936 research outputs found

    Exact 4-point Scattering Amplitude of the Superconformal Schrodinger Chern-Simons Theory

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    We consider the non-relativistic superconformal U(N) X U(N) Chern-Simons theory with level (k,-k) possessing fourteen supersymmetries. We obtain an exact four-point scattering amplitude of the theory to all orders in 1/N and 1/k and prove that the scattering amplitude becomes trivial when k=1 and 2. We confirm this amplitude to one-loop order by using an explicit field theoretic computation and show that the beta function for the contact interaction vanishes to the one-loop order, which is consistent with the quantum conformal invariance of the underlying theory.Comment: 16 page

    Noncommutative Differential Forms on the kappa-deformed Space

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    We construct a differential algebra of forms on the kappa-deformed space. For a given realization of the noncommutative coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra we find an infinite family of one-forms and nilpotent exterior derivatives. We derive explicit expressions for the exterior derivative and one-forms in covariant and noncovariant realizations. We also introduce higher-order forms and show that the exterior derivative satisfies the graded Leibniz rule. The differential forms are generally not graded-commutative, but they satisfy the graded Jacobi identity. We also consider the star-product of classical differential forms. The star-product is well-defined if the commutator between the noncommutative coordinates and one-forms is closed in the space of one-forms alone. In addition, we show that in certain realizations the exterior derivative acting on the star-product satisfies the undeformed Leibniz rule.Comment: to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    On the Nonabelian Aharonov Bohm Scattering of Spinless Particles

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    The Aharonov Bohm scattering for spinless, isospin 1/2, particles interacting through a nonabelian Chern-Simons field is studied. Starting from the relativistic quantum field theory and using a Coulomb gauge formulation, the one loop renormalization program is implemented. Through the introduction of an intermediary cutoff, separating the regions of high and low integration momentum, the nonrelativistic limit is derived. The next to leading relativistic approximation is also determined. In this approach quantum field theory vacuum polarization effects are automatically incorporated.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, revtex. Misspelled reference corrected and new references adde

    Lorentz and Galilei Invariance on Lattices

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    We show that the algebraic aspects of Lie symmetries and generalized symmetries in nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics can be preserved in linear lattice theories. The mathematical tool for symmetry preserving discretizations on regular lattices is the umbral calculus.Comment: 5 page

    Abelian Chern-Simons field theory and anyon equation on a torus

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    We quantize the abelian Chern-Simons theory coupled to non-relativistic matter field on a torus without invoking the flux quantization. Through a series of canonical transformations which is equivalent to solving the Gauss constraint, we obtain an effective hamiltonian density with periodic matter field. We also obtain the many-anyon Schr\"odinger equation with periodic Aharonov-Bohm potentials and analyze the periodic property of the wavefunction. Some comments are given on the different features of our approach from the previous ones.Comment: 24, SNUTP-93-9

    A Nonperturbative Study of Inverse Symmetry Breaking at High Temperatures

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    The optimized linear δ\delta-expansion is applied to multi-field O(N1)×O(N2)O(N_1) \times O(N_2) scalar theories at high temperatures. Using the imaginary time formalism the thermal masses are evaluated perturbatively up to order δ2\delta^2 which considers consistently all two-loop contributions. A variational procedure associated with the method generates nonperturbative results which are used to search for parameters values for inverse symmetry breaking (or symmetry nonrestoration) at high temperatures. Our results are compared with the ones obtained by the one-loop perturbative approximation, the gap equation solutions and the renormalization group approach, showing good agreement with the latter method. Apart from strongly supporting inverse symmetry breaking (or symmetry nonrestoration), our results reveal the possibility of other high temperature symmetry breaking patterns for which the last term in the breaking sequence is O(N11)×O(N21)O(N_1-1) \times O(N_2-1).Comment: 28 pages,5 eps figures (uses epsf), RevTeX. Only a small misprint in Eq. (2.10) and a couple of typos fixe

    Out of equilibrium O (N) linear-sigma system - Construction of perturbation theory with gap- and Boltzmann-equations

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    We establish from first principles a perturbative framework that allows us to compute reaction rates for processes taking place in nonequilibrium O(N)O (N) linear-sigma systems in broken phase. The system of our concern is quasiuniform system near equilibrium or nonequilibrium quasistationary system. We employ the closed-time-path formalism and use the so-called gradient approximation. No further approximation is introduced. In the course of construction of the framework, we obtain the gap equation that determines the effective masses of π\pi and of σ\sigma, and the generalized Boltzmann equation that describes the evolution of the number-density functions of π\pi and of σ\sigma.Comment: 18 page

    Generalized kappa-deformed spaces, star-products, and their realizations

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    In this work we investigate generalized kappa-deformed spaces. We develop a systematic method for constructing realizations of noncommutative (NC) coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra. All realizations are related by a group of similarity transformations, and to each realization we associate a unique ordering prescription. Generalized derivatives, the Leibniz rule and coproduct, as well as the star-product are found in all realizations. The star-product and Drinfel'd twist operator are given in terms of the coproduct, and the twist operator is derived explicitly in special realizations. The theory is applied to a Nappi-Witten type of NC space

    Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions: The Case of a Closed Universe

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    In three spacetime dimensions, general relativity drastically simplifies, becoming a ``topological'' theory with no propagating local degrees of freedom. Nevertheless, many of the difficult conceptual problems of quantizing gravity are still present. In this review, I summarize the rather large body of work that has gone towards quantizing (2+1)-dimensional vacuum gravity in the setting of a spatially closed universe.Comment: 61 pages, draft of review for Living Reviews; comments, criticisms, additions, missing references welcome; v2: minor changes, added reference

    Modern tests of Lorentz invariance

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    Motivated by ideas about quantum gravity, a tremendous amount of effort over the past decade has gone into testing Lorentz invariance in various regimes. This review summarizes both the theoretical frameworks for tests of Lorentz invariance and experimental advances that have made new high precision tests possible. The current constraints on Lorentz violating effects from both terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations are presented.Comment: Modified and expanded discussions of various points. Numerous references added. Version matches that accepted by Living Reviews in Relativit