3 research outputs found
Periodical citations in aquatic entomology and freshwater benthic biology
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comprehensiveness of Social Work Abstracts as a Database for Researchers and Practitioners
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
State of the Art Survey of Reference Sources in Engineering
- Author
- Abler William
- Advani L.T
- al History
- American Petroleum Institute
- American Society for Metals.
- Ann Arbor Mich
- Ann Arbor Science
- Armstrong Ellis L
- Association
- Azad H.
- Baerwald John E
- Blanford Percy W
- Brater Ernest F
- Briefly
- Brittain James E
- Brooks Hugh
- Cagle
- Cheremisinoff Paul N
- Cheremisinoff Paul N
- Chilton's Basic Auto Maintenance
- Choppers
- Clauser
- Company's Permanent Magnet Manual
- Computer
- Computerworld Index Newton
- Concrete
- Control Handbook
- Dam
- Davis Bob J
- Demaw Doug
- Dempsey Paul
- Development
- Development
- Drake George R
- Dubin Fred S. H.L.
- Dummer Geoffrey William
- Ecotechnics
- Eichholz Geoffrey G
- Electronics
- Electronics Designers' Handbook
- Electronics Engineer's Reference Book
- Emissions Handbook
- Energy
- Energy
- Energy Demand Studies
- Energy Information Abstracts New York
- Energy Microthesaurus
- Energy Technology Handbook
- Engineering
- Engineering Education Institutions
- Finnegan Patrick S
- from the SSIE Inc.
- Garfield Bennet
- Garland J.D
- Gehm Harry W
- George
- Gieck Kurt
- Guide
- Hajek Victor G
- Handbooks
- Harris Cyril M
- Heiserman David L
- Historic Architecture Sourcebook
- House
- Hutchison J.W.
- International Technical Information Institute
- James Arthur M
- Joining
- Kaufman M.
- Kingery Jerry
- Kurtz Edwin
- Lacy Edward A
- Lear George
- Lenk John D
- Levy Sidney
- Librarians
- Lieberman Jethro K
- Literature
- Lytle R. J.
- Maintenance Engineering Handbook
- Materials Parts
- McDermott Henry J
- McDonnell Leo P
- McGraw Hill
- McGraw Hill
- Merritt Frederick S
- Michael
- Minor Paul S
- Mitchell Manuals Inc
- Moder Joseph J
- Monitoring Handbook
- Moskowitz Lester R
- National Information Center for Educational Media
- Nichols Herbert L. Jr.
- Nimmen
- Norbeck Jack
- Pa
- Parra Ramos
- Pavoni Joseph L.
- Perry Robert H
- Prentice Hall G.J.
- Pub Co.
- Publishers
- Pump Handbook
- Radios
- Reinhold
- Report
- Roper C.A.
- Sarojini Balachandran
- Series
- Shields J.
- Shurcliff Cambridge
- Sippl Charles J
- Sippl Charles J
- Smith Gaig B
- Sneddon Ian N
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
- Society of the Plastics Industry.
- Socioeconomic Data Sources A
- Stainless Steels
- Steward William E
- Technology
- The Diebold Group Inc.
- Tobia's Locks
- Tuma Jan J
- U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration
- U.S. Federal Energy Administration
- U.S. Federal Energy Administration
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia
- Vanderveen Bart M
- Warden Richard E
- Watlins
- Wiley
- Wilson David Gordon
- Woburn
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study