15 research outputs found

    Underwater Acoustic Source Localisation Among Blind and Sighted Scuba Divers : Comparative study

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    Objectives: Many blind individuals demonstrate enhanced auditory spatial discrimination or localisation of sound sources in comparison to sighted subjects. However, this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed with regards to underwater spatial localisation. This study therefore aimed to investigate underwater acoustic source localisation among blind and sighted scuba divers. Methods: This study took place between February and June 2015 in Elba, Italy, and involved two experimental groups of divers with either acquired (n = 20) or congenital (n = 10) blindness and a control group of 30 sighted divers. Each subject took part in five attempts at an under-water acoustic source localisation task, in which the divers were requested to swim to the source of a sound originating from one of 24 potential locations. The control group had their sight obscured during the task. Results: The congenitally blind divers demonstrated significantly better underwater sound localisation compared to the control group or those with acquired blindness (P = 0.0007). In addition, there was a significant correlation between years of blindness and underwater sound localisation (P <0.0001). Conclusion:Congenital blindness was found to positively affect the ability of a diver to recognise the source of a sound in an underwater environment. As the correct localisation of sounds underwater may help individuals to avoid imminent danger, divers should perform sound localisation tests during training sessions

    Activity of coenzyme Q 10 (Q-Ter multicomposite) on recovery time in noise-induced hearing loss

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    A potential consequence of exposure to noise is a temporary reduction in auditory sensitivity known as temporary threshold shift (TTS), which mainly depends on the intensity and duration of exposure to the noise. Recovery time is related to the amount of initial hearing loss, and the most recovery takes place during the first 15 min following exposure. This study evaluated the efficacy in otoprotection against noise-induced hearing loss of an orally administrated food supplement containing coenzyme Q 10 -Ter. This water-soluble formulation of coenzyme Q 10 shows better bioavailability than the native form and has been found to have a protective effect on outer hair cells after exposure to noise in animal models. Thirty volunteers were enrolled, and the right ear of each subject was exposed to a narrow-band noise centered at 3 kHz for 10 min at the intensity of 90 dB HL. In the 30 subjects enrolled, TTS was evaluated after 2, 15, and 30 min and the recovery time was recorded in each subject. The longest recovery time was 45 min. Among the 18 subjects who underwent a second test after treatment with Q-Ter, the mean recovery time was 31.43 min. The results of the present study show that 30 days′ treatment with Q-Ter can aid faster recovery after exposure to noise (P < 0.0001). The reduction in the recovery time following treatment can be explained by Q-Ter-mediated improvement of the outer hair cells′ response to oxidative stress

    Effects of a Mask on Breathing Impairment During a Fencing Assault: A Case Series Study

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    Background: Fencers often complain of progressive difficulty in breathing during matches, which is generally attributed to restricted air, light and heat circulation from wearing a mask. Physiologically, the nasal structure generates airflow resistance that can reach -50% of the total respiratory resistance. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the presence of nasal obstruction in fencers and the relationship with the use of mask. Materials and Methods: An observational study on 40 fencers (18 males, 22 females) was conducted. Fencers perform a usual assault, wearing the mask and standardized physical exercises (running, sprints and obstacles) without the mask. ENT examination with a nasal flexible fiberscope, Anterior Active Rhinomanometry (AAR) and Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow (PNIF) measurement before and after physical activity with or without the mask was recorded. Results: Before physical exercise, the total nasal airway resistance mean value for AAR was 0.33 ± 0.17 Pa/cm3/s at 150 Pa. After a match with the mask, the mean value was 0.28 ± 0.16 Pa/cm3/s. After normal physical exercises without mask, the mean value was 0.24 ± 0.15 Pa/cm3/s. Using t tests, statistically significant difference between nasal resistance before and after physical activity (P &lt; 0.05) was observed, but no significant difference in nasal resistance between the basal value and that taken after a match wearing the masks (P = 0.1265). PNIF values significantly increase with exercise (P &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: Our study shows that wearing the mask causes increased breathing impairment in fencers, when compared with similar physical activity without the mask

    Il video Head Impulse Test nella Vertigine Parossistica Posizionale Benigna del Canale Semicircolare Laterale

