425 research outputs found

    Performance and technology on the travel industry

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    Much of the technological development taking place in the travel trade and transport sectors is, surprisingly, still at the embryonic stage. The extent to which the subsectors utilize the technology will undoubtedly grow substantially in the future. This may have the effect of increasing the market or alternatively it may merely displace business by changing channels of distribution.travel industry, technological development, distribution

    Propagation effects of taxes in Romania: An input-output analysis

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    The Input-Output model (IO) is an important tool of economic analysis, providing a predictive analysis framework for economic changes, if properly used. In developing measures, strategies, etc. at macro level it is important to identify the links that occur between branches of the economy for a better understanding of “enabler” branches which have the highest contribution to output creation. In this research the IO method was used to analyze effects of taxes within the Romanian economy, based on data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), using IO statistical tables for 2000 and 2006.Input-Output Analysis, Tax Multipliers, Forward Linkage, Backward Linkage, Romania


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    Recently, glass industry in Romania has been affected by the tendency to avoid polluting substances. A similar problem is outlined related to the cadmium glasses used for signalizations in the car construction industry. The paper presents the advantages of obtaining red glasses based on copper that is introduced as an alloy of Cu ��� Sn. The red copper glass may substitute cadmium glasses and they are used for signalizations in the car construction industry

    Tourism and Economic Development in Romania: Input-Output Analysis Perspective

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    Tourism provides a lot of opportunities for sustainable economic development. At local level, by its triggering effect it could represent a factor of economic recovery, by putting to good use the local material and human potential. By its position of predominantly final-branch, tourism exercises to a large impact on national economy by the vector of final demand, for which the possible and/or desirable variant for the future is an economic-social demand that must be satisfied by variants of total output. Using the input-output model (IO model) a comparison was made of the matrix of direct technical coefficients (aij) and the one of the total requirement coefficients (bij) with the assistance of which the direct and propagated effects were determined for this activity by the indicators defining the dimensions of national economy.tourism, economic impact, multipliers, input-output, Romania


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    The credit agreement meaning is trust. It involves a psychological relationship between two or more persons, characterized by predictability the third one involving present or future action on the status of a particular person.This relationship is psychological, in a certain context, social relationship and may take legal meanings. If at the beginning, people borrowed food and tools, later borrowed money to buy everything you wanted. Financial lending institution has become very popular, creating a group of people who have dealt with this service. Over time, this community has turned into banks. Being originally a loan of money covered by the Civil Code, the credit is used daily by both individuals and by professionals, becoming an engine of capitalist society. Unprecedented expansion of this contract led to a strict control of public authorities and subsequent legislative interventions, the articles of the Civil Code is supplemented by regulations governing the progressive banking, legal interest, namely consumer credit. Under the credit agreement, the economic situation of the parties is not equal, one party is disadvantaged in comparison to the other, protecting the disadvantaged part of the legislature making it a target in credit operations. In French doctrine, consumer credit has been praised as “a contract of all pleasures”; but at the same time “an agreement of all risks”

    Propagation effects of taxes in Romania: An input-output analysis

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    The Input-Output model (IO) is an important tool of economic analysis, providing a predictive analysis framework for economic changes, if properly used. In developing measures, strategies, etc. at macro level it is important to identify the links that occur between branches of the economy for a better understanding of ôenablerö branches which have the highest contribution to output creation. In this research the IO method was used to analyze effects of taxes within the Romanian economy, based on data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS), using IO statistical tables for 2000 and 2006


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    Using a gauge theory of the gravitational field we build a metric with spherical symmetry. We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials. We define the gravitational gauge group G and then we introduce the gauge covariant derivative D . The strength tensor of the gravitational gauge field is obtained and a gauge invariant Lagrangian is then constructed. The field equations of the gauge potentials are written and a gravitational energy-momentum tensor (T g ) is determined. In such a theory the motion of a test particle may be assimilated with a spontaneous symmetry breaking field theory: the gauge field that mediates the gravitational interaction between the source field and the test particle spontaneously breaks the vacuum symmetry, generating a Reissner-Nordstrom type metric. All the calculations have been performed by GR Tensor II computer algebra package, running on the Maple 7 platform, along with several routines that we have written for our model. Pacs numbers: 11.30. Qc, 04.20.Cv


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    Researches were conducted on a biologic material, a buffalo livestock, in different lactating stages and their physico-chemical parameters were determined: fat, protein, lactose, unfat dry substance, density, pH, temperature. Regarding the variation of these components, researches conducted emphasized differences determined by those conditions specific to reference seasons. Individual analysis on the buffalo livestock in the study, emphasized significant differences: fat 8.59-9.36%, protein 5.16-5.31% respective of lactation. Microbiologic determinations mainly envisioned: the number of somatic cells (NSC), number of total germs (NTG) Positive Coagulanzo Stafilococii, Listeria, Salmonella, determinations which lay at the basis of the assessment of buffalo milk quality. The positive Coagulanzo stafilococus was absent, excepting sample number 15 (2 germs/ml) and sample number 22 (4 germs/ml); Salmonella was absent. Regarding the total number of germs: values between 1.0-1.8 germs/ml were obtained. The detection of this microbiologic parameter in the composition of buffalo milk provides information regarding the hygienic conditions of their production and handling. Correlations between the number of somatic cells, milk production and composition are employed in dairy buffalo farms, in order to assess losses caused by mastitis and the implementing of certain measures for the control of these diseases. On the other hand, correlations between the number of somatic cells and milk composition prove useful in establishing milk processing behaviour, as the practice of setting milk-raw matter prices according to the number of somatic cells in the milk is becoming increasingly more frequent in developed countries.Cercetările s-au desfăşurat pe materialul biologic reprezentat de un efectiv de bivoliţe aflate în lactaţii diferite l-a care s-au determinat parametrii fizico-chimici: grăsime, proteină, lactoză, substanţa uscată negrasă, densitate, pH, temperatură. Privitor la variaţia acestor componente, cercetările efectuate au pus în evidenţă şi diferenţe determinate de condiţiile specifice sezoanelor de referinţă. Analiza individuală pe efectivul de bivoliţe cuprinsă în studiu, a evidenţiat diferenţe semnificative: grăsime 8.59- 9.36%, proteina 5.16-5.31% în funcţie de lactaţie. Determinările microbiologice au vizat în principal: numărul de celule somatice (NCS), numărul total de germeni (NTG), Stafilococii Coagulanzo pozitivi, Listeria, Salmonella, determinări care au stat la baza evidenţierii calităţii laptelui de bivoliţă. Stafilococul coagulanzo pozitiv a fost absent exceptând proba numarul 15 (2 germeni/ml) şi proba numarul 22 care au prezentat (4 germeni/ml); Salmonella a fost absentă. În ceea ce priveşte numărul total de germeni: s-au obţinut valori cuprinse între 1.0-1.8 germeni/ml. Decelarea acestui parametru microbiologic din compoziţia laptelui de bivoliţă, oferă informaţii privind condiţiile de igienă în care s-a produs şi manipulat. Corelaţii între numarul de celule somatice, producţia de lapte şi compoziţie este utilizată în fermele de bivoliţe de lapte pentru a estima pierderile cauzate de mamite şi implementarea unor măsuri pentru controlul acestor afecţiuni. Pe de altă parte corelaţiile între numărul de celule somatice şi compoziţia laptelui se dovedeşte utilă în elaborarea modului de comportare a laptelui în cursul procesării, în ţările dezvoltate fiind tot mai frecventă practica stabilirii preţului laptelui, materie primă, ţinând cont şi de numărul de celule somatice din lapte