526 research outputs found

    Immunological alterations in hepatitis C virus infection

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    A higher prevalence of immunological processes has recently been reported in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, focusing the attention of physicians and researchers on the close association between HCV and immune disorders. HCV lymphotropism represents the most important step in the pathogenesis of virus-related immunological diseases and experimental, virologic, and clinical evidence has demonstrated a trigger role for HCV both in systemic autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren syndrome, hemolytic anemia and severe thrombocytopenia, and in organ-specific autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis, thyroid disorders and diabetes. This review will outline the principal aspects of such HCV-induced immunological alterations, focusing on the prevalence of these less characterized HCV extrahepatic manifestations

    Why do I treat my patients with mild hepatitis C?

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    The major advances achieved in the treatment of HCV by the development of new direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) allow treatment of almost the entire spectrum of patients with chornic infection. As a result of the exceedingly high cost of DAAs in many countries, IFN-free DAA regimens are mostly reserved to patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis. Hence, treatment of patients with milder liver disease is often deferred. This could ultimately result in an increased burden of advanced liver disease and in increased long-term costs of management. Moreover, studies performed during the ‘interferon era’ and the early data on interferon-free regimens show that patients without severe fibrosis achieve higher rates of sustained virological response with less treatment-related adverse events. Unfortunately, there is no univocal way to predict the progression of liver fibrosis and therefore to identify the patients with early disease who would require urgent HCV treatment. Many studies have also demonstrated that treatment-induced HCV clearance reduces all-cause mortality regardless of the stage of liver fibrosis, pointing to an effect on extrahepatic manifestations of HCV infection. Last but not least, pharmacoeconomic studies show that DAA treatment of patients with mild HCV disease is cost-effective even at high prices of drugs, thus suggesting the opprtunity to treat regardless of the stage of liver disease

    On the symmetries of Siklos spacetimes

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    We consider the large class of Siklos spacetimes and investigate their relevant symmetries (homothetic and affine vector fields, Ricci, curvature, Weyl and matter collineations). We prove some general results and obtain complete classifications for homogeneous Siklos spacetimes

    Three-dimensional curvature homogeneous hypersurfaces

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    summary:This paper is motivated by the open problem whether a three-dimensional curvature homogeneous hypersurface of a real space form is locally homogeneous or not. We give some partial positive answers

    Litchi chinensis as a Functional Food and a Source of Antitumor Compounds: An Overview and a Description of Biochemical Pathways

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    Litchi is a tasty fruit that is commercially grown for food consumption and nutritional benefits in various parts of the world. Due to its biological activities, the fruit is becoming increasingly known and deserves attention not only for its edible part, the pulp, but also for its peel and seed that contain beneficial substances with antioxidant, cancer preventive, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory functions. Although literature demonstrates the biological activity of Litchi components in reducing tumor cell viability in in vitro or in vivo models, data about the biochemical mechanisms responsible for these effects are quite fragmentary. This review specifically describes, in a comprehensive analysis, the antitumor properties of the different parts of Litchi and highlights the main biochemical mechanisms involved

    Multifaceted Health Benefits of Mangifera indica L. (Mango): The Inestimable Value of Orchards Recently Planted in Sicilian Rural Areas

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    Historically, Mangifera indica L. cultivations have been widely planted in tropical areas of India, Africa, Asia, and Central America. However, at least 20 years ago its spreading allowed the development of some cultivars in Sicily, an island to the south of Italy, where the favourable subtropical climate and adapted soils represent the perfect field to create new sources of production for the Sicilian agricultural supply chain. Currently, cultivations of Kensington Pride, Keitt, Glenn, Maya, and Tommy Atkins varieties are active in Sicily and their products meet the requirements of local and European markets. Mango plants produce fleshy stone fruits rich in phytochemicals with an undisputed nutritional value for its high content of polyphenolics and vitamins. This review provides an overview of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties of mango, a fruit that should be included in everyone\u2019s diet for its multifaceted biochemical actions and health-enhancing properties

    Homogeneous geodesics of non-unimodular Lorentzian Lie groups and naturally reductive Lorentzian spaces in dimension three

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    We determine, for all three-dimensional non-unimodular Lie groups equipped with a Lorentzian metric, the set of homogeneous geodesics through a point. Together with the results of [C] and [CM2], this leads to the full classification of three-dimensional Lorentzian g.o. spaces and naturally reductive spaces

    WIN55,212-2-induced expression of Mir-29b1 favours the suppression of osteosarcoma cell migration in a SPARC-independent manner

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    WIN55,212-2 (WIN) is a synthetic agonist of cannabinoid receptors that displays promising antitumour properties. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that WIN is able to block the migratory ability of osteosarcoma cells and characterize the mechanisms involved. Using wound healing assay and zymography, we showed that WIN affects cell migration and reduces the activity of the metalloproteases MMP2 and MMP9. This effect seemed to be independent of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), a matricellular protein involved in tissue remodeling and extracellular matrix deposition. SPARC release was indeed prevented by WIN, and SPARC silencing by RNA interference did not influence the effect of the cannabinoid on cell migration. WIN also increased the release of extracellular vesicles and dramatically upregulated miR-29b1, a key miRNA that modulates cell proliferation and migration. Interestingly, reduced cell migration was observed in stably miR-29b1-transfected cells, similarly to WIN-treated cells. Finally, we show the absence of SPARC in the extracellular vesicles released by osteosarcoma cells and no changes in SPARC level in miR-29b1 overexpressing cells. Overall, these findings suggest that WIN markedly affects cell migration, dependently on miR-29b1 and independently of SPARC, and can thus be considered as a potential innovative therapeutic agent in the treatment of osteosarcoma