701 research outputs found

    A parallel algorithm for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes problems

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    AbstractWe introduce and analyze a parallel algorithm for solving the Navier-Stokes equations based on the splitting of the two main difficulties involved, the presence of nonlinear terms and the zero divergence condition. The numerical results obtained by using the proposed algorithm are quite consistent with those furnished by other known algorithms. Numerical results are discussed, as well as the advantages of this new algorithm

    Superintegrability and higher order polynomial algebras II

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    In an earlier article, we presented a method to obtain integrals of motion and polynomial algebras for a class of two-dimensional superintegrable systems from creation and annihilation operators. We discuss the general case and present its polynomial algebra. We will show how this polynomial algebra can be directly realized as a deformed oscillator algebra. This particular algebraic structure allows to find the unitary representations and the corresponding energy spectrum. We apply this construction to a family of caged anisotropic oscillators. The method can be used to generate new superintegrable systems with higher order integrals. We obtain new superintegrable systems involving the fourth Painleve transcendent and present their integrals of motion and polynomial algebras.Comment: 11 page

    Empleo de cenizas de fondo de central térmica y cal como filler en mezclas bituminosas

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    This study focuses on the characterization of bottom ash (PCC-BA) and determining the mechanical characteristics of hot mix asphalt (HMA) using PCC-BA and hydrated lime (HL) as filler. Physical and chemical characterization of the bottom ash was carried out to evaluate its eventual reutilization as filler substitute. The materials tested in this study were made using 0%, 25%, 50%, 70% and 100% of PCC-BA combined with HL. HMA mixes were evaluated in terms of their engineering properties, namely: air voids in the mixes, water sensitivity, stiffness modulus, performance in wheel tracking test and fatigue resistance. The results obtained indicate that HMA mixes with a filler blend of 70% PCC-BA and 30% HL fulfil European standards and are suitable for light traffic or small infrastructures.Este estudio se centra en la caracterización de las cenizas de fondo (PCC-BA) y la determinación de las características mecánicas de mezclas bituminosas en caliente (HMA), utilizando cenizas de fondo y la cal hidratada (HL) como filler. Se realizó la caracterización física y química de las cenizas de fondo para evaluar su empleo como sustituto de filler. Las mezclas ensayadas en este estudio se realizaron utilizando 0%, 25%, 50%, 70% y 100% de cenizas de fondo combinadas con cal hidratada. Se evaluaron propiedades ingenieriles de las mezclas bituminosas, tales como los huecos de aire en las mezclas, la sensibilidad al agua, el módulo de rigidez, el ensayo de pista y la resistencia a la fatiga. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las mezclas bituminosas fabricadas con una combinación de filler del 70% de cenizas de fondo y el 30% cal hidratada, cumplen con las normas europeas y son adecuados para su aplicación con tráficos ligeros o en pequeñas infraestructuras

    Generalidades do Trypanosoma cruzi, do Trypanosoma rangeli e do seu vetor (Rhodnius pallescens) no Panamá

