255 research outputs found

    Incorporation of Molecular Nanoparticles Inside Proteins: The Trojan Horse Approach in Theranostics

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    CONSPECTUS: Molecular nanoparticles, MNPs, characterized by well-defined chemical formulas, structures, and sizes can interact with a variety of proteins. Fullerenes, carboranes, and gold nanoclusters well represent the diversity of MNPs properties available in nanoscience. They can have diameters smaller than 1.5 nm, be hydrophilic or hydrophobic, and can use a paraphernalia of means to establish local and global interactions with the amino acidic residues of proteins. Proteins, endowed as they are with an assortment of pockets, crevices, and gaps are natural supramolecular hosts to incorporate/hide/transport MNPs directly in water with a facile and "green" approach.This Account identifies and discusses the rules that govern the interactions and binding between MNPs and proteins. Fullerenes are composed solely by carbon atoms arranged to form hollow polyhedra. Hydrophobic interactions occur between aliphatic residues and the fullerene surface. The amino acids most effectively interacting with fullerenes are aromatic residues that establish p-p stacking interactions with the cage. Amphiphilic and charged residues produce also cation-p, anion-p, and surfactant-like interactions with the cages.Carboranes are composed of boron, carbon, and hydrogen atoms, also arranged to form cages. They are hydrophobic with unusual properties originating from the presence of boron atoms. Hydride-like hydrogens bound to the boron atoms govern carborane chemistry. These negatively charged hydrogens do not participate in classic hydrogen bonding with water and promote hydrophobic interactions with proteins. On the contrary, the electronegativity of these hydrogens drives the formation of unconventional dihydrogen bonds with the acidic hydrogen atoms of positively charged amino acid. Carboranes also establish C-H center dot center dot center dot p and B-H center dot center dot center dot p interactions with aromatic residues.Gold nanoclusters, AuNCs, are synthesizable with atomically precise stoichiometry. Amino acid residues with sulfur atoms or with nitrogen-containing heterocycles are the strongest Au binders. The proteins can act as supramolecular hosts but also as templates for the synthesis of AuNCs directly inside the protein core. Of the pristine amino acids, tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid are the most efficient reducing groups. In a peptide sequence, the best Au-reducing moieties are obtained by nitrogencontaining residue such as glutamine, asparagine, arginine, and lysine. The investigation of the interactions between AuNCs and proteins therefore adds further complexity with respect to that of fullerenes and carboranes. The selection of the host proteins should consider that they will have to contain active sites for metal ion accumulation and ion reduction where AuNC can form and stabilize. This Account further discusses the hybridization of MNPs with proteins in view of creating innovative multifunctional theranostic platforms where the role of proteins is akin to that of "Trojan Horses" since they can (i) hide the MNPs, (ii) control their cellular uptake, (iii) drive their crossing of physiological barriers, and (iv) ultimately govern their biological fate

    The stability and dispersion of carbon nanotube-polymer solutions: A molecular dynamics study

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    Carbon nanotubes have been explored to increase the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of polymeric fibers through compounding with polymer to be extruded into fibers. However, this route creates major challenges because carbon nanotubes have strong cohesion and tend to aggregate and precipitate due to their poor interfacial interaction with polymers. In this study, classical molecular dynamics simulations are used to predict and characterize carbon nanotubes-polymer interface mechanism in two different polymer matrices: polyvinyl butyral and polystyrene-co-glycidyl methacrylate. The dominated interface mechanisms are discovered to shed light on carbon nanotubes dispersion in solvent based systems and to explore the prerequisites for stabilized nanofluids. Our results showed that π-stacking interactions between aromatic groups and graphene surfaces of carbon nanotubes as in polystyrene-co-glycidyl methacrylate systems, play an important role in dispersion of carbon nanotubes, whereas slight repulsions between carbon nanotubes and polyvinyl butyral chains lead to large morphological differences and carbon nanotubes bundles in many chain systems. Altogether, the results indicated that polymers with structures having strong interactions with the surfaces of carbon nanotubes through π–π interactions are more effective in dispersing carbon nanotubes and caused stabilized solutions in wet fiber processing

