27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of school menus: Comparing public, private and charter schools

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    Objetivo Evaluar los menús ofertados en los colegios públicos, privados y concertados de la ciudad de Sevilla (España) para los diferentes grupos de edad escolar. Métodos Se consideró un total de 86 colegios, incluyendo centros públicos, privados y concertados, representando a todos los distritos de la ciudad. Cuatro colegios disponían de cocina propia, mientras el resto tenían contratado un catering. Los menús iban dirigidos a escolares de entre 3 a 16 años. Se evaluó el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones respecto a la frecuencia mensual de los distintos grupos de alimentos, repetición de recetas, variabilidad de técnicas culinarias y equilibrio nutricional. Para el tratamiento estadístico se utilizó el programa Statistica 7. Resultados En la mayoría de comedores escolares la oferta de frutas, verduras y legumbres era deficitaria a diferencia de los postres lácteos, carnes y patatas. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los tres tipos de colegio respecto a la frecuencia mensual de alimentos, siendo los públicos los que más se ajustaban a las recomendaciones. La mayoría de los comedores evaluados no aportaban menús suficientemente detallados así como se observó falta de variedad de técnicas culinarias. La energía no se ajustaba a las necesidades de todos los grupos de edad y la distribución de macronutrientes sólo era adecuada en el 50% de los menús. Conclusión Aunque se ha observado una evolución favorable de los menús respecto a estudios anteriores hay que seguir trabajando en aumentar la oferta de frutas y verduras, disminuir el aporte de lípidos y proteínas, así como adaptar la energía de los menús a los diferentes grupos de edad.Objective To evaluate menus offered in public, private and charter schools in the city of Seville (Spain) for different groups of school children. Methods A total of 86 schools were evaluated, including public, private and charter schools, which represented every district of the city. Four schools possessed their own kitchen, while the others had hired a catering service. The menus were aimed at school children aged between 3 and 16 years. The adequacy of menus regarding the monthly frequency of the different food groups, recipe repetition, variability of cooking techniques and nutritional balance were evaluated according to the recommendations. Statistica 7 software was used for statistical analysis. Results In most school cafeterias fruits, vegetables and legumes supply was defincient compared to dairy desserts, meats and potatoes. Significant differences regarding the monthly food frequency were observed between the three types of school, being the public schools the ones the most followed the recommendations. Most school cafeterias evaluated did not provide sufficiently detailed menus and a lack of variety of culinary techniques was observed.The calories offered did not meet the needs of all age groups and macronutrient distribution was only adequate in 50% of the evaluated menus. Conclusion Although there has been a favourable evolution of menus from previous studies, further work is needed to increase the offer of fruits and vegetables, to reduce the intake from lipids and protein, as well as to adapt the calories of the menus to the different age groups

    Key odorants of the typical aroma of Sherry vinegar

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    A representative Sherry vinegar was analysed by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O). Two GC-O techniques were used targeting compounds with impact on the perceived quality of Sherry vinegar, i.e. detection frequency and aroma extract dilution analysis. A total of 108 aromatic notes were detected and 64 of them were identified. Diacetyl, isoamyl acetate, acetic acid, and sotolon reached the highest frequency and flavour dilution (FD) factors. Ethyl acetate accounted for the maximum frequency but had only a FD factor of 4. Similarity tests were performed between the Sherry vinegar and model solutions of all possible combinations of these compounds. The highest value from the similarity test was observed when diacetyl, ethyl acetate and sotolon were added simultaneously. The profile of this model solution and the representative Sherry vinegar showed a good similarity in the general aroma description, which emphasises the important contribution of these 3 compounds to the global aroma of this vinegar

    Menus offered in early childhood education centers of Seville: adaptation to the nutritional criteria and dietary recommendations

