46 research outputs found

    Gene regulatory factors of the sea urchin embryo. II. Two dissimilar proteins, P3A1 and P3A2, bind to the same target sites that are required for early territorial gene expression

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    Previous work demonstrated that a negative regulatory interaction mediated by factor(s) termed 'P3A' is required for correct territory-specific gene expression in the sea urchin embryo. A probe derived from a P3A target site in the skeletogenic SM50 gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was used to isolate a cDNA clone coding for a factor that binds specifically to this site. This factor, called P3A1, contains two sequence elements that belong to the Zn finger class of DNA-binding motifs, and in these regions is most closely similar to the Drosophila hunchback factor. The P3A1 factor also binds to a similar target sequence in a second gene, CyIIIa, expressed in embryonic aboral ectoderm. Another sea urchin embryo protein factor, P3A2, has been isolated by affinity chromatography and cloned, as described in Calzone et al. Development 112, 335-350 (1991). P3A2 footprints the same target sites in the SM50 and CyIIIa genes as does P3A1, but lacks the Zn finger sequence motifs and in amino acid sequence is almost entirely dissimilar to P3A1. A deletion analysis of P3A2 delimited the DNA-binding region, revealing that five specific amino acids in the first P3A1 finger region and four in the second P3A1 finger region are also present in equivalent positions in P3A2. The P3A1 and P3A2 factors could function as regulatory antagonists, having evolved similar target specificities from dissimilar DNA-binding domains

    A long, nontranslatable poly(A) RNA stored in the egg of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

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    Nontranslatable transcripts containing interspersed repetitive sequence elements constitute a major fraction of the poly(A) RNA stored in the cytoplasm of both the sea urchin egg and the amphibian oocyte. We report the first complete sequence of a representative interspersed maternal RNA transcript, called ISp1. The transcript is about 3.7 kb in length [including poly(A) tail]; and the 5' half consists of a cluster of repetitive sequences, whereas the 3' half is single copy. Other repetitive sequences occur in the 5' and 3' regions flanking the transcription unit. In several cloned alleles, the flanking repetitive and single-copy sequences differ, indicating a high degree of insertional and deletional rearrangement around, as well as within, the transcription unit. No significant open reading frames exist in any region of the ISp1 transcript, nor is it spliced to give rise to translatable mRNA in egg or embryo. A 620-nucleotide repetitive sequence element at the 5' end of the ISp1 transcript is also represented in a large number of other long interspersed maternal poly(A) RNAs. In addition, this sequence appears in a prevalent set of small polyadenylated RNAs about 600-nucleotides in length, which disappear almost completely by the gastrula stage of development. The structural features of the ISp1 RNA uncovered in this work exclude several hypotheses of interspersed maternal poly(A) RNA origin and function

    Developmental appearance of factors that bind specifically to cis-regulatory sequences of a gene expressed in the sea urchin embryo

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    Previous gene-transfer experiments have identified a 2500-nucleotide 5' domain of the CyIIIa cytoskeletal actin gene, which contains cis-regulatory sequences that are necessary and sufficient for spatial and temporal control of CyIIIa gene expression during embryogenesis. This gene is activated in late cleavage, exclusively in aboral ectoderm cell lineages. In this study, we focus on interactions demonstrated in vitro between sequences of the regulatory domain and proteins present in crude extracts derived from sea urchin embryo nuclei and from unfertilized eggs. Quantitative gel-shift measurements are utilized to estimate minimum numbers of factor molecules per embryo at 24 hr postfertilization, when the CyIIIa gene is active, at 7 hr, when it is still silent, and in the unfertilized egg. We also estimate the binding affinity preferences (K_r) of the various factors for their respective sites, relative to their affinity for synthetic DNA competitors. At least 14 different specific interactions occur within the regulatory regions, some of which produce multiple DNA-protein complexes. Values of K_r range from approximately 2 x 10^4 to approximately 2 x 10^6 for these factors under the conditions applied. With one exception, the minimum factor prevalences that we measured in the 400-cell 24-hr embryo nuclear extracts fell within the range of 2 x 10^5 to 2 x 10^6 molecules per embryo, i.e., a few hundred to a few thousand molecules per nucleus. Three developmental patterns were observed with respect to factor prevalence: Factors reacting at one site were found in unfertilized egg cytoplasm at about the same level per egg or embryo as in 24-hr embryo nuclei; factors reacting with five other regions of the regulatory domain are not detectable in egg cytoplasm but in 7-hr mid-cleavage-stage embryo, nuclei are already at or close to their concentrations in the 24-hr embryo nuclei; and factors reacting with five additional regions are not detectable in egg cytoplasm and are low in 7-hr embryo nuclei, i.e., ⩽10% per embryo of the level they attain in 24-hr embryo nuclei. The rise in concentration of factors of the latter class could provide the proximal cause for the temporal activation of the CyIIIa gene at the early blastula stage