    Dissecting the supramolecular dispersion of fullerenes by proteins/peptides: Amino acid ranking and driving forces for binding to c60

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were used to quantitatively investigate the interactions between the twenty proteinogenic amino acids and C60. The conserved amino acid backbone gave a constant energetic interaction ~5.4 kcal mol−1, while the contribution to the binding due to the amino acid side chains was found to be up to ~5 kcal mol−1 for tryptophan but lower, to a point where it was slightly destabilizing, for glutamic acid. The effects of the interplay between van der Waals, hydrophobic, and polar solvation interactions on the various aspects of the binding of the amino acids, which were grouped as aromatic, charged, polar and hydrophobic, are discussed. Although π–π interactions were dominant, surfactant‐like and hydrophobic effects were also observed. In the molecular dynamics simulations, the interacting residues displayed a tendency to visit configura-tions (i.e., regions of the Ramachandran plot) that were absent when C60 was not present. The amino acid backbone assumed a “tepee‐like” geometrical structure to maximize interactions with the fullerene cage. Well‐defined conformations of the most interactive amino acids (Trp, Arg, Met) side chains were identified upon C60 binding

    Putting a “C60 Ball” and Chain to Chlorin e6 Improves Its Cellular Uptake and Photodynamic Performances

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    Chlorin e6 (Ce6) and fullerene (C60) are among the most used photosensitizers (PSs) for photodynamic therapy (PDT). Through the combination of the chemical and photophysical properties of Ce6 and C60, in principle, we can obtain an “ideal” photosensitizer that is able to bypass the limitations of the two molecules alone, i.e., the low cellular uptake of Ce6 and the scarce solubility and absorption in the red region of the C60. Here, we synthesized and characterized a Ce6–C60 dyad. The UV-Vis spectrum of the dyad showed the typical absorption bands of both fullerene and Ce6, while a quenching of Ce6 fluorescence was observed. This behavior is typical in the formation of a fullerene–antenna system and is due to the intramolecular energy, or electron transfer from the antenna (Ce6) to the fullerene. Consequently, the Ce6–C60 dyad showed an enhancement in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Flow cytometry measurements demonstrated how the uptake of the Ce6 was strongly improved by the conjugation with C60. The Ce6–C60 dyad exhibited in A431 cancer cells low dark toxicity and a higher PDT efficacy than Ce6 alone, due to the enhancement of the uptake and the improvement of ROS generation

    pH Switchable Water Dispersed Photocatalytic Nanoparticles

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    Photogeneration of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) finds applications in fields as different as nanomedicine, art preservation, air and water depollution and surface decontamination. Here we present photocatalytic nanoparticles (NP) that are active only at acidic pH while they do not show relevant ROS photo-generation at neutral pH. This dual responsivity (to light and pH) is achieved by stabilizing the surface of TiO2 NP with a specific organic shell during the synthesis and it is peculiar of the achieved core shell-structure, as demonstrated by comparison with commercial photocatalytic TiO2 NP. For the investigation of the photocatalytic activity, we developed two methods that allow real time detection of the process preventing any kind of artifact arising from post-treatments and delayed analysis. The reversibility of the pH response was also demonstrated as well as the selective photo-killing of cancer cells at acidic pH

    Dissecting the Interactions between Chlorin e6 and Human Serum Albumin

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    Chlorin e6 (Ce6) is among the most used sensitizers in photodynamic (PDT) and sonodynamic (SDT) therapy; its low solubility in water, however, hampers its clinical exploitation. Ce6 has a strong tendency to aggregate in physiological environments, reducing its performance as a photo/sono-sensitizer, as well as yielding poor pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. The interaction of Ce6 with human serum albumin (HSA) (i) governs its biodistribution and (ii) can be used to improve its water solubility by encapsulation. Here, using ensemble docking and microsecond molecular dynamics simulations, we identified the two Ce6 binding pockets in HSA, i.e., the Sudlow I site and the heme binding pocket, providing an atomistic description of the binding. Comparing the photophysical and photosensitizing properties of Ce6@HSA with respect to the same properties regarding the free Ce6, it was observed that (i) a red-shift occurred in both the absorption and emission spectra, (ii) a maintaining of the fluorescence quantum yield and an increase of the excited state lifetime was detected, and (iii) a switch from the type II to the type I mechanism in a reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, upon irradiation, took place

