116 research outputs found

    Freshwater algal toxins: Monitoring and toxicity profile

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    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-104890RB-I00, MICINN/FEDER, U

    In Vitro Mutagenic and Genotoxic Assessment of a Mixture of the Cyanotoxins Microcystin-LR and Cylindrospermopsin

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    The co-occurrence of various cyanobacterial toxins can potentially induce toxic effects different than those observed for single cyanotoxins, as interaction phenomena cannot be discarded. Moreover, mixtures are a more probable exposure scenario. However, toxicological information on the topic is still scarce. Taking into account the important role of mutagenicity and genotoxicity in the risk evaluation framework, the objective of this study was to assess the mutagenic and genotoxic potential of mixtures of two of the most relevant cyanotoxins, Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) and Cylindrospermopsin (CYN), using the battery of in vitro tests recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for food contaminants. Mixtures of 1:10 CYN/MC-LR (CYN concentration in the range 0.04-2.5 µg/mL) were used to perform the bacterial reverse-mutation assay (Ames test) in Salmonella typhimurium, the mammalian cell micronucleus (MN) test and the mouse lymphoma thymidine-kinase assay (MLA) on L5178YTk± cells, while Caco-2 cells were used for the standard and enzyme-modified comet assays. The exposure periods ranged between 4 and 72 h depending on the assay. The genotoxicity of the mixture was observed only in the MN test with S9 metabolic fraction, similar to the results previously reported for CYN individually. These results indicate that cyanobacterial mixtures require a specific (geno)toxicity evaluation as their effects cannot be extrapolated from those of the individual cyanotoxins.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2015-64558-

    Opportunities for training in food safety in the university education context

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    La formación en Seguridad Alimentaria está creciendo en la actualidad, dadas las necesidades de profesionales con una formación científica sólida, fundamentalmente en el Análisis de riesgos, capaces de resolver los problemas variados que se plantean desde los distintos sectores relacionados con la misma. Se revisan las posibilidades de formación existentes en nuestro país, a nivel de Grado y Postgrado, haciendo especial referencia en las materias, cursos, y másters existentes en las Universidades de Valencia, Córdoba y Sevilla.Food Safety Training is growing nowadays, given the needs of professionals with solid scientific training, especially in Risk Analysis, able to solve the various problems that arise from the different sectors related to food. We review the existing training opportunities in our country, for undergraduate and postgraduate level, with special reference to the subjets, courses and masters existing at the Universities of Valencia, Cordoba and Seville

    Toxic cyanobacteria strains isolated from blooms in the Guadiana River (southwestern Spain)

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    This paper describes the occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria along the Guadiana River over its course between Mérida and Badajoz (Extremadura, Spain). Water sampling for phytoplankton quantification and toxin analysis was carried out regularly between 1999 and 2001 in six different locations, including two shallow, slow-flowing river sites, two streamed river sites and two drinking water reservoirs. The cyanobacterial community differed significantly between these locations, especially during the summer. The predominant genera were Microcystis, Oscillatoria, Aphanizomenon and Anabaena. Using an ELISA assay the total microcystin contents of natural water samples from the most eutrophic locations ranged from 0.10 – 21.86 µg mcyst-LR equivalent·L-1 in Valdelacalzada and 0.10-11.3 µg mcyst-LR equivalent·L-1 in Vitonogales, and a seasonal variation of toxin content was observed. The amount of microcystins produced by each strain was determined by ELISA assay and the detection and identification of microcystin variants of three toxic strains of Microcystis aeruginosa was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The analysis of microcystins of the cultured strains revealed that toxin production was variable among different strains of M. aeruginosa isolated either from different blooms or from the same bloom.Junta de Andalucía (CTS358

    Analysis of the Use of Cylindrospermopsin and/or Microcystin-Contaminated Water in the Growth, Mineral Content, and Contamination of Spinacia oleracea and Lactuca sativa

