3 research outputs found
Rockreo : espacio para la convivencia y creatividad
Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa que pretende promover en el alumnado un sentimiento positivo de pertenencia al centro a través de un grupo de rock, consiguiendo que adquiera una mayor autonomÃa y responsabilidad en la organización del tiempo libre y las actividades culturales. Se potencia la imagen positiva del centro educativo y se mejora la convivencia entre el alumnado, favoreciendo la sensibilidad, la curiosidad y la creatividad. Se creado un grupo de rock escolar y se ha realizado una grabación digital de los conciertos desarrollados dando lugar a un disco. Se ha fomentado la actividad grupal en adolescentes con inquietudes hacia la música, previniendo asà conductas violentas en los recreos a través del rock. El proyecto ha mejorado la convivencia y ha fomentado hábitos de trabajo, motivación y constancia, acrecentando la integración social. El grado de implicación del profesorado es satisfactorio tanto en los ensayos como en la puesta en escena. El alumnado valora el proyecto de forma positiva, destacando la buena actitud de los participantes y sobretodo el grado de cooperación y cohesión de cada grupo participante.Castilla y LeónConsejerÃa de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, AutovÃa Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939ES
Analytical database of martian minerals (ADaMM): Project synopsis and Raman data overview
Producción CientÃficaThe Mars2020/Perseverance and ExoMars/Rosalind Franklin rovers are bothslated to return the first Raman spectra ever collected from another planetarysurface, Mars. In order to optimize the rovers scientific outcome, the scientificcommunity needs to be provided with tailored tools for data treatment andinterpretation. Responding to this need, the purpose of the Analytical Databaseof Martian Minerals (ADaMM) project is to build an extended multianalyticaldatabase of mineral phases that have been detected on Mars or are expected tobe found at the landing sites where the two rovers will operate. Besides the useof conventional spectrometers, the main objective of the ADaMM database isto provide access to data collected by means of laboratory prototypes simulat-ing the analytical performances of the spectroscopic systems onboard the Mars2020 and ExoMars rovers. Planned to be released to the public in 2022,ADaMM will also provide access to data treatment and visualization toolsdeveloped in the framework of the mentioned space exploration missions. Assuch, the present work seeks to provide an overview of the ADaMM onlineplatform, spectral tools, and mineral collection. In addition to that, themanuscript describes the Raman spectrometers used to analyze the mineralcollection and presents a representative example of the analytical performanceensured by the Raman prototypes assembled to simulate the Raman LaserSpectrometer (RLS) and SuperCam systems.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. grant agreement no. 687302.Ministerio de EconomÃa y Competitividad (Grant/Award Number: PID2019-107442RB-C31
Spectroscopic study of terrestrial analogues to support rover missions to Mars – a Raman-centred review
Producción CientÃficaThe 2020s could be called, with little doubt, the "Mars decade". No other period in space exploration history has experienced such interest in placing orbiters, rovers and landers on the Red Planet. In 2021 alone, the Emirates' first Mars Mission (the Hope orbiter), the Chinese Tianwen-1 mission (orbiter, lander and rover), and NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover reached Mars. The ExoMars mission Rosalind Franklin rover is scheduled for launch in 2022. Beyond that, several other missions are proposed or under development. Among these, MMX to Phobos and the very important Mars Sample Return can be cited. One of the key mission objectives of the Mars 2020 and ExoMars 2022 missions is the detection of traces of potential past or present life. This detection relies to a great extent on the analytical results provided by complementary spectroscopic techniques. The development of these novel instruments has been carried out in step with the analytical study of terrestrial analogue sites and materials, which serve to test the scientific capabilities of spectroscopic prototypes while providing crucial information to better understand the geological processes that could have occurred on Mars. Being directly involved in the development of three of the first Raman spectrometers to be validated for space exploration missions (Mars 2020/SuperCam, ExoMars/RLS and RAX/MMX), the present review summarizes some of the most relevant spectroscopy-based analyses of terrestrial analogues carried out over the past two decades. Therefore, the present work describes the analytical results gathered from the study of some of the most distinctive terrestrial analogues of Martian geological contexts, as well as the lessons learned mainly from ExoMars mission simulations conducted at representative analogue sites. Learning from the experience gained in the described studies, a general overview of the scientific outcome expected from the spectroscopic system developed for current and forthcoming planetary missions is provided.Ministerio de EconomÃa, Industria y Competitividad (grants PID2019-107442RB-C31 and RDE2018-102600-T)Consejo Europeo de Investigación (grant 687302