    Effectiveness of synthetic calcite doped with Fe-EDDHSA as a slow-release Fe source: In-vitro experiment on kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa) plants

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    Doped calcite (Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3) was experimentally produced. The hypothesis of the present experiment is that, when roots get in contact with Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3, the extrusion of H+ decreases the pH and dissolves calcite with subsequent release of Fe that becomes available for roots. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether doped calcite might represent a slow-release Fe source for in-vitro grown kiwifruit plantlets. The root elongation media used in the experiment had pH 8.0 and differed from each other for Fe supply as follow: Control medium that contained complete Murashige and Skoog salt mixture, including FeSO4 and Na(2)EDTA; calcite medium enriched with Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3 as the only Fe source; -Fe medium without Fe. The absence of FeSO4 in the medium caused a reduction of plantlet growth. The final pH was higher with calcite medium than in control and -Fe. The addition of Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3 increased Fe shoot concentration when compared with the -Fe medium. The data of the present experiment show the potential Fe slow release ability of Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3; however, further investigation on Fe containing fertilizers should be conducted on potted plants to validate our result

    A Plant Bioreactor for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Bionic Nanocomposites

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    Bionic composites are an emerging class of materials produced exploiting living organisms as reactors to include synthetic functional materials in their native and highly performing structures. In this work, single wall carboxylated carbon nanotubes (SWCNT-COOH) were incorporated within the roots of living plants of Arabidopsis thaliana. This biogenic synthetic route produced a bionic composite material made of root components and SWCNT-COOH. The synthesis was possible exploiting the transport processes existing in the plant roots. Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) measurements showed that SWCNT-COOH entered the vascular bundles of A. thaliana roots localizing within xylem vessels. SWCNT-COOH preserved their electrical properties when embedded inside the root matrix, both at a microscopic level and a macroscopic level, and did not significantly affect the mechanical properties of A. thaliana roots

    A multidisciplinary study of chemico-physical properties of different classes of 2-aryl-5(or 6)-nitrobenzimidazoles: NMR, electrochemical behavior, ESR, and DFT calculations

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    Continuing in our researches on the syntheses, reactivity, pharmacological/biological activities of heterocyclic compounds containing one or more nitrogen atoms we have examined some chemico-physical properties (1H and 13C NMR, electrochemical behavior, and ESR) of three series of 2-aryl-5(or 6)-nitrobenzimidazoles (1–3) variously substituted in the 2-aryl ring. The electrochemical behavior of the nitro group on the benzimidazole ring has been studied by cyclic voltammetry. This has allowed to point out both the reversibility, the formal potential, and the number of electrons involved in the electrochemical processes, and to evaluate the effect of the substituents present on the aryl ring. The data collected have been able to furnish a complete picture of electronic distribution and have been supported by DFT calculations

    Retinoic acid/calcite micro-carriers inserted in fibrin scaffolds modulate neuronal cell differentiation

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    The controlled release of cell differentiating agents is crucial in many aspects of regenerative medicine. Here we propose the use of hybrid calcite single crystals as micro-carriers for the controlled and localized release of retinoic acid, which is entrapped within the crystalline lattice. The release of retinoic acid occurs only in the proximity of stem cells, upon dissolution of the calcite hybrid crystals that are dispersed in the fibrin scaffold. These hybrid crystals provide a sustained dosage of the entrapped agent. The environment provided by this composite scaffold enables differentiation towards neuronal cells that form a three-dimensional neuronal network