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    Introducción: en la actualidad existe un déficit en la evaluación de comedores dirigidos a niños menores de 3 años, a pesar de que se han realizado numerosas intervenciones en los comedores escolares con el fin de conseguir una alimentación segura y adecuada. Objetivo: realizar una evaluación nutricional de los menús ofertados en los centros de educación infantil de Sevilla. Material and methods: se evaluó la frecuencia, variedad, rotación de alimentos, métodos culinarios e información de los menús de seis centros infantiles de Sevilla. Se valoró el aporte energético y nutricional mediante el programa Dietowin® y el método de pesada. Resultados: las frutas y verduras fueron deficitarias en la mayoría de los menús, y excesivas la carne, patatas, pasta y arroz. Se observó una escasa variedad de recetas por grupo de alimentos y no se daba una información completa del menú. Sin embargo, la variedad de procesos culinarios y la rotación de alimentos fueron adecuadas. Aunque la energía y el aporte de carbohidratos (~55%) se ajustaban a las necesidades, se observó un aporte excesivo de proteínas (~19%) y deficiente de lípidos (< 30%), sobre todo de grasas insaturadas. Respecto a los micronutrientes, solo vitamina C, E y calcio estaban por debajo de lo recomendado. Conclusiones: los centros de educación infantil están haciendo un gran esfuerzo por cumplir las recomendaciones nutricionales, pero todavía deben disminuir el aporte proteico y aumentar las grasas insaturadas de la dieta. Además, deben fomentar la oferta de frutas y verduras, ampliar la variedad de recetas, dar mayor información y disminuir el aporte de alimentos cárnicos.Introduction: Today there is a lack in the evaluation of canteens aimed at children under 3 years although there have been numerous interventions in school canteens in order to achieve a safe and adequate food. Objective: To perform a nutritional assessment of menus offered in early childhood education centres of Seville. Material and methods: The frequency, variety, rotation of food, cooking methods and information of 6-childhood centre’s menus from Seville were evaluated. Energy and nutrient intakes were assessed by Dietowin® program and weighing method. Results: Fruits and vegetables were defi cient in most menus, and meat, potatoes, pasta and rice were excessive. A poor variety of recipes by food group was observed and the menu gave no comprehensive information. However, the variety of culinary processes and food rotation were adequate. Although energy and carbohydrate intake (~55%) complied with the requirements, an excessive protein intake (~19%) and low lipid intake (< 30%), especially unsaturated fats, was observed. Regarding micronutrients, only calcium, vitamin C and E were below recommended. Conclusions: The early childhood centres are making a great effort to meet the nutritional recommendations, but they still should reduce the protein intake and increase unsaturated fats in the diet. They should also encourage the offer of fruit and vegetables, expand the variety of recipes, provide more information and decrease meat food intake

    Influence of Irrigation Modalities (Irrigation Management and Dryland), Fruit Ripening, and Cultivation Modality (Organic and Conventional) on Quality and Chemosensory Profile of Hojiblanca and Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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    A study with controlled field and authentic samples of olives, obtained in similar conditions of soil, climate, region, harvest, and with the same cultivation techniques and considering simultaneously different agronomic factors (olive variety, fruit ripening degree, irrigation, and organic or conventional production system) is performed to evaluate their influence on quality and added value of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Agronomical and physicochemical parameters, polyphenols, tocopherols, and fatty acid composition and volatile and sensory profiles are determined in Hojiblanca and Picual VOOs obtained from different fruit ripening degrees and different cultivation modalities (conventional with and without irrigation, and organic with irrigation). Among volatile compounds, 1-hydroxy-2-propanone, (E)-linalool oxide, and 2-acetylfuran are described for the first time in EVOO. The variable that most influences the chemosensory composition of EVOOs is the variety, followed by the stage of ripeness, and, within each variety, the cultivation modality. Organic irrigation differ from conventional modalities, showing significant differences in acidity, stability, tocopherol and polyphenol contents, fatty acid composition, and sensory attributes. Practical Applications: Results are of great importance, due to their applicability to the EVOO sector, allowing one to know the qualitative, chemical and organoleptic differences between organic and conventional EVOO, and factors that improve the quality and performance of EVOO.Junta de Andalucía P18-TP-285

    Comparison of the novel thin film-solid phase microextraction and sorptive extraction methods for Picual and Hojiblanca olive oil volatile fraction analysis in headspace

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    For first time, the new device named thin film solid phase microextraction (TF-SPME) has been used to determine the volatile profile of the Picual and Hojiblanca varieties of extra virgin olive oils. To this end, different traditional sampling methods such as headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE) with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polyethyleneglycol-modified silicone (EG/Silicone) Twisters® have been compared with the TF-SPME devices coated with different extraction polymeric phases. PARADISe software was used as a non-targeting method to process all data. The best results were obtained by HSSE-PDMS and 2TF-SPME. Moreover, the 2TF-SPME extraction method achieved the most adequate results of linearity for most compounds, according to F-values, while the intermediate precision results were similar for both 2TF-SPME and HSSE-PDMS sampling methods. Different sensitivity was observed between both sampling methods depending on the volatile compound, without being clearly influenced by the polarity of them. Although both sampling methods enabled the main active aroma of olive oil to be determined and for them to be differentiated according to olive variety, the 2TF-SPME method appears to be the most suitable for this goal.CONICYT 1171227Junta de Andalucía P18-TP-285

