305 research outputs found

    Retraction of "Near-Deterministic Discrimination of All Bell States with Linear Optics," Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 080403 (2011) and Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 219901 (2011)

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    The original versions (1 and 2) of this paper paper contain a fatal error. All my attempts to patch the error have failed. As a service to the community I explain the error in some detail.Comment: The original paper (v. 1 and 2) was retracted from Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 080403 (2011) and its Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 107. 219901 (2011

    Complete and Deterministic discrimination of polarization Bell state assisted by momentum entanglement

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    A complete and deterministic Bell state measurement was realized by a simple linear optics experimental scheme which adopts 2-photon polarization-momentum hyperentanglement. The scheme, which is based on the discrimination among the single photon Bell states of the hyperentangled state, requires the adoption of standard single photon detectors. The four polarization Bell states have been measured with average fidelity F=0.889±0.010F=0.889\pm0.010 by using the linear momentum degree of freedom as the ancilla. The feasibility of the scheme has been characterized as a function of the purity of momentum entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, v2, comments adde

    All non-classical correlations can be activated into distillable entanglement

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    We devise a protocol in which general non-classical multipartite correlations produce a physically relevant effect, leading to the creation of bipartite entanglement. In particular, we show that the relative entropy of quantumness, which measures all non-classical correlations among subsystems of a quantum system, is equivalent to and can be operationally interpreted as the minimum distillable entanglement generated between the system and local ancillae in our protocol. We emphasize the key role of state mixedness in maximizing non-classicality: Mixed entangled states can be arbitrarily more non-classical than separable and pure entangled states.Comment: 4+4 pages, 1 figure. Published versio

    Experimental reversion of the optimal quantum cloning and flipping processes

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    The quantum cloner machine maps an unknown arbitrary input qubit into two optimal clones and one optimal flipped qubit. By combining linear and non-linear optical methods we experimentally implement a scheme that, after the cloning transformation, restores the original input qubit in one of the output channels, by using local measurements, classical communication and feedforward. This significant teleportation-like method demonstrates how the information is preserved during the cloning process. The realization of the reversion process is expected to find useful applications in the field of modern multi-partite quantum cryptography.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Characterizing quantumness via entanglement creation

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    In [M. Piani et al., arXiv:1103.4032 (2011)] an activation protocol was introduced which maps the general non-classical (multipartite) correlations between given systems into bipartite entanglement between the systems and local ancillae by means of a potentially highly entangling interaction. Here, we study how this activation protocol can be used to entangle the starting systems themselves via entanglement swapping through a measurement on the ancillae. Furthermore, we bound the relative entropy of quantumness (a naturally arising measure of non-classicality in the scheme of Piani et al. above) for a special class of separable states, the so-called classical-quantum states. In particular, we fully characterize the classical-quantum two-qubit states that are maximally non-classical.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, submitted to special issue of IJQ

    Phase-Covariant Quantum Benchmarks

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    We give a quantum benchmark for teleportation and quantum storage experiments suited for pure and mixed test states. The benchmark is based on the average fidelity over a family of phase-covariant states and certifies that an experiment can not be emulated by a classical setup, i.e., by a measure-and-prepare scheme. We give an analytical solution for qubits, which shows important differences with standard state estimation approach, and compute the value of the benchmark for coherent and squeezed states, both pure and mixed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Real-time calibration of coherent-state receivers: learning by trial and error

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    The optimal discrimination of coherent states of light with current technology is a key problem in classical and quantum communication, whose solution would enable the realization of efficient receivers for long-distance communications in free-space and optical fiber channels. In this article, we show that reinforcement learning (RL) protocols allow an agent to learn near-optimal coherent-state receivers made of passive linear optics, photodetectors and classical adaptive control. Each agent is trained and tested in real time over several runs of independent discrimination experiments and has no knowledge about the energy of the states nor the receiver setup nor the quantum-mechanical laws governing the experiments. Based exclusively on the observed photodetector outcomes, the agent adaptively chooses among a set of ~3 10^3 possible receiver setups, and obtains a reward at the end of each experiment if its guess is correct. At variance with previous applications of RL in quantum physics, the information gathered in each run is intrinsically stochastic and thus insufficient to evaluate exactly the performance of the chosen receiver. Nevertheless, we present families of agents that: (i) discover a receiver beating the best Gaussian receiver after ~3 10^2 experiments; (ii) surpass the cumulative reward of the best Gaussian receiver after ~10^3 experiments; (iii) simultaneously discover a near-optimal receiver and attain its cumulative reward after ~10^5 experiments. Our results show that RL techniques are suitable for on-line control of quantum receivers and can be employed for long-distance communications over potentially unknown channels.Comment: 14+3 pages, 11 figure

    Growth of graph states in quantum networks

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    We propose a scheme to distribute graph states over quantum networks in the presence of noise in the channels and in the operations. The protocol can be implemented efficiently for large graph sates of arbitrary (complex) topology. We benchmark our scheme with two protocols where each connected component is prepared in a node belonging to the component and subsequently distributed via quantum repeaters to the remaining connected nodes. We show that the fidelity of the generated graphs can be written as the partition function of a classical Ising-type Hamiltonian. We give exact expressions of the fidelity of the linear cluster and results for its decay rate in random graphs with arbitrary (uncorrelated) degree distributions.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Conditional beam splitting attack on quantum key distribution

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    We present a novel attack on quantum key distribution based on the idea of adaptive absorption [calsam01]. The conditional beam splitting attack is shown to be much more efficient than the conventional beam spitting attack, achieving a performance similar to the, powerful but currently unfeasible, photon number splitting attack. The implementation of the conditional beam splitting attack, based solely on linear optical elements, is well within reach of current technology.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.