    A long, nontranslatable poly(A) RNA stored in the egg of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

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    Nontranslatable transcripts containing interspersed repetitive sequence elements constitute a major fraction of the poly(A) RNA stored in the cytoplasm of both the sea urchin egg and the amphibian oocyte. We report the first complete sequence of a representative interspersed maternal RNA transcript, called ISp1. The transcript is about 3.7 kb in length [including poly(A) tail]; and the 5' half consists of a cluster of repetitive sequences, whereas the 3' half is single copy. Other repetitive sequences occur in the 5' and 3' regions flanking the transcription unit. In several cloned alleles, the flanking repetitive and single-copy sequences differ, indicating a high degree of insertional and deletional rearrangement around, as well as within, the transcription unit. No significant open reading frames exist in any region of the ISp1 transcript, nor is it spliced to give rise to translatable mRNA in egg or embryo. A 620-nucleotide repetitive sequence element at the 5' end of the ISp1 transcript is also represented in a large number of other long interspersed maternal poly(A) RNAs. In addition, this sequence appears in a prevalent set of small polyadenylated RNAs about 600-nucleotides in length, which disappear almost completely by the gastrula stage of development. The structural features of the ISp1 RNA uncovered in this work exclude several hypotheses of interspersed maternal poly(A) RNA origin and function

    Intersecting batteries of differentially expressed genes in the early sea urchin embryo

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    We determined the distribution of cis-regulatory sites, previously identified in the control domain of the CyIIIa gene, in three other genes displaying diverse spatial patterns of expression in the sea urchin embryo. Competitive gel-shift reactions were carried out using probes from the CyIIIa gene, with competitor fragments isolated from the previously defined control domains of the other genes. CyIIIa is expressed only in aboral ectoderm lineages; the other genes studied were Spec1, also expressed in aboral ectoderm; CyI, expressed in many different cell types; and SM50, expressed only in skeletogenic mesenchyme. All four genes are activated at about the same time in late cleavage. Where competitive interactions indicated a functionally comparable binding site (in vitro), a sequence homology was sought, and in most cases could be identified. An interesting pattern of putative regulatory site usage emerges: Of 10 CyIIIa interactions tested, three only were unique to the CyIIIa gene with respect to the set of four genes tested; one believed on previous evidence to be a temporal regulator was shared by all four genes, and the remainder were shared in various subsets of the four genes

    Developmental appearance of factors that bind specifically to cis-regulatory sequences of a gene expressed in the sea urchin embryo

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    Previous gene-transfer experiments have identified a 2500-nucleotide 5' domain of the CyIIIa cytoskeletal actin gene, which contains cis-regulatory sequences that are necessary and sufficient for spatial and temporal control of CyIIIa gene expression during embryogenesis. This gene is activated in late cleavage, exclusively in aboral ectoderm cell lineages. In this study, we focus on interactions demonstrated in vitro between sequences of the regulatory domain and proteins present in crude extracts derived from sea urchin embryo nuclei and from unfertilized eggs. Quantitative gel-shift measurements are utilized to estimate minimum numbers of factor molecules per embryo at 24 hr postfertilization, when the CyIIIa gene is active, at 7 hr, when it is still silent, and in the unfertilized egg. We also estimate the binding affinity preferences (K_r) of the various factors for their respective sites, relative to their affinity for synthetic DNA competitors. At least 14 different specific interactions occur within the regulatory regions, some of which produce multiple DNA-protein complexes. Values of K_r range from approximately 2 x 10^4 to approximately 2 x 10^6 for these factors under the conditions applied. With one exception, the minimum factor prevalences that we measured in the 400-cell 24-hr embryo nuclear extracts fell within the range of 2 x 10^5 to 2 x 10^6 molecules per embryo, i.e., a few hundred to a few thousand molecules per nucleus. Three developmental patterns were observed with respect to factor prevalence: Factors reacting at one site were found in unfertilized egg cytoplasm at about the same level per egg or embryo as in 24-hr embryo nuclei; factors reacting with five other regions of the regulatory domain are not detectable in egg cytoplasm but in 7-hr mid-cleavage-stage embryo, nuclei are already at or close to their concentrations in the 24-hr embryo nuclei; and factors reacting with five additional regions are not detectable in egg cytoplasm and are low in 7-hr embryo nuclei, i.e., ⩽10% per embryo of the level they attain in 24-hr embryo nuclei. The rise in concentration of factors of the latter class could provide the proximal cause for the temporal activation of the CyIIIa gene at the early blastula stage

