38 research outputs found

    The Economic Impact of Tourism. An Input-Output Analysis

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    The paper presents an Input-Output Analysis for Romania, an important source of information for the investigation of the inter-relations existing among different industries. The Input-Output Analysis is used to determine the role and importance of different economic value added, incomes and employment and it analyses the existing connection in an economy. This paper is focused on tourism and the input-output analysis is finished for the Hotels and Restaurants Sector.input-output, analysis, tourism, multiplier, Romania

    Comparative structural approaches regarding relevant indicators of Input-Output analysis at macro and sectoral level: a case study of some European Union countries

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    Sectoral detailed analysis of the economy of a country is a difficult process, but important in the current context of globalization, in particular because of the complexity of interconnections between the branches, being known the role of investments and capital, but also trade, in GDP creation. Activities of national economies, as a whole, form a complex mechanism that deserves a detailed investigation, not only in terms of their past and current situation, but also to create useful models to forecast and predict, useful for decision-makers. In this research we used Input-Output (IO) statistical tables and various principles of the IO model and method to make a structural and comparative analysis of relevant economic indicators of economy, for Romania and some European Union countries, based on the Eurostat data (years 2000 and 2006).Input-Output analysis, structural changes, macro and sectoral level

    Trade and Portuguese Immigration

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    This manuscript examines the link between trade and migration flows using a gravity model for the period 1995-2007 between Portugal and European Union countries. We also include in our sample the Portuguese speaking countries (PALOPS), i.e., ex-colonies. Globalization drives people to migrate, in some countries, immigration being more pronounced las in Portugal, in last decade, this country receiving foreign residents. This is a new reality to Portuguese economy. For many years, the Portuguese have emigrated to European countries, the United States of America and other countries. Currently, Portugal is witnessing a reverse trend, Brazilian, Cape Verde, Ukrainian and Romanian communities choose Portugal as a destination country. We find evidence that immigration has a positive influence in bilateral trade. We also introduce economic size and regional trade agreements (RTA); these proxies confirming a positive impact of bilateral trade. These results show that the gravity model can explain the pattern of bloc’s trade. Our results also confirm the hypothesis that trade increases if the transport decreases.Trade, Immigration, Gravity model; Portugal

    Propagation effects of taxes in Romania: An input-output analysis

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    The Input-Output model (IO) is an important tool of economic analysis, providing a predictive analysis framework for economic changes, if properly used. In developing measures, strategies, etc. at macro level it is important to identify the links that occur between branches of the economy for a better understanding of “enabler” branches which have the highest contribution to output creation. In this research the IO method was used to analyze effects of taxes within the Romanian economy, based on data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), using IO statistical tables for 2000 and 2006.Input-Output Analysis, Tax Multipliers, Forward Linkage, Backward Linkage, Romania

    Tourism and Economic Development in Romania: Input-Output Analysis Perspective

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    Tourism provides a lot of opportunities for sustainable economic development. At local level, by its triggering effect it could represent a factor of economic recovery, by putting to good use the local material and human potential. By its position of predominantly final-branch, tourism exercises to a large impact on national economy by the vector of final demand, for which the possible and/or desirable variant for the future is an economic-social demand that must be satisfied by variants of total output. Using the input-output model (IO model) a comparison was made of the matrix of direct technical coefficients (aij) and the one of the total requirement coefficients (bij) with the assistance of which the direct and propagated effects were determined for this activity by the indicators defining the dimensions of national economy

    Tourism as backer for regional development. A real deal or just another hope?

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    The present paper aims to estimate the economic impact of tourism in Centre development region of Romania, using the regional input-output analysis. Prior Work in the field of assessment of tourism impact suggest input – output analysis as a strong instrument of analysis, previous research papers using this model in various region and countries of the world. The main approach of the paper is to develop GRIT model (Generation of Regional Input - Output Tables) previously used by the experts. The results of the paper indicate lower backward or forward regional tourism multipliers as compared to those estimated at national level. The main findings of the paper has significant implications for the decision-makers in order to support tourism sector and better capitalize the tourism natural and cultural patrimony. Furthermore, the methodology could be used in other Romanian development regions. The value of the paper consists in adapting input-output methodology at regional level in order to estimate tourism impact