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    Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins constitute a serious environmental and human health problem. Moreover, concerns are raised with the use of contaminated water in agriculture and vegetable production as this can lead to food contamination and human exposure to toxins as well as impairment in crop development and productivity. The objective of this work was to assess the susceptibility of two green vegetables, spinach and lettuce, to the cyanotoxins microcystin (MC) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN), individually and in mixture. The study consisted of growing both vegetables in hydroponics, under controlled conditions, for 21 days in nutrient medium doped with MC or CYN at 10 μg/L and 50 μg/L, or CYN/MC mixture at 5 + 5 μg/L and 25 + 25 μg/L. Extracts from M. aeruginosa and C. ovalisporum were used as sources of toxins. The study revealed growth inhibition of the aerial part (Leaves) in both species when treated with 50µg/L of MC, CYN and CYN/MC mixture. MC showed to be more harmful to plant growth than CYN. Moreover spinach leaves growth was inhibited by both 5 + 5 and 25 + 25 µg/L CYN/MC mixtures, whereas lettuce leaves growth was inhibited only by 25 + 25 µg/L CYN/MC mixture. Overall, growth data evidence increased sensitivity of spinach to cyanotoxins in comparison to lettuce. On the other hand, plants exposed to CYN/MC mixture showed differential accumulation of CYN and MC. In addition, CYN, but not MC, was translocated from the roots to the leaves. CYN and MC affected the levels of minerals particularly in plant roots. The elements most affected were Ca, K and Mg. However, in leaves K was the mineral that was affected by exposure to cyanotoxinsEspaña, MINECO/FEDER Project AGL2015-64558-

    In vitro toxicological assessment of cylindrospermopsin: A review

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    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a cyanobacterial toxin that is gaining importance, owing to its increasing expansion worldwide and the increased frequency of its blooms. CYN mainly targets the liver, but also involves other organs. Various mechanisms have been associated with its toxicity, such as protein synthesis inhibition, oxidative stress, etc. However, its toxic effects are not yet fully elucidated and additional data for hazard characterization purposes are required. In this regard, in vitro methods can play an important role, owing to their advantages in comparison to in vivo trials. The aim of this work was to compile and evaluate the in vitro data dealing with CYN available in the scientific literature, focusing on its toxicokinetics and its main toxicity mechanisms. This analysis would be useful to identify research needs and data gaps in order to complete knowledge about the toxicity profile of CYN. For example, it has been shown that research on various aspects, such as new emerging toxicity effects, the toxicity of analogs, or the potential interaction of CYN with other cyanotoxins, among others, is still very scarce. New in vitro studies are therefore welcome.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2015-64558-

    Intestinal transport of Cylindrospermopsin using the Caco-2 cell line

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    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a cyanotoxin produced by various cyanobacterial species. It is a water soluble zwitterion, stable at extreme temperatures and pH. Despite the main route of exposure to CYN is through drinking water and food, there is a lack of data concerning its intestinal absorption and the mechanisms implicated. The aim of this study was to characterize the mechanisms involved in the intestinal absorption of CYN, using Caco-2 human cell line as a model of the intestinal epithelium. The results obtained in the present work increases the limited knowledge regarding CYN transport across the intestinal epithelium and identifies the paracellular route as an important pathway in CYN absorption. A minor carrier-mediated transcellular transport has been evidenced. This transport is not affected by low temperatures, suggesting that an active mechanism is not involved. Moreover, the transport through the intestinal monolayer is H+ and GSH dependent and Na + independent. The transport characteristics elucidated in this study prepare the ground for future studies directed at identifying transporters involved in the intestinal absorption of this toxin.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2015-64558R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) y AGL2012-3346

    Toxic Effects Produced by Anatoxin-a under Laboratory Conditions: A Review

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    The presence of cyanotoxins and its bioaccumulation in the food chain is an increasingly common problem worldwide. Despite the toxic effects produced by Anatoxin-a (ATX-a), this neurotoxin has been less studied compared to microcystins (MCs) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN). Studies conducted under laboratory conditions are of particular interest because these provide information which are directly related to the effects produced by the toxin. Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the ATX-a toxicological database inadequate to support the publication of a formal guideline reference value. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to compile all of the in vitro and in vivo toxicological studies performed so far and to identify potential data gaps. Results show that the number of reports is increasing in recent years. However, more in vitro studies are needed, mainly in standardized neuronal cell lines. Regarding in vivo studies, very few of them reflect conditions occurring in nature and further studies with longer periods of oral exposure would be of interest. Moreover, additional toxicological aspects of great interest such as mutagenicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity and alteration of hormonal balance need to be studied in depth.España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-104890RBI00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103