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    The eco-epidemiology of T. cruzi infection was investigated in the Eastern border of the Panama Canal in Central Panama. Between 1999 and 2000, 1110 triatomines were collected: 1050 triatomines (94.6%) from palm trees, 27 (2.4%) from periurban habitats and 33 (3.0%) inside houses. All specimens were identified as R. pallescens. There was no evidence of vector domiciliation. Salivary glands from 380 R. pallescens revealed a trypanosome natural infection rate of 7.6%, while rectal ampoule content from 373 triatomines was 45%. Isoenzyme profiles on isolated trypanosomes demonstrated that 85.4% (n = 88) were T. cruzi and 14.6% (n = 15) were T. rangeli. Blood meal analysis from 829 R. pallescens demonstrated a zoophilic vector behavior, with opossums as the preferential blood source. Seroprevalence in human samples from both study sites was less than 2%. Our results demonstrate that T. cruzi survives in the area in balanced association with R. pallescens, and with several different species of mammals in their natural niches. However, the area is an imminent risk of infection for its population, consequently it is important to implement a community educational program regarding disease knowledge and control measures.A epidemiologia da infecção do T. cruzi foi investigada na margem oriental do canal do Panamá, na região central da Republica do Panamá. A informação obtida durante o estudo avaliou fatores de risco da doença de Chagas nesta área. Entre 1999 e 2000, 1110 triatomíneos foram coletados: 1050 triatomíneos (94,6%) em palmeiras, 27 (2,4%) em habitats periurbanos e 33 (3,0%) no interior de casas. Todos os espécimens foram identificados como R. pallescens. Não havia nenhuma evidência de domiciliação do vetor. O exame de glândulas salivares de 380 R. pallescens revelaram taxa de infecção natural por Trypanosoma de 7,6%, mas o conteúdo da ampola rectal de 373 triatomíneos mostrou 45% de positividade. Os perfis de isoenzimas em Trypanosomas isolados demonstraram que 85,4% (n = 88) eram T. cruzi e 14,6% (n = 15) eram T. rangeli. A análise da refeição de sangue de 829 R. pallescens demonstrou comportamento zoofílico do vetor, sendo os gambás a fonte preferencial de sangue. Soroprevalência nos seres humanos de ambos locais de estudo foi menos que 2%. Nossos resultados demonstram que T. cruzi sobrevive na área em associação equilibrada com R. pallescens e com diversas espécies diferentes de mamíferos em seus nichos naturais. Entretanto, a área é um risco eminente de infecção para sua população, pelo que é importante executar um programa educacional na comunidade a respeito das medidas, do conhecimento e do controle da doença

    Estimación de la resistencia a compresión simple del jabre estabilizado “in situ” con cemento como material en la formación de explanadas de carreteras

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    Granite rock has powerful alterations at several meters of depth. The clayed sand resulting is commonly known as jabre. This “in situ” mixture of cement-stabilized soil requires a laboratory formula. Even when the test section is correctly verified, the mechanical properties of the homogeneous mixture of jabre exhibit high degrees of dispersion. The laboratory work undertaken included particle-size analysis and screening, defini­tion of liquid and plastic limits, compressive strength, dry density and moisture content over stabilized samples, modified Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and the determination of the workability of the hydrauli­cally bound mixtures. The stress resistance curve was analyzed by means of a multilinear model of unconfined compressive strength (UCS). Since practical engineering only requires UCS for 7 days, in order to gain greater knowledge of the material, other UCS transformations were used at other curing times such as 7, 14 and 28 days.La roca granítica presenta habitualmente un horizonte de alteración con varios metros de potencia. La arena arcillosa resultante como producto de alteración se deno­mina comúnmente jabre. Aunque la fórmula de trabajo de la estabilización de jabre con cemento se verifique correctamente en tramos de prueba, la estabilización “in situ” del jabre con cemento presenta habitualmente elevadas dispersiones. Entre los ensayos de laboratorio efectuados se encuentran los ensayos de análisis granulo­métrico, límites de Atterberg, resistencia a compresión simple (RCS), la densidad y humedad sobre probetas de suelo estabilizado, Proctor modificado, índice CBR (California Bearing Ratio) y el plazo de trabajabilidad de la mezcla con cemento. La curva de endurecimiento del suelo estabilizado fue ajustada mediante un modelo multi­lineal. Aunque tradicionalmente se especifique la RCS a 7 días, buscando definir un mejor comportamiento del material, los autores calcularon otros modelos de jabre estabilizado para roturas a 7, 14 y 28 días

    Tropical Grass Growth Functions Modeling by Using Nonlinear Mixed Models

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    Nonlinear Growth curves are used for modeling plant physiological variables. These models are preferable because the polynomial coefficients of the equations have a biological significance. The response variables of the curves occurs commonly with repeated measurements over time and measurements are on different environments. The traditional statistical analysis does not include a repeated measures approach, which can lead to improper estimation of the error terms. It is important to study the growth of tropical grass (Da Silva and Carvalho 2005)

    An infinite family of superintegrable systems from higher order ladder operators and supersymmetry