    Influence of the Washing Process and the Time of Fruit Harvesting throughout the Day on Quality and Chemosensory Profile of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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    In recent years, there has been a growing demand for organic extra virgin olive oils (OEVOOs) as quality products with greater added value. The aim of the present work was to determine whether the washing process and time of harvesting (morning or afternoon) plays an important role in the quality of Picual OEVOOs by studying quality parameters (degree of acidity, peroxide value, K232, K270, oxidative stability), and volatile and sensory profiles. Olive fruits were harvested at three maturity stages and within each phase at two times of the day (morning and afternoon). Then, samples were divided into two blocks (washed and unwashed). Volatile profile was obtained by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Regarding the physicochemical quality parameters, sensory and volatile profiles, there were no differences between the oils produced under the two treatments applied (washed/non-washed). However, the time of harvesting (morning or afternoon) did influence the volatile and sensory profile, with higher values in the oils obtained from fruits harvested in the morning, being statistically significant for the families of aldehydes, hydrocarbures and lactones. Besides, the olives harvested during the mornings gave rise to oils with higher values in the green and apple fruit attributes.Junta de Andalucía US-138083

    ATR-FTIR as a potential tool for controlling high quality vinegar categories

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    Characterization of wine vinegars qualified with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is crucial to certify their quality and authenticity. Spectroscopic techniques as Fourier transform mid infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) has been applied to investigate its potential as a rapid, cost-effective and non-destructive tool for characterizing different categories of high-quality vinegars. Spectra from 67 wine vinegars belonging to the PDOs “Vinagre de Jerez” and “Vinagre Condado de Huelva”, including their different established categories, were analyzed in the 4000–600 cm−1 infrared region. Changes associated to categories were observed in the region 1800–900 cm−1. These changes were assigned to certain compounds that increase during aging (e.g. acetic acids, alcohols, esters) or are characteristic of Pedro Ximenez category (e.g. sugars, furfural). Principal component analysis carried out on the most relevant spectral features, revealed that aging of vinegars clearly affect the ATR-FTIR spectra obtained in each PDO.Junta de Andalucía P12-AGR-160

    Influence of the ripening chamber's geographical location on dry-cured Iberian ham's key odorants

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    Olfactometric and sensory analyses have been applied to study the possible influence of the ripening chamber’s geographical location on the aroma sensory profiles and key odorants of Iberian ham. Dry-cured Iberian ham was obtained from 3 acorn-fed pigs and, for the first time, both of the participating production facilities, located in two different Andalusian municipalities with different altitudes above mean sea level, processed one of the two hind legs from each pig. The descriptive sensory profile of orthonasal and retronasal odours was determined by trained panellists, while odour-active compounds were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-olfactometry (GC/MS-O). The results obtained showed that, separately, both techniques enable Iberian ham samples to be differentiated by their ripening chamber’s geographical location. For sensory analysis, retronasal sensory analysis appeared to be the most suitable for this goal, highlighting the “meat broth odour” and “roasted nuts odour” descriptors which presented significant differences between geographical locations for samples from all pigs. Moreover, ripening chamber’s geographical location characteristics and the initial composition of the raw material seemed to influence the content of some odour-active compounds. The odour-active compound identified as octane/acetone and isobutanol were conditioned by the ripening chamber’s geographical location, while decanal/2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 1-undecanol, 2-furanmethanol and cis-2-nonenal were also influenced by the individual pig itself. This study showed that slight climatological differences due to the location of the ripening chamber seem to have somewhat of an influence on the aromatic profile.Universidad de Sevilla VIPPIT-2019-I

    Estudio comparativo del consumo de aminoácidos y amonio en acetificaciones con cultivo superficial y amonio en acetificaciones con cultivo superficial y sumergido

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    Se han estudiado los cambios en el contenido de aminoácidos y amonio durante diferentes procesos de acetificación de tres vinos tintos mediante cultivo superficial y cultivo sumergido (8 acetificaciones superficiales y 3 sumergidas). Se tomaron muestras al inicio y al final de las mismas. La determinación de aminoácidos y amonio se realizó por CLAE-fluorescencia empleando AQC como agente de derivatización precolumna. Este método, validado satisfactoriamente, demostró su utilidad para el análisis rutinario de dichos compuestos durante la acetificación. Los resultados mostraron que al inicio de la acetificación el aminoácido más abundante fue prolina seguido de arginina. Se observó un comportamiento diferente entre los dos métodos de acetificación, siendo mucho menor el consumo de aminoácidos en la acetificación sumergida que en la superficial. En esta última, el más consumido fue la prolina, siendo la arginina la principal fuente de nitrógeno en los sistemas sumergidos, lo cual parece estar relacionado con la especie de bacterias acéticas implicadas en el proceso. Además, parece existir cierta correlación entre requerimiento de nitrógeno de estas bacterias y duración del proceso de acetificación