8 research outputs found
A Cross-Disciplinary Bibliography on Visual Languages for Information Sharing and Archiving
This bibliography offers citations for people who are interested in learning more about visual language, new types of communicating and archiving information with emphases on novel technologies and theoretical works in these multidisciplinary areas. This bibliography is considered in its broadest sense and covers references of research in humanities and social sciences as well as computer technology. Far from being exhaustive, it nevertheless covers essential resources in a selective way, so that the material can provide starting points for many different directions. What is not included here are references to visual programming languages
Foundations of MIRACLE: Multimedia Information Repository, A Computer-supported Language Effort
Research in neurosciences, cognitive psychology and media sciences indicates that "visual thinking" carries a potential of the human mind that is generally still neglected today but could heavily be fostered by novel types of communicating and archiving information. Computer technology (information systems, telecommunication and visual tools) in turn promises to provide a wide range of highly effective tools to support visual, dynamic communication. MIRACLE treads new paths to address a crucial issue: In what way and to what extent can and should current and future systems support new ways of communicating and archiving information using dynamic, visual information? This paper gives a survey of the numerous attempts that have been made so far to overcome language barriers by introducing artificial languages (both on a spoken/text and on a visual basis). It also analyzes the general status of technology (computer hardware and software) to support such efforts as well as a number of specific projects. From this overview we draw the conclusion that computer-based systems designed to support communicating and archiving dynamic visual information should focus on the following features: Support dynamic language elements on a structural level in addition to traditional animated icons, Incorporate gestural language elements (inspired by natural sign languages) anticipating future ways of human-computer interaction, Allow evolutionary development of the language in a group-dynamic and interactive process involving large international groups of participants. In a final section we give a brief outline of the cluster of specific projects carried out under the heading of MIRACLE
La philosophie au coeur de l'Ă©ducation, autour de Matthew Lipman /
Comprend des références bibliographique
Applications of MIRACLE: Working With Dynamic Visual Information
Systems supporting new forms of communication and archiving of dynamic visual information have a range of potential applications, some of which are described in this paper on a conceptual basis. We present a visual language for dynamic (historic) maps, applications of pictorial lexicons, concepts for interactive support systems for assembly and repair, and a platform for abstract movies
PEACE – Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement
La comunicazione descrive il framework teorico ed i risultati ottenuti nella prima annualitĂ di ricerca del progetto europeo Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement
Growing up Global through Cosmopolitanism as Education
The proposed paper focuses on the need of deploying new educational strategies to cope with the challenges
raised by contemporary scenarios of increasing mobility and, consequently, to address the needs
of children at risk of exclusion for the lack of intercultural dialogue as a precondition for social cohesion.
In particular, the stress will be upon what can be innovative approaches in school contexts. Indeed, in
the transition to the new schooling context, immigrant children and minority groups often experience educational
disadvantages and require particular support to fulfill their potential. For example, the EU highlights
that the school performance of pupils with migrant background is lower than those of native pupils
and stresses the need to revamp educational models and institutions accordingly. This requires to develop
educational actions that can provide immigrant children and, more generally, children at risk of exclusion
for the lack of intercultural dialogue (e.g. children belonging to cultural minorities) with cognitive
and cultural tools which can support their learning and living and help them in achieving higher levels of
inclusion and participation. On the other hand, these actions should provide resident children with dialogical
and reflective competences that are the basis for the construction of a real cosmopolitan dialogue.
Against this backdrop, the proposed paper will present the PEACE project which aims at promoting
cosmopolitanism and global citizenship in primary school age children. The chief innovation of PEACE
consists in fostering, by creating specific materials, philosophical communities of enquiry composed of
children with different cultural roots. The approach to cosmopolitanism and intercultural dialogue in
PEACE happens less through a mere working and living together than through the involvement of children
into a philosophical dialogue, which improves children’s ability of making sense of a “cosmopolitan
reality” (Beck 2006). Philosophically making sense of the cosmopolitan reality is a way on the part of
children of really growing up global (Sharp 2009) without remaining ensnared in children’s characteristic
“arrogance” (Eadem), that is, blindness to other ways of life, and, on the part of teachers of realizing
cosmopolitanism as education (Hansen 2011; Oliverio 2012). The presentation is directed principally to
teachers and academics and is deeply in tune with the main theme of the conference to the extent that it
raises the issue of what education up to the reality of a global world should look like and it endeavours to
provide one (possible) answer both at the theoretical and at the methodological level.
Alessio SURIAN
UniversitĂ di Padova, Italy
UniversitĂ di Padova, Italy
Chiara GRECO
Fondazione Mondinsieme Reggio Emilia, Italy
Storia e intercultura come incontri di sguardi. Esempi di pratiche laboratoriali collaborative
L’articolo presenta alcune riflessioni sulle pratiche laboratoriali interculturali nelle scuole superiori a partire
da esperienze promosse a Reggio Emilia dal Centro Mondinsieme. Tali pratiche vengono discusse
nell’ambito di una breve e parziale rassegna di alcuni sviluppi recenti nell’insegnamento della geo-storia
a livello internazionale ed, in particolare, quanto elaborato nei progetti Tuning, ed in progetti educativi di
ampio respiro come Through Other Eyes (TOE).
In questo contesto appare particolarmente rilevante il lavoro volto a mettere in discussione la presunta
superiorità del “nostro” mondo (Mantovani, 2012), e le sollecitazioni a immaginare futuri desiderabili di
autori come Appadurai (2004) e Mignolo (2011), a favore di una svolta epistemologica “decoloniale”.
L’articolo discute, quindi, i risultati di laboratori volti a tradurre le precedenti indicazioni teoriche in pratica
all'interno di attivitĂ di educazione interculturale nelle scuole superiori italiane. Viene qui presa in esame
l'esperienza di Mondinsieme, che nel processo didattico privilegia le esperienze degli studenti e ne facilita
gli apprendimenti favorendo il confronto fra diverse prospettive narrative e attivitĂ collaborative
all’interno del gruppo-classe. I laboratori hanno fatto ricorso ad educatori “esterni” alla scuola, a partire
da un coordinamento con i docenti attraverso focus group iniziali che hanno messo in evidenza due esigenze:
1. sollecitare un coinvolgimento emotivo degli studenti nello studio della storia (liceo classico);
2. stimolare a percorsi di approfondimento e sviluppare una posizione critica rispetto ai fatti storici (istituto
Il percorso laboratoriale, attraverso strategie di cooperative learning e l’uso di strumenti multimediali, ha
visto il gruppo-classe realizzare un prodotto finale con cui gli studenti esplicitano il proprio “sguardo”, fatto
di nuovi interrogativi e riflessioni critiche, applicato sia agli eventi storici esaminati, sia a processi
umani piĂą recenti che sottendono dinamiche conflittuali simili.
History and interculture as worldviews sharing. Examples of collaborative workshop practice
The paper presents some initial reflections concerning intercultural education workshops as implement-
Developing Cosmopolitan Thinking Through Philosophical Inquiry.
Sulla base del progetto europeo PEACE si argomenta in favore dell’educazione al pensiero complesso come volano per la promozione di atteggiamenti cosmopolitici