28 research outputs found

    A new form of alpine salamander

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    Salamanders collected near Asiago North of Vicenza were studied. From their morphological and embryological characteristics and electrophoretic patterns of haemoglobins and LDH isoenzymes they were interpreted as a possible new subspecies of Salamandra atra Laur

    Azione dell'Ara C sull'eritropoiesi embrionale nel pollo: pattern emoglobinico.

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    none4La citoarabina (1-B-D arabinofuranosilcitosina) è un antimetabolita pirimidinico capace di espletare una potente inibizione della sintesi del DNA. Riguardo alla sua azione sui precursori eritroidi è stata dimostrata anche una marcata stimolazione della sintesi emoglobinica fetale sia in vivo che in vitro. Nell'embrione di pollo i geni per la sintesi delle emoglobine embrionali sono attivi sino al 5° giorno, mentre l'attivazione dei geni deputati alla sintesi delle emoglobine adulte inizia al 6° giorno. lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di verificare la possibilità, da parte della Citoarabina (Ara C), di modificare la regolazione temporale della sintesi delle differenti emoglobine nell'embrione di pollo.noneRosaspina S.; Salvatorelli G.; Marchetti M. G.; Callegarini C. A.Rosaspina, S.; Salvatorelli, Germano; Marchetti, Maria Gabriella; Callegarini, C. A

    Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in diabetics: motor conductions are important in the differential diagnosis with diabetic polyneuropathy

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    It is important to recognize CIDP occurring in diabetics because, unlike diabetic polyneuropathy, it is treatable. The aim of this study was to find out whether there are clues which help to differentiate CIDP in diabetics from diabetic polyneuropathy. METHODS: We compared the electrophysiological and pathological findings of 7 diabetics, who developed a predominantly motor polyneuropathy with the features of CIDP, with a group of diabetics referred for symptomatic polyneuropathy. RESULTS: Of the 7 diabetics we believe developed CIDP, 6 met at least 3 and one patient two of the 4 electrophysiological criteria of demyelination. Of the 100 patients referred for diabetic polyneuropathy, only 4 fulfilled two criteria and none 3. Nerve biopsy findings were not helpful in differential diagnosis, as segmental demyelination and remyelination, onion bulbs and inflammatory infiltrates, which are the histologic features of CIDP, were also present in diabetic polyneuropathy. CONCLUSIONS: CIDP can be diagnosed in a diabetic patient when motor symptoms are predominant, are more severe than expected in diabetic polyneuropathy and 3 of the 4 electrophysiological criteria for demyelination are fulfilled. When only two criteria are met, we believe that a trial with one of the established treatments for CIDP may be helpful in confirming the diagnosi