    Tourism and Economic Development in Romania: Input-Output Analysis Perspective

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    Tourism provides a lot of opportunities for sustainable economic development. At local level, by its triggering effect it could represent a factor of economic recovery, by putting to good use the local material and human potential. By its position of predominantly final-branch, tourism exercises to a large impact on national economy by the vector of final demand, for which the possible and/or desirable variant for the future is an economic-social demand that must be satisfied by variants of total output. Using the input-output model (IO model) a comparison was made of the matrix of direct technical coefficients (aij) and the one of the total requirement coefficients (bij) with the assistance of which the direct and propagated effects were determined for this activity by the indicators defining the dimensions of national economy.tourism, economic impact, multipliers, input-output, Romania

    Fiscal variables and economic growth: measuring the impact for Romania

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    The aim of the fiscal policy is, in essence, to stimulate economic and social development, pursuing the achievement of the balance between tax policy and public expenditure policy, in line with the principles of sustainable growth. However, the extent to which fiscal policy may influence economic growth continues to attract the attention of scholars, mainly referring to the fact that government, through its actions in supporting the development, attracting investments, provision of public goods and services etc., may stimulate the growth on both short and long-run. The present paper envisages the identification of factors that have a positive influence on economic growth, in the case of Romania. The study presents a model which underlines influences of fiscal variables on economic growth. The variables used refer to distortionary and non-distortionary taxes, productive and unproductive expenditure, and GDP as the proxy for economic growth, for the 1991-2013 period. Another goal of this paper is to underline the importance of checking the assumptions for a regression model

    Growth, trade, investments and R&D expenditures: analysis of the nexus

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between economic growth, trade, investments, and R&D expenditures. An important type of trade is introduced in analysis, namely intra-industry trade, in order to underline the influence on growth, associated in literature with good growth performance. Aspects related to trade and the relationships between Romania and 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain) are underlined. These countries were chosen considering the volume of intra-industry trade with Romania. Based on econometric calculations for the period 1995-2012, the determinants of the economic growth are highlighted

    Procjena utjecaja klimatskih promjena na obalni turizam u Rumunjskoj

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    Climate change is one of the major concerns facing the world today, estimated to generate both benefits and costs in various economic and social areas, i.e. agriculture, forestry, food industry, tourism, infrastructure, human health, settlements etc. The estimation of the specialists indicates that, generally, the costs of climate change will exceed the benefits. This paper aims to investigate the climate change impact on the Romanian seaside tourism. Using various multiple regression models, the data indicate that the increase of mean air temperature and sunshine duration stimulate domestic tourist flows to Romanian seaside resorts. The economic impact of climate variability on tourism sector was estimated, considering various scenarios of analysis. However, future research is needed in order to extend the analysis, using a larger data base and applying the empirical investigation on other tourism destinations exposed to climate change.Klimatske promjene su jedna od osnovnih briga danaĆĄnjeg svijeta za koje se smatra da generiraju kako dobitak tako i troĆĄkove na raznim ekonomskim i druĆĄtvenim poljima, npr. u poljoprivredi, ĆĄumarstvu, prehrambenoj industriji, turizmu, infrastrukturi, ljudskom zdravlju, naseljima, itd. Procjene stručnjaka ukazuju na to da, općenito govoreći, troĆĄkovi uzrokovani klimatskim promjenama premaĆĄuju dobitke. Cilj ovog rada je istraĆŸiti utjecaj klimatskih promjena na obalni turizam u Rumunjskoj. Koristeći razne viĆĄestruke regresijske modele, podaci ukazuju na to da povećanje srednje vrijednosti temperature zraka i trajanje sunčanih dana potiču domaća turistička kretanja prema rumunjskim obalnim destinacijama. Ekonomski učinak klimatske varijabilnosti na turistički sektor je procijenjen uzimajući u obzir različite scenarije analize. Ipak, potrebno je joĆĄ istraĆŸivanja kako bi se analiza proĆĄirila uz pomoć veće baze podataka i koristeći empirijsko istraĆŸivanje u drugim turističkim destinacijama na koje utječu klimatske promjene