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    We will discuss how we can obtain new quantum superintegrable Hamiltonians allowing the separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators. We will discuss also how higher order supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain systems with higher order ladder operators and their polynomial Heisenberg algebra. We will present a new family of superintegrable systems involving the fifth Painleve transcendent which possess fourth order ladder operators constructed from second order supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We present the polynomial algebra of this family of superintegrable systems.Comment: 8 pages, presented at ICGTMP 28, accepted for j.conf.serie

    Laser‐facilitated epicutaneous immunotherapy with depigmented house dust mite extract alleviates allergic responses in a mouse model of allergic lung inflammation

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    Background Skin-based immunotherapy of type 1 allergies has recently been re-investigated as an alternative for subcutaneous injections. In the current study, we employed a mouse model of house dust mite (HDM)-induced lung inflammation to explore the potential of laser-facilitated epicutaneous allergen-specific treatment. Methods Mice were sensitized against native Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extract and repeatedly treated by application of depigmented D pteronyssinus extract via laser-generated skin micropores or by subcutaneous injection with or without alum. Following aerosol challenges, lung function was determined by whole-body plethysmography and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was analyzed for cellular composition and cytokine levels. HDM-specific IgG subclass antibodies were determined by ELISA. Serum as well as cell-bound IgE was measured by ELISA, rat basophil leukemia cell assay, and ex vivo using a basophil activation test, respectively. Cultured lymphocytes were analyzed for cytokine secretion profiles and cellular polarization by flow cytometry. Results Immunization of mice by subcutaneous injection or epicutaneous laser microporation induced comparable IgG antibody levels, but the latter preferentially induced regulatory T cells and in general downregulated T cell cytokine production. This effect was found to be a result of the laser treatment itself, independent from extract application. Epicutaneous treatment of sensitized animals led to induction of blocking IgG, and improvement of lung function, superior compared to the effects of subcutaneous therapy. During the whole therapy schedule, no local or systemic side effects occurred. Conclusion Allergen-specific immunotherapy with depigmented HDM extract via laser-generated skin micropores offers a safe and effective treatment option for HDM-induced allergy and lung inflammation

    The Chicken Yolk Sac IgY Receptor, a Mammalian Mannose Receptor Family Member, Transcytoses IgY across Polarized Epithelial Cells

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    In mammals the transfer of passive immunity from mother to young is mediated by the MHC-related receptor FcRn, which transports maternal IgG across epithelial cell barriers. In birds, maternal IgY in egg yolk is transferred across the yolk sac to passively immunize chicks during gestation and early independent life. The chicken yolk sac IgY receptor (FcRY) is the ortholog of the mammalian phospholipase A2 receptor, a mannose receptor family member, rather than an FcRn or MHC homolog. FcRn and FcRY both exhibit ligand binding at the acidic pH of endosomes and ligand release at the slightly basic pH of blood. Here we show that FcRY expressed in polarized mammalian epithelial cells functioned in endocytosis, bidirectional transcytosis, and recycling of chicken FcY/IgY. Confocal immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that IgY binding and endocytosis occurred at acidic but not basic pH, mimicking pH-dependent uptake of IgG by FcRn. Colocalization studies showed FcRY-mediated internalization via clathrin-coated pits and transport involving early and recycling endosomes. Disruption of microtubules partially inhibited apical-to-basolateral and basolateral-to-apical transcytosis, but not recycling, suggesting the use of different trafficking machinery. Our results represent the first cell biological evidence of functional equivalence between FcRY and FcRn and provide an intriguing example of how evolution can give rise to systems in which similar biological requirements in different species are satisfied utilizing distinct protein folds

    Group Approach to the Quantization of the P\"oschl-Teller dynamics

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    The quantum dynamics of a particle in the Modified P\"oschl-Teller potential is derived from the group SL(2,R)SL(2,R) by applying a Group Approach to Quantization (GAQ). The explicit form of the Hamiltonian as well as the ladder operators is found in the enveloping algebra of this basic symmetry group. The present algorithm provides a physical realization of the non-unitary, finite-dimensional, irreducible representations of the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) group. The non-unitarity manifests itself in that only half of the states are normalizable, in contrast with the representations of SU(2) where all the states are physical.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe