalicylic acid; Clr, Clarithromycin; Lzd, Linezolid.</p>g<p>Treatment Failure, culture or AFB smear microscopy remaining positive or turning positive even after 6 months of treatment.</p

    Phenotypic drug susceptibility profile and genetic sequence analysis of all cavities of each patient.

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    a<p>LUL, Left upper lobe; LLL, left lower lobe, RUL, right upper lobe; RLL, right lower lobe.</p>b<p>S: Streptomycin, H:Isoniazid, R:Rifampicin, E:Ethambutol, Km:Kanamycin, Eto:Ethionamide, PAS:para-aminosalicylic acid, Ofx:Ofloxocin, Mfx:Moxifloxacin, Am:Amikacin, Cfz:Clofaziamine, Cm:Capreomycin, Z:Pyrazinamide.</p>c<p>Cavity isolates showing variable drug susceptibility profiles were analyzed by in-house RLBH (except for Ethambutol, PAS, Pyrazinamide, wherein phenotypic DST were repeated to confirm the variable drug susceptibility profile).</p>d<p>wt – wild type.</p