13 research outputs found

    The maximum clade credibility tree of BDV 5’ UTR from Pyrenean chamois.

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    <p>The branches are coloured on the basis of the most probable location of the descendent nodes (Alt Pallars = APA, Alta Ribagorça = ARI, Andorra = AND, Aran = ARA, Cadí = CAD, Cerdanya-Alt Urgell = CER, Freser-Setcases = FRE). The numbers on the internal nodes indicate significant posterior probabilities (pp>0.8), and the scale at the bottom of the tree represents the number of years before the last sampling time (2011). The main geographical clades corresponding to Western, Eastern, and Central Pyrenean areas have been highlighted.</p

    The inferred spatiotemporal dynamics of BDV in Pyrenean chamois.

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    <p>The figure summarize the most significant migration links in the interested Pyrenean area. The putative root of BDV strains is highlighted with a orange circle. More detailed results are reported in supplementary panels (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0168232#pone.0168232.s002" target="_blank">S2 Fig</a>) and at <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0168232#pone.0168232.s003" target="_blank">S1 Video</a>.</p

    Phylogeographical mapping of CCHF S gene sequences .

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    <p>The bubblegrams show the frequency of gene flows (migrations) to/from ten European countries (same code as that used in Figure 1) . The surface of each circle is proportional to the percentage of observed migrations in the ML genealogy. The migrations were inferred using a modified version of the Slatkin and Maddison algorithm.</p

    The maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree of CCHFV S gene sequences.

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    <p>The branches are coloured on the basis of the most probable location of the descendent nodes (A=Africa, AL=Albania, ASC=Central Asia, BU=Bulgaria, CH=China, G=Greece, KO=Kosovo, MO=Middle East, PA=Pakistan, T=Turkey). The numbers on the internal nodes indicate significant posterior probabilities (pp>0.8), and the scale at the bottom of the tree represents the number of years before the last sampling time (2010). The main geographical clades (genotypes) have been highlighted.</p