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    Introduzione: la Vertigine Posizionale Parossistica Benigna (VPPB) del Canale Semicircolare Laterale (CSL) può presentarsi con rilievi non posizionali quali il nistagmo (ny) spontaneo (detto pseudospontaneo), la positività al Bow and Lean Test, il ny all’ Head Shaking Test (HST), l’Head Impulse Test (HIT) positivo. Lo scopo di questo studio è valutare la frequenza e le caratteristiche di questi rilievi non posizionali e descrivere per la prima volta le alterazioni al vHIT eseguito durante la prima valutazione in urgenza. Materiali e Metodi: Venticinque pazienti con VPPB del CSL sono stati valutati consecutivamente nel nostro ambulatorio di Vestibologia. Tutti i pazienti hanno effettuato una bedside examination con ricerca del ny spontaneo, HST, HIT, manovre di posizione e posizionamento e vHIT. Successivamente è stata instaurata una terapia (decubito coatto, manovra di Gufoni) e un controllo a 24 ore per valutarne l’efficacia. Al controllo i test sopradescritti sono stati ripetuti. Risultati: Diciannove pazienti sono stati classificati come VPPB del CSL forma geotropa, sei pazienti avevano la forma apogeotropa. Il ny spontaneo era presente in 5 pazienti (verso il lato sano se geotropo, verso quello malato se apogeotropo), la positività al Bow and Lean Test 4/5. L’HST era positivo in 5 pazienti, l’HIT era presente in 3 pazienti (deficit lato ammalato), il ny in posizione di Pagnini era presente in 10 pazienti. Il vHIT è stato effettuato su 20 pazienti ed era alterato in quelli che mostravano ny spontaneo e in 2 che non avevano ny pseudospontaneo; dimostrava un deficit del guadagno del VOR del lato coinvolto statisticamente significativo (0,80 ± 0,15 Vs. 0,86 ± 0,05; p=0,04;). Al controllo a 24 ore 24/25 erano guariti completamente dalla VPPB del CSL e tutti i rilievi erano assenti. Un paziente è guarito dopo una seconda manovra di Gufoni eseguita durante il primo controllo. Conclusioni: i rilievi non posizionali della VPPB del CSL non sono frequenti, ma possono determinare difficoltà diagnostiche soprattutto se la bedside examination non è completata con le manovre posizionali. Si è inoltre dimostrato che il nistagmo pseudospontaneo si associa ad un deficit del guadagno del VOR dimostrabile al vHIT strumento che sempre più viene utilizzato in urgenza per differenziare vertigini con ny spontaneo di natura centrale da quelle periferiche

    Functional maturation of nasal mucosa: role of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA)

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    3Secretory IgA (SIgA) plays an important role in defending the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory airways from common infection. Studying and comparing the values and the daily variation of SIgA in nasal secretion could explain the largest number of upper respiratory infection, especially in children.Moreover, the ELISA dosage of SIgA in nasal secretion, sampled by cotton swabs positioned between septum and middle turbinate for 20 minutes every 4 hours 5 times in a day, can be easily performed and shows significant differences between the healthy child and the healthy adult.Nasal secretion SIgA mean value is lower in the healthy child than in the healthy adult. Circadian variation for healthy child showed the highest value at 7.00 a.m., while in adult the highest value was at 4.00 a.m.These knowledge on SIgA may help to explain the highest number of upper airway infection during childhood and clarify the physiological cycle of production. Thus, in performing a SIgA dosage the time of sample must be considered and preferably it should be made at a standardized time of the day.nonenoneBellussi, Luisa; Cambi, Jacopo; Passali, DesiderioBellussi, LUISA MARIA; Cambi, Jacopo; Passali, Desideri

    Activity of hypertonic solution with Silver and Potassium Sucrose Octasulfate on nasal symptoms in obstructive rhinopathy with and without rhinosinusitis

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    Nasal obstruction is a primary symptom of common upper respiratory tract disorders. In clinical practice nasal saline solutions are recommended for the cleansing of nasal cavities and relieving nasal symptoms

    Role of adenotonsillectomy in OSAS children and behavioural disturbance

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    The main aim of this study was to assess the presence of behavioural disturbances in child with OSAS before and after adenotonsillectomy (AT)

    Changes in ghrelin, leptin and pro-inflammatory cytokines after therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) patients.

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    The correlations between the levels of cytokines, apnea, and obesity are not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep apnea, body mass index (BMI) and plasma levels of leptin, ghrelin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)