45 research outputs found

    Quantitative assessment of renal perfusion and oxygenation by invasive probes: basic concepts

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    Renal tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia are early key elements in the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury of various origins, and may also promote progression from acute injury to chronic kidney disease. Here we describe basic principles of methodology to quantify renal hemodynamics and tissue oxygenation by means of invasive probes in experimental animals. Advantages and disadvantages of the various methods are discussed in the context of the heterogeneity of renal tissue perfusion and oxygenation.This chapter is based upon work from the COST Action PARENCHIMA, a community-driven network funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program of the European Union, which aims to improve the reproducibility and standardization of renal MRI biomarkers. This introduction chapter is complemented by a separate chapter describing the experimental procedure and data analysis

    Monitoring renal hemodynamics and oxygenation by invasive probes: experimental protocol

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    Renal tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia are early key elements in the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury of various origins, and may also promote progression from acute injury to chronic kidney disease. Here we describe methods to study control of renal hemodynamics and tissue oxygenation by means of invasive probes in anesthetized rats. Step-by-step protocols are provided for two setups, one for experiments in laboratories for integrative physiology and the other for experiments within small-animal magnetic resonance scanners.This publication is based upon work from the COST Action PARENCHIMA, a community-driven network funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program of the European Union, which aims to improve the reproducibility and standardization of renal MRI biomarkers. This experimental protocol chapter is complemented by a separate chapter describing the basic concepts of quantitatively assessing renal perfusion and oxygenation with invasive probes

    β1-adrenoreceptor blockade in sepsis

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    Acid-base changes after fluid bolus: sodium chloride vs. sodium octanoate.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to test the hypothesis that fluid loading with sodium chloride (150 mmol Na and 150 mmol Cl) or sodium octanoate (150 mmol Na, 100 mmol Cl, and 50 mmol octanoate) would lead to different acid-base changes. DESIGN: We performed a double-blind crossover experimental study. SETTING: The study was done at a University Physiology Laboratory. SUBJECTS: Eight Merino ewes were used as subjects. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We randomly assigned animals to a rapid intravenous infusion (1 L over 30 min) of either normal saline (NS) or sodium octanoate solution (OS). We collected blood samples at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 h after the start of the infusion for blood gas analyses and biochemistry. We calculated strong ion difference apparent (SIDa), effective strong ion difference, and strong ion gap (SIG). Animals in the NS group developed metabolic acidification immediately after fluid administration (pH 7.49 to 7.42, base excess 3.0 to -1.6 mEq/L), while the OS group did not (pH 7.47 to 7.51, base excess 1.1 to 1.4 mEq/L; P < 0.001). Additionally, the OS group had higher SIDa (36.2 vs. 33.2 mEq/L) and SIG (7.4 vs. 6.2 mEq/L) at the end of the infusion. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide further evidence that acidification induced by intravenous fluid loading is dependent on fluid composition and challenges the paradigm of the so-called dilutional acidosis

    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of renal microcirculation in sheep.

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    BACKGROUND: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) is a novel imaging modality to estimate microvascular perfusion. We aimed to assess renal cortical microcirculatory changes by CEUS during pharmacologically or mechanically induced modifications of renal blood flow (RBF) in experimental animals. METHODS: We implanted invasive transit-time Doppler flow probes and a vascular occluder around the renal artery in six Merino sheep. After induction of general anaesthesia, renal CEUS studies with destruction-replenishment sequences were performed at baseline and after different interventions aimed at modifying RBF. First, we administered angiotensin II (AngII) to achieve a 25% (AngII 25%) and 50% (AngII 50%) decrease in RBF. Then, we applied mechanical occlusion of the renal artery until RBF decreased by 25% (Occl 25%) and 50% (Occl 50%) of the baseline. Finally, a single dose of 25 mg of captopril was administered. CEUS sequences were analysed offline with dedicated software and perfusion indices (PI) calculated. RESULTS: Pharmacological reduction of RBF with AngII was associated with a 62% (range: 68 decrease to 167 increase) increase (AngII 25%) and a 5% increase in PI (range: 92% decrease to 53% increase) (AngII 50%) in PI. Mechanical occlusion of the renal artery was associated with a 2% (range: 43% decrease to 2% increase) decrease (Occl 25%) and a 67% (range: 63% decrease to a 120% increase) increase (Occl 50%) in PI. The administration of captopril was associated with a 8% (range: 25% decrease to a 101% increase) decrease in PI. Pooled changes in PI failed to reach statistical significance. The study was limited by the difficulty to obtain high quality images. CONCLUSIONS: CEUS-derived parameters were highly heterogeneous in this sheep model. The current protocol and model did not allow the evaluation of the correlation between macro and microcirculation assessment by CEUS