3 research outputs found

    Preliminary Microbiological Coastal Water Quality Determination along the Department of Atlantico (Colombia): Relationships with Beach Characteristics

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    Beach water quality is an important factor concerning public health and tourism linked to the "Sun, Sea and Sand" market and is usually assessed in international regulations by the quantification of Escherichia coli and enterococci counts. Despite Salmonella spp. detection not being included in international normative, the presence/absence of this bacteria is also an indicator of seawater quality. The objective of this study was to determine microbiological quality of beach water at 14 beaches along the Department of Atlantico (Colombia) and its relationship with beach characteristics as beach typology (i.e., urban, village, rural and remote areas), presence of beach facilities (e.g., bars, restaurants, etc.) and streams outflowing into the coastline. Sampling program aimed to analyse E. coli and Salmonella spp., by culture-based and real time PCR methods, respectively. Microbiological outcomes were compared with beach characteristics, and a cluster analysis was performed. E. coli and Salmonella spp. were detected in 70% and 20% of samples, respectively. Highest E. coli counts were observed at beaches classified as urban and at Sabanilla, a rural beach with presence of numerous beach restaurants/bars. Salmonella spp. presence was associated with streams that lack wastewater treatment systems. Cluster analysis clearly evidenced the relationship between E. coli and Salmonella spp. and beach characteristics, allowing to obtain indications to implement management programs. According to data obtained, monitoring programs have to be especially carried out in urban areas and at places with beach facilities. This could enhance microbiological water quality and consequently, beachgoers safety and touristic beach attractiveness to international visitors

    A Preliminary Approximation to Microbiological Beach Sand Quality along the Coast of the Department of Atlántico (Caribbean Sea of Colombia): Influence of the Magdalena River

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    Beaches represent important economic resources linked to “Sun, Sea and Sand” tourism and, therefore, their water quality constitutes an issue of great relevance especially in developing countries. The main objective of this work was to determine the microbial quality of beach sediments along the Caribbean coast of the Department of Atlántico (Colombia) and its relationships with the existence of local sources of contamination (e.g., streams containing wastewaters), beach exposition to waves, the quantity of beach visitors—which is reflected by beach typology (e.g., urban, rural, etc.), the presence of tourist activities/infrastructures and the beach sand sedimentological characteristics. Along the study area, samples of beach sediments were gathered in beach face and backshore areas at 11 sectors and the microbiological counts of three faecal indicator bacteria, i.e., Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and Clostridium perfringens, were determined. A homogeneous distribution was recorded along the coast of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens in both beach face and backshore sediments, in the order of 5 and 2 log CFU/100 mL, respectively; Enterococcus spp. was, at places, not observed in backshore sediments. No relationships existed between, on one side, the counts of the faecal indicator bacteria considered and, on the other side, the presence of streams and tourist activities/infrastructures, beach typology, exposition to waves and the sedimentological characteristics of beach sands. Such results suggest a chronic contamination of beach face and backshore sediments linked to the heavily polluted sedimentological load of the Magdalena River

    Cuestionamientos al modelo extractivista neoliberal desde el Sur

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    Este libro se enmarca en la voluntad de alimentar un diálogo inter-disciplinar entre múltiples esferas sociales, culturales y territoriales en relation al extractivismo, su estudio y vivencia. El libro se constituye en un instrumento que expresa un entrelazamiento entre actores, redes y realidades territoriales que dan forma a la riqueza y a la diversidad de los territorios amenazados actualmente por el extractivismo. Permitiendo una réflexión sobre el présente y el futuro del modelo de desarrollo actual, la présente publicación integra diverso