    BioSimulators: a central registry of simulation engines and services for recommending specific tools

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    Computational models have great potential to accelerate bioscience, bioengineering, and medicine. However, it remains challenging to reproduce and reuse simulations, in part, because the numerous formats and methods for simulating various subsystems and scales remain siloed by different software tools. For example, each tool must be executed through a distinct interface. To help investigators find and use simulation tools, we developed BioSimulators (https://biosimulators.org), a central registry of the capabilities of simulation tools and consistent Python, command-line and containerized interfaces to each version of each tool. The foundation of BioSimulators is standards, such as CellML, SBML, SED-ML and the COMBINE archive format, and validation tools for simulation projects and simulation tools that ensure these standards are used consistently. To help modelers find tools for particular projects, we have also used the registry to develop recommendation services. We anticipate that BioSimulators will help modelers exchange, reproduce, and combine simulations

    HER-2 overexpression differentially alters transforming growth factor-β responses in luminal versus mesenchymal human breast cancer cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Amplification of the HER-2 receptor tyrosine kinase has been implicated in the pathogenesis and aggressive behavior of approximately 25% of invasive human breast cancers. Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that aberrant HER-2 signaling contributes to tumor initiation and disease progression. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is the dominant factor opposing growth stimulatory factors and early oncogene activation in many tissues, including the mammary gland. Thus, to better understand the mechanisms by which HER-2 overexpression promotes the early stages of breast cancer, we directly assayed the cellular and molecular effects of TGF-β1 on breast cancer cells in the presence or absence of overexpressed HER-2. METHODS: Cell proliferation assays were used to determine the effect of TGF-β on the growth of breast cancer cells with normal or high level expression of HER-2. Affymetrix microarrays combined with Northern and western blot analysis were used to monitor the transcriptional responses to exogenous TGF-β1 in luminal and mesenchymal-like breast cancer cells. The activity of the core TGF-β signaling pathway was assessed using TGF-β1 binding assays, phospho-specific Smad antibodies, immunofluorescent staining of Smad and Smad DNA binding assays. RESULTS: We demonstrate that cells engineered to over-express HER-2 are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-β1. HER-2 overexpression profoundly diminishes the transcriptional responses induced by TGF-β in the luminal MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and prevents target gene induction by a novel mechanism that does not involve the abrogation of Smad nuclear accumulation, DNA binding or changes in c-myc repression. Conversely, HER-2 overexpression in the context of the mesenchymal MDA-MB-231 breast cell line potentiated the TGF-β induced pro-invasive and pro-metastatic gene signature. CONCLUSION: HER-2 overexpression promotes the growth and malignancy of mammary epithelial cells, in part, by conferring resistance to the growth inhibitory effects of TGF-β. In contrast, HER-2 and TGF-β signaling pathways can cooperate to promote especially aggressive disease behavior in the context of a highly invasive breast tumor model

    Why High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications Matters

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    Modelling and Simulation (M&S) offer adequate abstractions to manage the complexity of analysing big data in scientific and engineering domains. Unfortunately, big data problems are often not easily amenable to efficient and effective use of High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities and technologies. Furthermore, M&S communities typically lack the detailed expertise required to exploit the full potential of HPC solutions while HPC specialists may not be fully aware of specific modelling and simulation requirements and applications. The COST Action IC1406 High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications has created a strategic framework to foster interaction between M&S experts from various application domains on the one hand and HPC experts on the other hand to develop effective solutions for big data applications. One of the tangible outcomes of the COST Action is a collection of case studies from various computing domains. Each case study brought together both HPC and M&S experts, giving witness of the effective cross-pollination facilitated by the COST Action. In this introductory article we argue why joining forces between M&S and HPC communities is both timely in the big data era and crucial for success in many application domains. Moreover, we provide an overview on the state of the art in the various research areas concerned